A/N: I do not own Glee.

Chapter 1 – Who Is The New Girl?

As everyday would go by, Quinn wakes up to do the same routine she has for the past 4 years of her life. Wake up, go to the bathroom, and get dressed. Then go back to tie her hair up while making sure there are no fly always because Coach Sylvester will chew her up in the morning. To be a Cheerio, the standard is perfect and as head captain she needs to represent that. Quinn doesn't really know when that became her mantra.

The blonde haired girl looks into the mirror like every day she has done before and starts her make up. When she is finished, she stares back at the reflection in the mirror contemplating. She keeps her face blank while she closes her eyes and then she changes her face. When she opens them again, a perfect scowl is etched into her face the one she wears every day to school. She made sure she perfected that look.

Quinn does the same thing again only when she opens her eyes again her face doesn't have a scowl but an odd look, a lonely look, a haunted look. She doesn't know when she got this face but when she starts to think about family, her mother, her father and her sister this is what happens. The cheerleader doesn't like this look but it's there so changes her face again.

This time when she looks in the reflection she sees the smile, the straight white teeth, the plump red lips, the poised position but she hates it. Quinn hates it because its fake and she knows it. This is the show she has perfected to make others envy her. To make girls hate her, to make the school part for her but she hates it. She hates it because it's perfect and not real.

If the cheerio were to be honest, she doesn't like being the center of attention. She doesn't like having to scowl at everyone. She doesn't like the bitch face she has to put on every day. She doesn't like having to yell and scream at her squad to get the looks that she does. To have a team who listens but will gladly take the chance to knock her down. She likes being a cheerleader, just not things it takes to be one.

Quinn drops her face and leaves it blank she doesn't have the time to think of what she should be when she already has things that are and can't change it, not now. As she leaves her room and bounds down the stairs the same rush goes through her as she peers around stepping onto the floor. The house as always is cold, dark and empty. She can't even remember the last time she felt warmth in this space called home, it doesn't feel like home. It hasn't for a very long time.

When she gets her breakfast or what allowed for breakfast because Coach says so, she turns to the living room. There as always is Judy Fabray, knocked out on the coach, hair disheveled, body splayed everywhere. And in the older blondes hand is the best friend that has consumed her life for the past few years. Quinn narrows her eyes and shakes her head, today the best friend is Jack Daniels.

Quinn could say she would blame her father for all this, for walking out them when she was younger. For cheating on her mother with a woman who could be her sister. But she heard that her father got some karma and is somewhere out of the country because greed got the best of him and he is now being charged with tax evasion. But even before that her mother was just a shell of a person and with the divorce money she spends it all on the rainbow of liquor's.

The only person Quinn can genuinely smile at is her sister. Francine Fabray the girl who took Quinn out for ice cream. Who watched movies with her at night. Who made her favorite sandwich outside on the porch. Who tucked her in after a nightmare and defended her from the bullies. The sister who told her to never listen to her father to be who you are. She wishes her sister never left for college because the blonde misses her and the warmth she brang.

When Quinn walks out to her car the wind outside is cool but the temperature is warm it really is only the middle of august. The drive to her school is like any other day, boring, slow and empty. She makes it into the parking lot not paying attention to anything because she has no desire to, she just wants out of Ohio and this is last place she will be before she is gone.

"Mornin' Prude!"

"Thanks Santana I'm happy to see you too." Quinn retorts as she sorts out the books in her locker

"So did you hear?"

Quinn pops her head out to face the dark haired girl "What was I supposed to hear?"

"Apparently there's a new girl here and she's hot."

"Why would anyone in the right mind, come here."

Santana snorts "I don't know maybe the girl is psycho but when I find out who her is…Well ima gets a piece of that."

Quinn closes her locker and quirks her brow up "Ever since everyone found out about you because of Finn, you have been the biggest lesbian on earth."

"That's because girls in Lima like a taste of Auntie Sanny."

"Right and Brittany?" Quinn drawls out

Santana faces the blonde "That's different and you know it."

Quinn puts up her hands in defense "I was just saying, San."

"Yeah whatever, you should look out too apparently a few came with her. Little entourage and shit."

"And why would I look out for-"

Before Quinn could retort a commotion happens down the hall as people start to murmur and whisper. Then red hair and a microphone appear and Quinn just about groans because god the last thing she wants to do is deal with is this.

"What the hell do you want Jewfro!" Santana yells

"Santana as much as the school loves you, I'm not here for y-"

"Listen here you little sh-"

"Quinn Fabray! Head cheerio and Resident Ice Queen of McKinley. Have you heard? Noah Puckerman or known as Puck and sex shark of the school or more commonly known as your boyfriend, has cheated on you and got said girl, pregnant!"

Three things happen. Quinn gets pissed because that's her private life out there and getting cheated on isn't really the best feeling. The hallways get quiet waiting for the Head of the school to react. And Santana, well Santana has Quinn's back so she literally shoves Jewfro out the way and grabs Quinn to the nearest bathroom.

"What the fuck do you want me to do Quinn, tell me." Santana asks her hands on Quinn's shoulders

"I don't, I don't really know."

"How cou- Shit Quinn. I'm gonna kill him."

Quinn starts to pace in the bathroom her anger rising "I should have known better, so stupid!" she runs a hand through her hair "God Santana, why would he, Am I seriously not enough?" she stops to face her friend "Where's Brittany?"

Santana gives Quinn a dumbstruck look because that's the last thing she was expecting to hear "Uhm, Britt's is out with the coach making sure the choreography is good but Q that's not the point here."

"Santana we have been going out for so long, me… I Left Finn for him!" the blonde starts pacing again "This is just ridiculous I know..."

"…Q you're making me dizzy here."

"This is karma for me being a bitch because I wouldn't put out, this is just, Ugh! Does everything have to revolve around sex.."

"Well were teenagers and he's a guy so yeah sex is always on our mi-"

"Santana am I not enough!" Quinn yells angry tears forming in her eyes

"Quinn fucking Fabray listen to me!" Santana yells exasperated "You are a prude I'm not even going to sugar coar that shit, yeah you left pizza nipples for the biggest man whore in school you shouldn't be surprised that he did what he did, is he stupid? Oh fuck yeah."

Santana eyes Quinn "You gotta be strong now Q. He did some messed up shit, so what if you didn't put out, you're not a easy girl. You have a damn chastity on your vag but that doesn't give the guy the right to do what he did." The Latina walks up "So what are you gonna do? What do you want me to do? 'Cause I'm ready."

Quinn takes a deep breath trying to organize her thoughts "If you see him tell him you don't know where I am, I just.. I need air…I'll see you in class. Yeah?"


Quinn starts to walk away when Santana tells her something just as she opens the door

"You're enough Quinn. You are always enough." The Latina says lowly but with no room for saying otherwise.

Quinn doesn't remember which halls she took, the people she's pushed out of her way because they didn't get out of her way fast enough. She doesn't like this feeling, the stares, the whispers and just too much attention. The school feels too small and she feels too big and she just wants air. There's just too many people and it's annoying and air where is air.

When the doors fly open and the air hits her face she feels relived and free. There's no stares, no whispers and no people. Just Quinn, the sun and wind; it's really the best feeling to be away from everything because it was just too much.

Quinn walks to the bleachers that face the mass football field. Something about the way the sun reflects off the mass of the grass. How the light chirping of the birds on the stands and lights. The way the wind comes through and calms her nerves, it's peaceful and free. And for a while she doesn't need to be the Ice Queen. She doesn't need to be the head cheerio. She can just be Quinn.

So she lets it out. She lets all of it out.

The anger of being cheated on. The guilt of leaving Finn for Puck and how this is her karma. The insecurities of not being enough, not giving enough. Quinn can't understand, she doesn't want to understand. She has had enough blood, sweat and tears to last a lifetime. She's pretty, she's popular and she works hard. She worked so hard to get to where she is. Quinn knows she smart too if all her AP classes don't prove it. So why? Because she didn't have sex with Puck? God. She might be in the celibacy club but she was just waiting until she fell in love with her boyfriend. Is love not enough either? Does she not deserve it?

And that's when she hears it.

It's the low strum of a guitar being played and someone humming along. It's peaceful, calm and free. Its acoustic and she can't help but like it because it's what she plays on her iPod on the days where sleep just doesn't happen for her.

But then she freezes. Someone is out here. Someone saw her. So she turns around scowl in place but she stops for another reason.

The person isn't even paying attention to her, they are looking down at the guitar strings a very soft furrow in the brow in place. Then she realizes this person is a girl. A very pretty girl and Quinn is not one to admit that easily. The way her short wavy chestnut hair goes down to her shoulders. The jeans that are snug and rolled up, paired with brown boots that are tied but not really. The white vneck that's under a red plaid open button down. She looks free, she looks happy, she looks herself and Quinn can't help but be jealous. To have that confidence to be yourself and not care.

Before she can do anything, the bell rings and she knows she only has a few minutes to get to class. Quinn takes a deep breath and turns to get off the bleachers but before she can walk away she feels a light tap on her shoulder. When she turns around, her scowl in place because god she knows she has to deal with people she doesn't want to but she is met with brown eyes with gold flecks in them. They hold no judgment, no pity and no sympathy. They hold something along the lines of understanding. Again before she can do anything the brown eyed girl is gone and walking with the acoustic guitar now put away hanging on the side of her shoulder.

That's when Quinn feels it.

The blonde looks down in her right hand and in it holds a Royal blue handkerchief. Quinn runs her left hand over the material. Its soft, smooth and there's gold lettering in the corner of it. She pulls the corner up to her face so she can read the lettering. There in swooped lettering holds the initials "R.B.B."

That's when Quinn notices.

Her left hand reaches her cheeks and sure enough there is a wet trail of tears down her face and she didn't even realize it. The whole entire time she was sitting on the bleachers, her mind racing, her tears showing, her being Quinn and this person was there but never made a question. Never made a move, they just walked up and gave her a handkerchief like it was some offering. She doesn't know whether to be pissed because she is Quinn Fabray, hello. Or utterly relieved because for once she was herself and nothing happened.

She finally just got to be. To just be.

So Quinn makes her way back to class, walking quickly because she doesn't want to be late and her teacher isn't really the nicest here. She ignores the looks, the whispers and the points. The blonde knows she is going to have to deal with this for a while now. Hell, she still has to deal with Puck, she doesn't even know if she has the patience to hear what he has to say. How do you explain cheating on someone?

When Quinn is about to open the door to her class, in the reflection of glass she notices her face. There right there, not forced, not planned, not for show. None of the things she does in the early morning but right there reflecting back at her is small but genuine smile. Quinn savors that look before she closes her eyes and puts a scowl on her face because she doesn't need people asking or staring.

Quinn walks in just as the bell rings and is instantly met with Santana pulling her down into the seat next to the dark haired girl.

"Where have you been?" She whispers harshly

"Out by the bleachers, I told you I needed some air."

Santana shakes her head "Puck was hounding me the whole time I almost had to go lima heights on his ass, I grabbed his balls instead."

Quinn can't help but give a small smirk at that. "What did you tell him?"

"That he's lucky that I don't have half of the football team throwing him in dumpsters and getting drowned in slushies."


The Latina huffs out "Fine. Fine. I told him that if he comes around you I'm going to find him, castrate him after I shave off that hideous dead rat on top of his head.."

Quinn narrows her eyes "And?"

"…And maybe let the whole school know how when he lost his vcard he cried like a bitch."

"He.. I… What?"

"You didn't know? Oh well shit I'm sorry." Santana deadpans.

"God, that's great, thank you Santana."

Santana smirks "You know I got your back Q, nobody fucks with my family an- wait Q, what's that?"

Quinn's eyes go wide "Nothing." as she tries to hide the handkerchief near her side

"Lemme see Blondie!" As the Latina reaches out over the blonde

"Santana..." Quinn tries to say sternly moving away

"Don't Santana me, Barbie."

"That was one time, S." Quinn stops from ducking but that was the wrong thing to do as the brunette swipes the handkerchief from the blonde. Just as Quinn is about to reach over and grab the handkerchief the teacher starts to talk. Glancing over at every student.

"Alright class today we get to learn the string theory everyone turn to page 302."

Santana throws Quinn a smug smile "Aha! Wait.. What the hell is this?" she cocks her head to the side examining it "A handkerchief? Who gave you this? Hold up- R...B...B..."

"San, can you not, Jesus!" Quinn whispers

"You're the Christ crusader here not me." The Latina mocks

"Can you just give it."

"Uh, well I would but I'm totally pissed right now."

Quinn stops moving and gives Santana the biggest incredulous look.

"Not at you really, well maybe I am cause fuck I was trying really hard." Santana murmurs more to herself then Quinn.

Quinn gives Santana another look.

"Well maybe its not even right just a coincidence…"

Quinn yet again gives Santana another look.

"God would you stop with the faces- freaking mime. You met the new girl before I did, how the hell!"

"Ms. Lopez is there anything you would like to share to the class?" the teacher announces annoyed

Santana murmurs a few curses under her breath before answering "Nope, nada."

The teacher scowls at her before returning to the board.

"Santana what the hell are you talking about?"

The Latina whips her head to the blonde almost causing said blonde to wince for her friend "Dios Mio, do you not hear anything in this school?" she snorts "Never mind of course not, the new girl I was telling you about earlier? The one I want to meet?"

"Okay…" Quinn furrows her brow

"…I found out her name and what she looks like but I couldn't find her with Puck chasing my tail, anyway as your luck would have it, the initials on this is the same as hers."

"How did you even find out- Never mind."

"How is this even fair?" Santana shakes her head

"Santana, god get your hormones in check, who is she?"

"Rachel Barbra Berry." Santana says in a matter of fact kind of way.

Quinn thinks back to the girl she saw in the bleachers, how she- no how Rachel was in her own little world. Rachel. That name fits the girl. Quinn is still pretty jealous of the girl but she can't shake how the girl just didn't care for who she was or more likely didn't know who she was maybe that's why-

"Q you gotta tell me, is she hot like they say?"


"Ms. Fabray!" the teacher scolds.

"Sorry, sorry." Quinn Mumbles.

"We totally gotta find her Q. Now we have a way."


"You have her handkerchief. I want to know who she is. We work together. I find her, you say thank you. Perfect."

Neither cheerleader say nothing to each other after that. Both their minds on different things. Quinn doesn't even know how Santana is going to find the girl. But then again it's Santana so anything is really possible. The one thing Quinn does know?

She wants to know who the hell Rachel Barbra Berry is.


Warning: A rather long Authors Note. Skip if you would like, just me introducing myself.

Hello to everyone in the Glee world! This is my first Glee fic and my first Faberry fic. (Not my first fic ever.) I'm actually writing two other Faberry fics both completely different to this one. I just want to see how this one goes with everyone.

I was actually Finchel fan at one point! (Don't kill me.) I still don't understand how I came across Faberry but I did.

I don't know how some of you have been part of this fandom from the start I would have gone insane because I got into Glee when it was already in its fifth season. Even before I knew about Faberry there were just things on the show that left me confused…


And don't even get me started on the final season and everything I've been seeing and hearing. Honestly, as big as a Faberry as I am I would rather see both girls on the show be independent.

Anyway with ALL of that said this is my way of letting my little Faberry heart roam free. Feel free to say what you think.

Until Next Time!