Erato murmured in my dreams

Disclaimer: I don't own glee

A/N: I had this conversation with Mulierositas about which part of Pezberry would freak out the most if they were waking up in the future, married to the other. We concluded it would be Rachel so I wanted to write a story about it, even if there are already a few stories with that plot. And then Sha22, freshly converted to Pezberry, offered to co-write the story with me. English isn't our mother tongue.

A/N 2: You might feel some writing style differences but it's co-written so *shrug*. Thanks Mulierositas for the corrections.

Rated M for later content.

Warning: Finn bashing, because well, how can we not?

Chapter 1: Did hell freeze over?

The TroubleTones and the New Direction were all reunited in the gymnasium and were warming up before the dodgeball game. They were ready to settle once and for all which glee club was the best.

Rachel told Finn it wasn't a good idea but the man ignored her. Resolving an issue with violence was never a solution and with all the competitiveness, things could go really wrong, really fast.

"This could be deadly." Rachel said, approaching Kurt who was tying his shoes. "I mean, facing our foes head-on without any adult supervision?"

Kurt at this point was still mad at the singer for her latest selfish act, born solely out of her obsession with being in the spotlight, running against him to be senior class president. He ignored the girl's rant and kept tying his shoes.

The lack of answer didn't stop the diva from continuing. "So, uh, you know that our NYADA applications are due next week. I only need one more letter of recommendation. I wrote to Patti LuPone on her Website, but I haven't heard from her yet, so…" She looked at her best friend, who had started stretching and was still not paying attention to her. She sighed, if chit chatting wasn't working, she could try to be more honest about her feelings. "I really… I really miss you, Kurt. And I just I just I really want to be your friend again..."

The boy sighed. "Well, maybe you should've thought of that before you walked all over me in your borderline-sociopathic climb to the top." He said sharply.

Rachel didn't have time to think about Kurt's comment since Finn blew his whistle, alerting them that the game was about to start. "Let's roadhouse!" He shouted.

"Oh, it's on, Pillsbury Dough Turd." Santana replied with a smirk, playing with the ball in her hands, eager to throw it at his face.

Rory approached them confused. "Excuse me. I've never heard of this game of dodging balls before. What's the rules?"

Instead of answering him, Santana and Finn ignored him and went to their positions, ready to start the game. Puck having heard what the Irish boy said walked toward him and gave him light pat on his shoulder. "Don't die." The mohawk man stated with a smirk.

"Let's do this." Brittany stated before pushing play on the stereo. The beginning of 'Hit me with your best shot' blasted into the room.

Balls were flying from everywhere and Rachel was trying to hide behind each member of her team, too afraid of being hit. The players were eliminated one by one by Santana's clearly superior team. The diva saw Brittany throw a ball in her direction and ducked to avoid it. She started to smile, proud of herself when Santana flung her ball right in her face. It hit her like a cannonball and she fell on the floor, incapable of recovering.

Everyone stopped abruptly and rushed at the brunette's side. Despite the tension between them, Kurt was the first to check on her. "Rachel, are you okay?" The girl stayed still, eyes closed and frozen on her spot.

Finn, seeing red, marched toward the Latinaand shouted in her face. "You're such a bitch, Santana! I swear if she's permanently injured because of you, you'll regret it."

Santana rolled her eyes before brushing past him and kneeling down next to Rachel. "Berry, stop playing dead and open your eyes now."

Rachel felt like someone was dragging her towards a water tunnel as the voices around her became less and less perceptible…


When she woke up again, there was a voice that sounded more like an echo, soft, and calling her name. "Rachel, wake up." The diva heard in her ear. Still in her daze, she felt soft lips kissing her neck, lips that definitely weren't Finn's. There were so soft against her skin and her body stiffened at the realization.

"Are you okay, my love?"

The petite brunette would recognize that raspy voice anywhere, she had heard it a thousand times during the past three years but for the first time, the voice sounded soft and … Loving. Her eyes snapped open, quickly thinking about the worst possibilities as she turned around violently to be met by Santana's soft smile. Her eyes were bright and it made her feel weirdly safe although the feeling was gone as fast as it came. This was Santana after all, her tormenter and at this thought, her eyes widened. "Santana?! What are you doing in my bed?" She tried to move away. "Did you come here to finish what you started?" She hissed, pulling the sheet closer to her, as if it could shield her somehow.

Santana raised her eyebrow in amusement before chuckling. "Oh baby, did you have a bad dream? Do you want me to kiss it better?" She cooed at the singer before smirking.

Ignoring what she assumed to be a mocking comment; Rachel insisted "Santana Lopez, I asked you a question, what are you doing in my bed?" She stared at her with suspicion albeit a little nervous about what the Latina might do to her. She straightened up, raising her chin. "I want you to leave." She breathed out, using all the bravado she could muster at this point.

The Latina frowned "Hum, okay? Not the good morning I was hoping for but whatever…And uh…It's our bed, love, so why don't you calm down? Come here." She reached for Rachel but the girl moved away from her touch, almost falling off the bed.

"Don't!" Rachel said sternly, holding herself for comfort. She took a look around and realised she was so caught up in the situation that she failed to notice it wasn't her room. "Is this some kind of a sick joke? Where are we?" She looked at Santana, who still had no idea why the singer acted so strangely. "Is it a scheme from you and the Trouble Tones to silence me?" She shook her head in disbelief. "Well let me tell you something Santana, you can kidnap me if you want but it won't change the fact that I am a better singer than each and every one of you." She snapped. "Now I would gladly appreciate it if you could drive me back to my dads' house."

The raven-haired girl stared at the brunette like she had grown an extra head. "Did you hurt your head at rehearsal last night?" Santana asked, putting her hand on the diva's forehead.

Memories of the game came flooding back in the brunette's head. "Yes and it was your fault! I told Kurt it was a stupid idea to play Dodgeball! Especially with people like you…"

"Dodgeball?" The Latina repeated confused. "Last time we played Dodgeball we were in High School. Why would something from a decade ago affect you? Rachel you're not making any sense right now." She paused to look at her. "Is this about last night? Because seriously, I know I said in my vows I'd watch Barbra's musicals with you but there's only so much a girl can take. You can't resent me for that and act like we're back in High School, it's not fair!"

The singer's eyes widened in shock. "We are married?!" She gasped.

Before Santana could answer, they heard a knock at the door. "The Hobbits 2.0 are here so if you could drop the act." The Latina advised. "Come in!" Suddenly the door slammed open and two little girls rushed into the room.

"Mama! Mamί!" The two mini brunettes raced to the bed. The four year old, Gabriela, reached it first and successfully climbed onto it with a little help from Santana, but the two year old Siobhan stopped near the bed, looking at her mothers with her doe eyes, holding up her arms for help.

Santana was busy trying to settle a very active Gabby on the bed while Rachel was rooted to the spot, shocked by the scene. The sound of whimpers made Santana look at the little one before sighing heavily. She looked at her wife. "Rach?" She called, making the girl stare at her with a blank expression. "I kinda have my hands full here, can you stop whatever you're doing and help Shay? She wants to join us as well." Santana nodded her head in Shay's direction and Rachel followed her sight to meet the pouting little girl's eyes. It was enough to make her heart melt.

Not wanting the tiny girl to start crying, Rachel quickly swooped up the two year old into her arms and settled her down. She tried to release the hold Shay had on her neck but the girl's grip tightened. Confused, the singer attempted to speak but Siobhan kissed her cheek before looking at her with her brightest smile that mirrored her own megawatt one. 'She's like a mini me!' the diva thought.

"Mami." Gabriela giggled after Santana tickled her stomach.

"Good morning mija." The Latina greeted playfully as she tickled her before kissing Gabby's cheek. She turned toward the little one in Rachel's arms. "And good morning to you too, little munchkin!" Santana sat her oldest daughter between her wife and her and took Siobhan from Rachel to give her a good morning hug and kiss.

"Mami, we're hungry." Gabriela exclaimed.

"You are?" Santana looked at Gabby who nodded vigorously then at Shay who mirrored her big sister's action. "Okay, I tell you what, you two go to Gabby's room and play while Mami prepares breakfast for everyone, okay?"

The two kids nodded with smiles on their faces and the raven-haired girl laughed at their cuteness, not noticing how the diva was studying their exchange.

"Alright then" The Latina exclaimed. "Siobhan kiss Mama before you go. Gabriela, you too." She let the girls kiss their mother before allowing them to rush out of the room.

Once the girls were gone, Santana turned toward the tiny brunette. "We need to drop them at Q's before 10, so you better get dressed, I'll make breakfast. Maybe a shower will help you come back to your senses." She leaned in for a kiss but the diva remained motionless when she felt Santana's lips on hers.

When the Latina left the room, Rachel let out a breath she didn't know she was holding before exclaiming at loud. "Oh god, I'm married to Santana Lopez and we have kids together… Did hell freeze over?"