![]() Author has written 7 stories for Kirby. Hello Multiverse! I'm CelticQuailKnight, though most of my friends call me Celtic, (much less of a mouthful!), and I'm another one of your friendly neighborhood artists. As this is a writing site, here shall be focused primarily upon literary arts. I do love a good bit of fanfiction! While I would claim to be in many different fandoms, I am rooted most firmly to Kirby, and that will make up the majority, if not the entirety, of the fanfictions that I post here. Apart from writing fics, (or trying to), I also write poetry and original stories. While none of those stories are anywhere near complete, I have a great deal of finished poems that can be found in my DeviantArt gallery. This is also where you can find all my visual artwork as well, and I would be flattered to have take a look! About Me: I'm female, short, socially awkward and hidden away somewhere in the United States. Animal enthusiast. Cat owner. Collector of many useless things. Lover of books and stories, art and music. Regretful arachnophobe. Aromantic Asexual. Synesthete. Very inept at mathematics. Biology nerd. Immune to eyeburning; hit me with your best neons. Video game and computer addict. Shy. Anxious. Daydreamer. My favorite color is blue. I would tell you my favorite word, but I'm afraid there is not just one and the list is very long indeed. Lover of music. Meme Lord. --First Kirby Game I Played: Kirby Super Star Ultra About My Writing: As the trend shows in the oneshots I have published now, most of my (Kirby) writing ends up being Meta Knight-Centric. He's been one of my favorite fictitious beings going on about nine years now, and I think it's safe to say that he's found himself a permanent home in my heart. I do hope he chooses to stay. That being the case, I can tell you that most of the stories I have planned are involving him, be it he alone, with the Meta-Knights by his side, and in the future, likely with many of my own Fan Characters. Hopefully they don't come off too unbearable; you shall have to be the judge of that yourselves XD While I have no anime Kirby writing posted here, I do actually have things floating around, and it's entirely possible they may someday be finished and placed here. I write for, and enjoy, both the games and the anime, but I do consider them separate, just so you're aware when reading my works. That said, though, I tend to pull elements from each to mix them a little bit, but for the most part they stay distinct from one another. For the foreseeable future, I'm most likely to only post one-shots here, as I have no multi-chaptered works completed, and it feels like a big step for me, and I'm working myself up to taking it. I do have many ideas bubbling below the surface, (some of them very ambitious!), but I need to take things one step at a time to ensure I don't lose my head here! Genre-wise, I tend to be drawn towards writing things that are lighter and fluffy, but conversely I also am deeply in love with angst and suffering and all things bad, because that tends to lead to hurt/comfort sorts of stuff, and that is what I live for. I end up sticking perhaps a bit more science in my fics than what's needed, due to my affinity for A&P and Bio... Simply put, I write what I know. If I don't have a lot of information on a subject, then I'm not going to write about it without a LOT of research beforehand. I prefer to have a large pool of info to pull from than be starved of it. The downside is that all that information likes to leak out into places where it may not belong. Such as fanfiction. About My Headcanons: I dream up... entirely too many HCs to put here, and likely too many to put into fics, either. However, I do hope to finish writing up several pieces made specifically for/of some of my more important HCs, and putting them online somewhere to share with people. Most of these headcanons surround Kirby and Meta Knight's species, and worldbuilding, though I have ideas for other things as well. As all of my stories should take place in about the same canon, the headcanons should be consistent and apply to each one. Last, But Not Least: I want to reserve a bit of space on my page here to thank some people. First, all the people you can find in my list of favorite authors. They are there for a reason, and I find that their work serves as inspirations for me, and have shown me some of the wonderful ideas people out there can have, and how eloquently they can share those ideas with the rest of us. Second, I need to thank my friends. There's a growing bunch of them on Discord, (you guys know who you are!), but in specific, I can think of a few that really deserve to be mentioned; MyKnightLife, Jewelsio, CelestiaKnight, and VTStarCosmic. Several of you guys are people who drew me into fanfiction and FFN in the first place, long before we'd spoken or I'd even made this account. Your stories were some of my favorites, and your writing inspired me to be brave enough to share my own. And when I did, the support I received, and still do, from all of you, has... really had a huge impact. On me as a writer, but also me as a person. So thank you. Your encouragement, your love for what little I've managed to share with you, just feels... amazing. I'd never have gotten this far without you. So thanks, guys. I owe you... pretty much everything. .:Current Posted Stories and Where They Fit into My Written Universe:. Maternal Instinct In The Heart of The Sea Fireflies at Midnight Cold Of Stars And Of Darkness Molten Metal Insomnia .:Stories In Rough Chronological Order:. |