This is a very touching chapter in my opinion. Now that it's done I'll either be working on a one-short or two and Castlebrawlca. Enjoy!
After talking with Shadow Kirby for a while, I realized he wasn't such a bad guy. He was like Kirby
in many ways, he liked to eat, play, sing (Even though I doubt he was any better than Kirby.) and
just be a kid. Dark Meta knight apparently didn't feed him very often and told him he'd get fat if he
ate as much as Kirby did. I felt sorry for him and told him that if Dark Meta knight refused to listen
to Meta knight that I would keep him and never let that happen to him again. Now that I look at it,
Shadow Kirby was quite. . .in a spherical way. . .skinny. There is a way to be a circle in shape and
skinny, it's just they don't look thinner, but they have a weird feeling in their stomach. Kirby had no
problem with being thin, but Meta knight often put off eating. You'd have to remind him to eat and
you could tell if he ate by pressing a few fingers up against his stomach. It would feel empty and
almost a a little bit hollow. I had to hold on to Shadow Kirby's body and was able to tell that he
wasn't just thin. He was anorexic thin. Not only that fact of him not eating enough, but now that I
thought of it, Dark Meta knight was never seen spending quality time with him. All I had ever seen
him do was give him orders, never play with him, or train with him or anything. If you want to see
something really really sweet, just go to the lake near the mansion on the day's Meta knight and
Kirby have days off from fighting and you can find Meta teaching Kirby how to fish. Kirby winds up
whacking Meta knight with the pole on accident (Once he wound up whacking Meta knight with
the fish he caught) a lot but it's so nice to see them together, they have one special relationship.
Dark Meta knight and Shadow Kirby was another story. All you can find them doing together is
Dark Meta knight bossing around Shadow Kirby. "Shadey do this, Shadey do that." Shadow Kirby
maybe didn't even want to do some of the things he was told to do. But he knew that Dark Meta
knight was dominant over him and he was so scared of getting whipped he did them anyways.
Once we got to the mansion, Tiff told us that she untied Dark Meta knight and left him locked up
in his room for Meta knight to deal with once we got back. We were led by Meta knight to the
room Dark Meta knight and Shadow Kirby shared. Meta knight after tying his mask on, took a
deep breath and patted Shadow Kirby on the shoulder. "Wait right here." he said sounding very
sweet. That means he's about to loose his temper and kill someone. He opened the door and
closed it behind him. A loud crashing noise and yelling was heard. And then a sound like Meta
knight just slammed Dark Meta knight up against the wall. "DOES BEATING UP POOR LITTLE
STAR WARRIORS MAKE YOU FEEL SPECIAL?! HUH?!" He could be heard shouting. "No! W-
what are you talking about?!" Dark Meta knight could be heard pleading. "YOU KNOW VERY
WELL WHAT THE HECK I'M TALKING ABOUT!" "What?!. . .He TOLD you! He told you didn't
he?!" Dark Meta knight yelled back. "Shadey! Shadey get in here now!" He yapped." "No, don't
listen to him." I held Shadow Kirby in my arms. He nuzzled into my chest so he would hear the
yelling. "I mean NOW! Right this second buster! You know what happens if you don't listen!" A
loud shoving noise was heard and the crack of a whip. Shadow Kirby let out a cry and hugged to
me tighter. Then I decided to do what I should've asked Meta knight if we should do. I handed
Kirby to Pit, grabbed Shadow Kirby to put on my shoulders, grabbed and Pit's hand, and Lucario's
paw, and made a mad dash to the end of the forest again.
I thought we would be safe if we got away from him. I was right. but the thing is. . .we didn't quite
get away from him. We got down to Fire Gulch and I lead Lucario and Pit to the canyon beyond it
when you climb up the other side. But unfortunately for us, Dark Meta knight was able to follow us
without a problem. "Naughty little slave. . ." he drawled, pointing at Shadow Kirby. He was going
insane alright. He took out a flail like whip and cracked it loudly. Shadow Kirby looked at it fearfully
and backed up a little bit. "You disobey me and you get hurt little warrior. . ." He snarled coming
closer. Suddenly Meta knight flew overhead and landed in front of us. "If you come near them, I'll
end you dearly. . ." "As if I feared you. You losers are nothing but a traitor, a goody two wings girl,
a medelsome little poke`mon, a snoopy little angel, a naive jackal, a puffball with serious nerve,
and a boy who wears a tiara. It makes you look gay." Dark Meta knight pointed his sword towards
me. I felt tears welling up in my eyes, "It does not!" I yelled. "Does so." he looked at me tauntingly.
"It does not!" I shouted back. Meta knight kicked Dark Meta knight in the back while he and I were
arguing. He fell to the ground and dropped his whip. "Never, not under any circumstances. Never,
shall you make fun of his crown. . . " Meta knight growled so creepily, that for a second I was
scared of him. "If you had half a heart maybe you wouldn't be in this situation. If you so much as
make fun of him in a way that mocks that thing, you will die." he gripped the whip in his hand now.
My eyes were lined with tears. As I watched him grip the flailing device, he muttered under his
breath "Let's see how you like the whip." Meta knight placed his huge purple foot on Dark Meta
knight so he couldn't move. I closed my eyes as did most everyone else as the snapping noise
filled the air. Dark Meta knight let out a shriek of pain as the whip met his skin. "Stop!" a voice
said. Meta knight looked over to see that Shadow Kirby was the one who yelled it. Meta knight
dropped the whip and slowly let his foot off of Dark Meta knight. Shadow Kirby walked up to Dark
Meta knight. He hugged around his neck and began to cry. Dark Meta knight looked at him like
'You little wimp.' but also like 'What?' "You know what Dark? I was going to keep whipping you
until he told me to stop. For some reason he loves you. You are a horrible devil to him but he
listens to you and does whatever you say. I see no reason why he'd even dream of listening to you
seeing how awful you treat him. But sometimes we can't always understand love." Meta knight
knelt to be level with him. "It's like fighting, sometimes we know how to get victory, sometimes we
stumble and fall. Both you and I are confused, all I can see is that he loves you and I'm not going
to stop him." Dark Meta knight looked at Meta knight and then at Shadow Kirby. "You weakling."
Dark Meta knight rolled his eyes at Shadow Kirby. "Dark, at this rate, he is ten times stronger than
you are." Meta knight pointed out. "You aren't the least bit familiar with being loved now are you?"
Meta knight looked his clone in the eye. "To tell you the truth, no I'm not and I don't plan on it."
Dark Meta knight said curtly. "Shame, you'd adore the feeling, Shadow Kirby seems to know that
it's a good thing. And if you tried it maybe you wouldn't be looked at as a demon by others. Open
up and learn to let people love you." Meta knight helped Dark Meta knight up a little. "The reward
is so worth it you gain more than you'll ever risk." Dark Meta knight held his look of confusion and
annoyance for one more second and then sighed and nodded. "You wuss. You girlie wimpy
wuss. . .You're buttering me into letting my guard down." Dark Meta knight muttered. "Am not."
Meta knight put his arm around Dark Meta knight's shoulder. "If you want a friend just to help
nudge you along. . .I'll be one." Meta knight gave Dark Meta knight's shoulder a squeeze. Dark
Meta knight looked at Shadow Kirby and then at Meta knight. he then patted Shadow Kirby's head
and knelt down to return his hug. "I'm. . .sorry Shadey. . .can you ever forgive me for what I've
done to you?" Dark Meta knight asked looking at his young apprentice. "I fowgive you." Shadow
Kirby nuzzled him softly. "Hey Meta knight?" Dark Meta knight asked. "Yeah?" Meta knight cocked
his head. "Do friends give each other noogies?" Meta knight looked a little confused and shrugged
"Well, yeah. I suppose." "NOOGIE ATTACK!" Dark Meta knight tackled Meta knight and put him
in a head lock. He then gave him a very tight hug and a noogie. "Ow! Dark! No! Stop it! Ow! Stop!
You're hurting me! Ouch!" Meta knight squirmed in Dark Meta knight's arms to get away. We
could help but giggle at them. Dark Meta knight stopped giving him a noogie and hugged him so
tight he nearly crushed him. "Okay maybe I liked the noogie better." a very suffocated Meta knight
breathed. Now we were all laughing. "Me and my big fat mouth." Meta knight made out as he was
getting squelched. "Come on you're just saying that." Dark Meta knight chuckled, picking Meta
knight up off the ground. I finally went over and stopped him. "Sorry about the tiara thing." Dark
Meta knight rubbed the back of his head. "No problem." I knelt down. "So, let's get back to the
mansion." I said helping Meta knight up. "Actually, Shadow Kirby and I are going back home. .
.we're going to live on Popstar." Dark Meta knight said "What?" I asked. "Tiff said she, Tuff, and
the knights are homesick and want to go back to Popstar. We have a ride back and even though
we'll made no substitute for you guys, we can be there with them for you." Dark Meta knight said.
"Okay, I see. I'll see you when we get back home huh?" Meta knight held out a glove to Dark.
"Yeah. I'll miss you Metty." Dark Shook his hand. "I'll miss you Darky Warky." Meta knight grabbed
him and hugged him. "Darky Warky?!" Dark Meta knight looked at him like he was crazy. "Yup."
Meta knight nodded.
The day after Tiff, Tuff, Sword, Blade, Dark Meta knight, and Shadow Kirby went back to Popstar,
Meta kngiht was helping me get dressed up. "So I look OK?" I asked "You look very sharp." Meta
knight helped me put cuff-lings in my white gloves and nodded. "So you think she's gonna like
me?" I asked, I was a bit nervous. "She will, just show her that you like her." He then gave me a
little orchid plant. "Orchids make a girl feel light and young, a red rose is only for deep romance.
Never a yellow rose. Got it?" "Got it." I nodded. "Also, I know it's kind of late, but thanks for
defending my tiara." I smiled. "No one ever goes to that measure. That thing was a gift from your
sister wasn't it?" He asked giving me a handkerchief to put in my pocket. "Yeah, thanks again." I
said. "Now you go and have a nice date with Star Kiddo." he slapped me on the back and waved.
And that's what I guess is the end of the story of how we met Dark Meta knight. We have had tons
more adventures though. . .and we haven't even told half of them. . .