Author has written 18 stories for Kingdom Hearts, Final Fantasy VII, and Fullmetal Alchemist. I'm Caddie, it's nice to meet everyone! You want to know a little about me? Where to begin... I enjoy fanfiction, anime, kitties, puppies, things that make someone want to go 'awe', old books (because there's no better feeling in the world than when a book that was truly treasured by another is given to another to read), and manga...that's nearly everything, I think. Um, I'm trying to improve on my characterizations in writing, and I think that it's been somewhat successful so far. I don't know what else to say, hmm... my favorite color's teal and I'm a BioChem major, but that's enough about me. I hope you enjoy my stories, and have a nice day...or night, depending on what timezone you're in. Updated Nov. 27, 2008: College... it kills me dead. May not be updating for a while, but I have a semester break in 14 days, and I fully plan on utilizing that break to fix up, and upload the latest chapter of Health Insurance. See you in 14~ Feb. 25, 2009: Okay, I lied. I've totally put off Health Insurance for now. I'm going to finish it, of course. I already wrote out how I want it to end and I have the next chapter already typed up, but I want to finish it completely before posting and get it all out and fix some things. Like, there's this one major mistake in it that I'm surprised no one has picked up on yet . I'm also working on three new projects: Cliff Notes for College (Zack/Cloud, Angeal/Zack FFVII - 2 more parts left to go), Forging Steel (Zack/Cloud, Angeal/Zack, and Angeal/Zack/Cloud FFVII:CC - over 60k of words so far), and Out of Service (my Supernatural/FFVII crossover baby, gen - outlined, and only partially typed up). "Dean, that bird is trying to eat us!" Sam swiped at the over grown chicken with the baseball bat. The creature dodged, flapping it bright canary yellow wings and letting out a loud wark sound. Dean watched, partially amused, as his brother tried batting the bird away again. It was just a chicken. A big, very tasty looking chicken. "Not if we eat it first, Sammy," Dean replied, looking serious as he pulled the safety from his gun. The bird was about to become lunch. It let out another sound - kweh, and Dean thought about how he was going to cook it after he killed it. - Out of Service, Chapter 1, Dean and Sam Winchester College still kills me dead, but I've cut back significantly on my course difficulties this semester and I'm enjoying and using the break to write when I can. Love Muchly, Caddie |