Reviews for Lore of the Stars
KoruStitches chapter 21 . 3/20
God, I hope this gets updated sometime soon. Just binge-read this in a few hours last night and now I'm hooked. I really love the characterizations for everyone, and Magolor's tendency to accidentally get himself into things he can't get out of is... let's say 'unfortunately relatable' for me. Again, hope this hasn't been abandoned.
Guest chapter 12 . 5/24/2019
Taranza has Autism! Being Autistic myself, I was overjoyed to see that. Thank you so very much!
Cockatiel chapter 20 . 5/13/2019
Uhh..Is this dropped? Sorry, I just come to check up on this every other week. Wanna say, this is a pretty kickash fic.
Rose Verdict chapter 20 . 3/23/2019
This is just as fun a read as I remember it! :D Whether you come back or not, it's a blast!
Guest chapter 19 . 5/27/2018
The animal friends here remind me of that commercial for Dreamland 2 where Kirby walks into a bar with Rick Kine and Coo and start roughing everybody up. Bet that was the inspiration. Good work!
Rose Verdict chapter 1 . 5/15/2018
so uh i've been reading this for a while and my brain made an idea heh

If I don't review a lot, it's because I'm working on the idea I had, but hopefully when it's done it's worth it. :D
Guest chapter 18 . 4/3/2018
This is certainly... surreal. You're building up a good sense of mystery to the overarching plot to all the characters and I like it. Keep up the good work!
DS chapter 18 . 3/30/2018
Oh wow this is NEAT. So the master crown is 1) sentient 2)contains knowledge about split timelines 3) is a byproduct of dark matter and 4) has a grudge against the Star Rod. Geez, I wonder if Galaxia is sentient here too, since it seems to show up a lot when something is related to the master crown
Alice chapter 17 . 12/13/2017
I just had an idea.
Galacta Knight is Magolor's father. O.O BOOM.

Um, anyway. Taranza's reaction to Galacta's mess of a conversation is pretty understandable, considering the piece of his past mentioned in Chapter 12. And Marx's argument (can you even call it that?) with Paint Roller at the beginning was awesome. And hilarious. I WOULD dish out some corrections, but really, when you take the whole story into context, it all makes sense. In summary, keep up the good work and keep making us laugh. Maybe try giving me some errors I can correct. ;P Just kidding, of course.
DS chapter 17 . 10/18/2017
Oh damn, poor Taranza! It must be terrible to finally remember part of your past then realize that people might be waiting for you. On another note Paint Roller was surprisingly funny. Kudos on that front
curlthebear01 chapter 17 . 10/19/2017
I'm super excited to find out why Galacta had such an aversion to Magolor! And I loved the bit where Taranza expresses his frustration, I found it relatable, but not in the exact same way. Thanks for uploading again!
curlthebear01 chapter 16 . 8/13/2017
Once again this story has dazzled my mind! I just love how you make sense of the Kirby universe, and I love the re-imagining of the roles to bits. I'm so excited to see how this continues to play out! I'm especially curious now what kind of role the Dark Matter will play, you've made them very fascinating so far, and since roles are reversed, I'm very eager to know if Zero Two is an all benevolent being now, and what has taken his place as one of the worst evils of the galaxy! Looking forwards to the next part!
DS chapter 15 . 6/25/2017
No wonder meta is such a good actor in this story.

He never learned that he wasn't the center of everything.
12345 chapter 15 . 6/24/2017
Pft. Everyone likes Mago, apparently. XD And Marxy isn't the one to think ahead... Whoopsies~ Now Gala hates Marx. Welp, this won't end well.
And Taranz is the only sane one. Whoop-de-do.
Stars above, these four will get themselves killed! XD
Vhully chapter 1 . 6/20/2017
Kirby for the switch coming 2018. I'm sure hypes.
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