Disclaimer: I'm only borrowing them temporarily.

Note: Any errors are mine and my own.

When she had been rescued from her prison cell from inside the castle, by the strange girl with the fair hair and those blue eyes she could never forget; she would always remember the hot rush of air between lips as she gasped a small 'oh!' in exclamation at her popping out of nowhere. She would always remember the blood pounding in her veins as the girl leaned up against her ear and whispered, "Come with me"

She would remember the blush seemingly coming out of nowhere, but what Kairi would remember the most would be the way she smelled. She smelled of chocolate, and to her it was intoxicating. Her breath was warm and sweet, and Kairi found herself to be lost in it. It would become something that Kairi would soon grow to love, even when the blonde girl would disappear, reappearing as a flickering iridescent ripple among the ocean that lined her home.

Kairi found that on particularly difficult days, the only thing that would console her aching heart would be to allow the rich flavor of one of the variations of the chocolate that she now always kept, to melt in her mouth.

She had tried to explain her feelings to Riku and Sora once, but instead found herself flailing as she tried to describe the sensory overload of chocolate. How could she accurately describe the way Namine had made her feel awkward, self-conscious, the way her knees buckled too easily and her feet were now lead bricks? There was no way to describe how Kairi felt that she could fly, when Namine gently cupped her hands and placed butterfly kisses at each corner of her mouth. Her touch, and the feel and smell of chocolate would stay there for hours.

It was ironic really, because as soon as Kairi felt that she had found that one person who would make her whole, she was tragically ripped away from her. So instead Kairi would run down to the waters edge, sometimes with a bar of chocolate, when the sun was hitting the water and would wait patiently until the time when Namine decided she had enough of playing hide and seek, and come out of hiding, to let Kairi see her once again. No, Kairi thought to herself, she would never forget that taste of chocolate.

Comments, critiques, presents, cake is all good. And encouraged.