A/N: This is the first fanfic I'm publishing here, so it might take me some time to get used to formatting and such as I am not quite used to it. Anyway, though, I hope y'all like this. I'm starting to more as I write it even though my idea for it is a little half-baked - I thought it'd be fun since it's October so I'd experiment in my writing with some "spooky" stuff. Obviously though I'll continue it even after the month ends. As for the story, I do not own any of the characters or any parts of the movie that I use to make this somewhat canon (like the shower and audition scenes, I paraphrased those from memory, but I didn't come up with it all on my own as y'all know who have seen the movie, but I feel like I should state that in the beginning). This is a Triple Treble fic so if you don't like, don't read. But please, enjoy!

This chapter starts from Chloe's POV and will switch between her, Beca and Aubrey throughout the story. Story as a whole rated M, but I'll warn y'all if there are things that deserve warning. Rated M for minor adult language, suggestions of violence and other adult themes that may also be explicit.

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There are few things besides the obvious that really just get to Chloe Beale, that dig themselves under her skin and into her bones. She isn't entirely sure if there's ever been anything before this that has affected her in such a way. And even if she was she knew it wouldn't really matter because whatever this was, it was obviously important.

But, at the same time, she couldn't really do anything about it.

Ever since meeting Aubrey Posen, when the two of them first joined the Barden Bellas and then swiftly became friends, she had been borderline obsessed with the blonde. It was painful. At first she'd just wanted to be close to Aubrey, to be able to be in the same vicinity as her, which partially fueled her intense efforts towards becoming her friend. It wasn't like she wasn't already a physically affectionate person, or overly enthusiastic, or literally anything that she showed to Aubrey within seconds of really meeting her - it was just that perhaps she went a bit too far with them. Maybe she sort of really put Aubrey off. But that didn't matter now, did it? They were friends, and they were even upholding Bella tradition now that all the seniors in the group (basically the entire group, actually, besides them) had graduated.

Even if the activities fair had been a bust.

Chloe trailed after Aubrey on their way back to their space for rehearsals and meetings, both of them still carrying pretty much everything from their booth. Hardly anybody had been interested in taking their flyers to join in on the a capella fun. Chloe grinned a little and giggled under her breath remembering the antics of the Australian girl who came up to them - Fat Amy (and yes, she actually called herself that) - but the sound squashed itself and she felt her lips thin out as her mind conjured up the image of the other more significant girl they'd met.

What had she said her name was again? Beca? Sure, Chloe had been awfully enthralled the second she laid eyes on the shorter brunette, much like how she felt the first time she saw Aubrey, but there was something distinctly off about her. She just couldn't quite put her finger on it. But the grin returned, a bit softer, as she thought about their interaction with her. Of course Aubrey had to be a little salty in general - not that Beca had helped - but it had been oddly... important, maybe, and made Chloe feel a little strange. And distracted. Definitely distracted, as was perfectly demonstrated in the way she very nearly tripped over Aubrey, whom she hadn't noticed had dropped down into a crouched position when she went to deposit her box of flyers somewhere behind the whiteboard.

"What the hell, Chloe?" Aubrey snapped exasperatedly, throwing her hands up over her head to block herself from anything that might fall on her. Chloe easily righted herself before any damage could come to the blonde and stepped around to the whiteboard, grinning sheepishly at her in apology. Aubrey huffed, tucking some hair behind her ear. "What are we going to do?" she asked, shifting to more pressing matters. "Hardly anybody wants to be a Bella - what does that mean for audition? We can't be the only people in the group, Chloe." She let out another sound of despair, covering her face with her hands. "This is a disaster..."

"It might not be as bad as you're making it sound, Bree," Chloe said, as affectionately as she could. "Just because we didn't get a ton of people at our booth doesn't mean people won't show up - people already know about us," she rationed.

Aubrey scoffed and stood, smoothing her dress down over her stomach. "Right, because of my... disgrace, last year."

Chloe bit her lip against a sigh. It made her kind of sad when Aubrey talked about "the incident" because she wasn't entirely sure how to manage it. She stepped closer to the blonde and placed a hand comfortingly on her lower back, even rubbing her hand in small circles. "That isn't always gonna be the thing people know us for," she murmured. "Trust me, Bree, after auditions we'll have a kickass group, and we'll make it all the way to the finals."

She grinned when Aubrey relented with a much smaller smile. "Thanks, Chlo," she sighed, loosely crossing her arms. "I don't know what I'd do without you."

Shrugging it off, Chloe stepped away. "That's what I'm here for, right?"

Later, as she was making her way to her dorm's bathroom, she growled at herself and chastised the way she'd responded. Even after knowing Aubrey for so long the blonde still had a way of being able to completely shut off Chloe's brain whenever she was around her. Chloe had never reacted to anyone in that way and she just didn't know what it meant - but that was something to reflect on another time, when she shouldn't be focused on more important things and especially since she'd already devoted so much thinking time to it before. She slipped out of her robe and got into a stall, showering quickly. Then she just stood there a while, letting herself air dry, and inspected her own body.

Chloe knew her intensified emotions did partially have to do with the fact that she just felt things more intensely in general, for the simple reason that she had a secret - something none of her childhood, high school, nor college friends knew about. She swallowed, mouth suddenly dry, and dropped her hands back down to her sides. No, that wasn't exactly a rabbit hole she wanted to go down right now, either.

A soft sound reached her ears suddenly, and she recognized it coming from the hall right outside the bathroom door before the person actually opened the door and came in. The girl was singing, and Chloe felt momentarily floored by the sound of it falling so acutely on her ears. Only Aubrey's singing had ever really affected her this way, and she allowed herself to give brief pause at that thought and frown before she refocused again on whoever this girl was. She heard her walk past in flip-flops, even though she'd already recognized her scent a few seconds prior. Beca. If Chloe had to describe that scent, though, she would say it was mixed with something oddly earthy, a little metallic, and a little bit like roses. And that was just the general scent; underneath it was something more personal, and that smelled like sap and pine, interspersed with hints of sweet smelling smoke that Chloe for the life of her couldn't place even though it was surprisingly a really good smell.

Still, that was nothing compared to the sound of her singing.

It was angelic, in a way, and Chloe swiveled to follow it, even slipped very quietly out of her own stall and went into the one Beca was using. She grinned sneaking up on the brunette, giving her another moment before triumphantly announcing, "You can sing!"

Beca jumped and whirled around, instantly moving to cover herself. "Dude!" she yelped. "What are you doing?"

"You were singing Titanium," Chloe breathed excitedly, shifting a bit closer to turn off the water. As distracted as she was by the lovely sound, she nevertheless noticed every single altercation in Beca's movements and expressions. The way her eyes briefly glimmered and turned into an ever so slightly darker blue, the way her shoulders tensed up, everything down to the way the muscles in her back and shoulders rippled as she pressed herself into the corner.

The look in Beca's eyes changed slightly again, this time into an expression of minor surprise and something like appreciation. "You know David Guetta?" she asked, seeming to also lose the smallest bit of tension in her stance.

Chloe rolled her eyes. "Have I been living under a rock? Of course I know David Guetta. That song is my jam. My lady jam." She smirked a little. There was something about Beca that made her feel like she was in a competition, or perhaps that she was being threatened, but also like she just needed to tease the brunette endlessly. She enjoyed the appalled, sort of horrified expression Beca suddenly wore. "Will you sing it for me?" she asked.

"Dude, no," Beca hissed.

"Not for that reason," Chloe giggled with another eye roll.

"I am nude," Beca added, almost like it was a last ditch effort to get Chloe to leave. It wasn't gonna work. "So are you."

Chloe placed her hands on her hips, almost missing the way those steely blue eyes started to trail down her body before snapping back up to the ceiling. "I am not leaving until I hear you sing," she said. She suddenly felt a bit... indescribable. And she wasn't sure if that was a bad thing or not, and assumed she wouldn't figure that out until much later.

Beca huffed lightly, turning around, keeping her arms crossed securely over her chest to cover herself. Her gaze flicked all over before settling on Chloe's. After a tiny intake of breath she started singing, and Chloe grinned, joining in after a few moments. When they were done she grinned widely. Beca just glanced down at her totally uncovered body.

"Oh - I'm pretty confident," Chloe said, nodding and narrowing her eyes playfully, then gesturing to herself, "about all this."

"You should be," Beca whispered, with something like half a wink.

Chloe left her to shower after that, a little bit because she wasn't sure how much longer she could stay in the other girl's presence. She still practically skipped back to the dorm room she and Aubrey shared - it was bigger, a lot like an apartment, something reserved for seniors. When she arrived she noted that Aubrey was in her room, so she retreated into her own. Her grin hadn't left her, and didn't even as she prepared dinner.

She heard Aubrey chuckle from behind her, even though she'd already heard her come in, smelling her before even that. Aubrey did move surprisingly lightly. "What's got you so happy?" she asked, and Chloe glanced at her from over her shoulder; she stood leaning against the entryway with her arms crossed.

Chloe felt her grin kick up a notch. "Guess who can sing?" Aubrey got halfway through an eye roll and opened her mouth to speak before Chloe interrupted her. "Beca."

Aubrey arched an eyebrow. "You have to at least let me guess, first," she huffed, hints of a small smile playing at the corner of her lips. "What makes you say that? When did you hear her sing?" she said, brows quickly furrowing, and she suddenly avoided eye-contact.

The flare of possessiveness Chloe felt in response honestly didn't surprise her, but it was still kind of hard to hold back a snarl. She didn't like the thought of Aubrey perhaps being flustered while talking about Beca. To her, that didn't necessarily mean good things. Then again it wasn't really like Aubrey had confronted much about her own sexuality, which was something just about anyone could see from miles away. "I was in the bathroom, and she came in singing," Chloe explained, turning back to her cooking so Aubrey wouldn't see her briefly bare her teeth at the Mac 'n cheese she was finishing. "I told her she should come to auditions."

"You didn't barge into her shower, did you?" Aubrey said with a deliberate slowness. Chloe just shot her a sheepish look over her shoulder. "Oh, god. You did, didn't you?"

"I couldn't help it, Bree!" Chloe defended, knowing Aubrey was just giving her this look in response. "You should've heard her. It was beautiful." She put the big spoon down and got out two bowls, arching an eyebrow at Aubrey to ask if she wanted some. Aubrey knew she didn't have much of a choice anyway and pushed herself off the wall to approach the stove. They dished up and went to the table; Chloe ate a few mouthfuls before speaking again. "I think she might really help us," she said, ignoring the way her skin crawled for what felt like two different reasons, only one of which she could give voice to - that was discomfort towards whatever it was that was off about the brunette. "Despite what you may think about her being 'too alternative' for us," she teased, winking at the blonde across from her.

Aubrey huffed, stirring her pasta without actually needing to. "Maybe. But I'm not yet convinced. I guess we'll see what happens at auditions."

They ate the rest of their meal mostly in silence, bidding each other goodnight before departing to their separate rooms. Chloe got into her pajamas and sat at her desk, checking her calendar. Then, with a mildly satisfied huff, she slipped into bed.

In the morning she woke to the smell of coffee; Aubrey had gotten up earlier than her, as usual, and even made some toast for her. The blonde left shortly after Chloe sat down to eat for her morning class, saying they would meet in the auditorium for auditions. Almost as soon as the door closed Chloe pulled out her phone and pressed the call button next to her mama's contact. She bit her lower lip lightly as it rang, staring down dejectedly at the tabletop.

Sometimes she really hated the thought that she couldn't change what she was.

It wasn't a thought she had super often - but sometimes it surfaced when she was feeling particularly hopeless about the chances of Aubrey returning her feelings. And her feelings weren't what was the problem. Out of all the things that really set her apart, being attracted to girls was actually probably the least unique aspect of her. The issue came with the whole, well... werewolf thing.

And dammit, sometimes Chloe just aca-hated saying that word. It made her feel kind of like a beast, yes, but also like she shouldn't even exist - she was literally a creature that was supposed to only be in fairy tales and things like that. And her standing in her community didn't necessarily help. She'd been born into a prominent family that had the bloodline of "royalty", although not explicitly, since that wasn't how they ran things. It was just common that someone in her family was elected as the president of sorts of their pack, the ruling pack. Chloe was expected to take the role of leadership at one point, because she was the third born - it was tradition for the third born to be expected of such things, and she had two older brothers and a younger sister (not to mention her oldest brother and sister weren't actually like her). So even though she also was expected to graduate from college she also had to expect that she would one day, probably sooner rather than later (if she was being honest with herself), be the next pack leader. And that was actually a position she was honored to be considered for.

But it didn't make things much easier - the reality of it in general - when she wanted to be with Aubrey. Mostly because she really didn't think Aubrey would go for something like that.

"Hellooo? Chloe? Chloe, are you there?"

She jumped a little at the sound of her mama's voice suddenly cutting through her thoughts, and she realized she totally hadn't even heard her pick up. "Sorry," she laughed, "I was just lost in thought. I'm here."

Mrs. Beale chuckled fondly. "What's going on, sweetie? You haven't called in awhile."

Chloe bit her lower lip again, this time to keep a sigh from tumbling out. "I just... wanted to talk to you," she said, sighing anyway, but mixing in a breathy laugh to keep it from sounding as sad as she worried it did. "Lately I've been feeling a little... overwhelmed."

"Does this have to do with that Aubrey girl again?" Mrs. Beale said knowingly, and Chloe could practically hear her mama's smirk through the phone.

"Yes, and," Chloe countered, "I met this other girl yesterday, and even though I didn't really interact with her all that much she made me feel really confused... it's like there's something off about her, but she also sort of makes me feel similarly to how Aubrey makes me feel? I don't know - now that I say it out loud, it-"

"It isn't unheard of," Mrs. Beale interrupted, perhaps sensing that her daughter was starting to spiral a little. "Having more than one mate, I mean. It doesn't happen too often - I think the last time I knew of anyone being in a relationship with two people was when I was much younger," she chuckled a little. "You don't have to worry about that being weird, dear. At the very least you'll be accepted here, by your family and your pack."

Chloe released a small breath of relief, feeling some previously unknown tension leaving her shoulders. She hadn't realized how much she needed to hear that. "Thanks, mama," she half-whispered. "Hearing you say that really makes me feel much better..."

"So what's this other girl's name?" Mrs. Beale squealed lightly.

"Beca," her daughter answered, giggling. Chloe knew that, no matter what, her mama would be happy as long as she was happy.

"Cute name," Mrs. Beale half-purred. "You'll have to keep me updated, Chlo, on both of them. Just give it time - if either of them, or both of them are destined to be your mates, then they'll feel it, too. Since they're humans, though, the feelings will confuse them a lot more than they will you. Be prepared for that."

Chloe nodded, mostly to herself since her mama couldn't actually see her. "I know. And I will. I should probably go now, though - auditions are later, and Aubrey won't like it if I'm late, and I think Beca might show up. She has a beautiful singing voice, mama."

Mrs. Beale snorted. "More so than Aubrey's?"

"That's not fair!" Chloe cried. "I can't answer that!"

"Which is a good sign!" Mrs. Beale laughed. "But I'll let you go. Good luck, sweetie."

"Thanks, mama."

Chloe hung up, released a deep breath, and went to get ready for the day. She personally didn't have that many classes to get to - two before auditions, but they started a decent bit later than Aubrey's, and one in the afternoon - but she wanted to look her best. Even if auditions went as poorly as Aubrey was assuming they would she was going to dress her part as co-captain of the Bellas. That, and it was a good excuse to see if she could make Aubrey flustered, and the same went for Beca if she was being totally honest with herself.

Later in the day, at auditions, things started off with her feeling fiercely proud of the way Aubrey stood up to Bumper just before it began. However, the feeling was slowly replaced by a bit of disappointment, as they kept seeing a bunch of people that just weren't Beca. She could tell that even Aubrey was disappointed, although that was probably more due to the fact that none of the girls they were seeing were "traditional Bella material" as she called it. But Chloe certainly thought the blonde was just as upset about not getting to see Beca there, no matter whatever Aubrey was going through on her own terms, so that was just her guess.

Then it was like the aca-gods were shining down on them, because at the very end of auditions Chloe caught sight of Beca lingering in the wings of the stage. "Wait," she called out to the two guys running it, "I think there's one more." She gestured Beca closer and the brunette shot her an odd look of thanks as she walked to the front of the stage.

"I didn't know we had to, like, prepare that song," she said uncertainly, boots echoing.

"That's okay," Chloe said with a grin, shaking her head and waving her hand a bit. Next to her Aubrey just observed silently, and if ever Chloe really wanted to know what the blonde was thinking, it was now. "Sing whatever you like."

Beca crouched down and leaned towards the table they were sitting at, at the foot of the stage. "May I?" she asked, pointing to a cup that held a few pencils and pens. Both Chloe and Aubrey nodded and she took it, leaning back to sit cross legged. She gazed at them with those steely blue eyes and Chloe felt something akin to a chill - in the corner of her eye she saw Aubrey shiver a little, though it was obvious she was trying to keep it under control. Chloe just hoped she would end up agreeing with the fact that Beca sang beautifully.

In fact, she wasn't even entirely sure her friend was breathing, while Beca started singing and doing her clapping thing with the cup. Chloe wasn't sure if she herself was breathing, but when she realized she wasn't, she made sure she started to. When Beca was done she sat there almost proudly and Chloe grinned.

How could Aubrey not let her in to the Bellas after this?

A/N: Well, there's the first chapter! Please let me know what you think, I'm always open for reviews. I'm writing this as I publish it so like I really don't think I'll have a schedule for updating, I'll just put the next chapter up whenever it's done. I tend to write longer chapters in general but I'll try not to for this. Also, sorry if this seems a bit choppy with all the time jumps, I'm just trying to fast-forward through some of the like establishing stuff.