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![]() Author has written 5 stories for Danny Phantom, Attack on Titan/進撃の巨人, and MacGyver. Boop.
Posts: 23 June 2015: Posted Roads Untraveled today! Yay!!! I couldn't sleep after that so I wrote chapter four and part of chapter six (*whisper* Don't tell anyone. Its gonna be a long one!). 24 June 2015: Wow so people actually do care. Started writing chapter five today. For some reason its being a pain. I'm actually supposed to be learning life studies but everything is just about HIV! Its so annoying. I think I'm going to post chapter two tomorrow, maybe. Depends on whether or not my grandma would let me use her laptop. Long story... 25 June 2015: Last day of school!!!!!!!!!!! Yay!!!!!!!!!!! posting Chapter 2 to celebrate!!!! 4 July 2015: I lost a dear friend today. I'll miss you buddy. 13 December 2015: Started Posting again today. I posted "Gosh I hate heights" and everything up to the new Chapter 4 of the improved "Roads Untraveled". Studying for my Learners. DX ...Save me. TT Death's Doorstep" a poem for a lost friend Do not fear what's to come my friend. Here you stand at death's doorstep But don't be afraid You have nothing to fear For we are here, Watching, Waiting. You are not alone. Copy pasties Evil Ghost trapped inside your phone: "Stupid human live forms!! How dare THAY try and keep me contained in this rectangular concoction and try to bend me to do what they please!!! I WILL NOT TAKE IT!!!!" *tries to break free but fails* Oh well worth the try. HAY AT least I can mess with their spelling so that their friends will think they are imbeciles and ignore them!!! Ha ha yes yes yes! That will work" *evil chuckle* How you get him to shut up; Tell them you'll call Danny phantom or threaten him with a Fenton thermos REMEMBER WHEN REMEMBER WHEN Getting HIGH meant swinging at a playground? The worst thing you could get from a boy was COOTIES? MOM was your hero and DAD was the boy you were gonna marry? When your W0RST ENEMIES were your siblings and RACE ISSUES were about who ran fastest? When WAR was a card gameand life was SIMPLE and CAREFREE? Remember when all you wanted to do WAS GROW UP? If you actually tried to give yourself ghost powers, smack yourself for being stupid. 11 ways to annoy/scare your roomate: 0. Every time the phone rings, turn on the stereo at full volume and begin to violently slam-dance with your roommate. If he/she asks about it, say, "Oh, that darn hypnotist..." 1. Hang a picture of your roommate on the wall. Throw darts at it. Smile at your roommate often, saying things like, "How nice to see you again." 2. Get a can of beans. Label them, "Jumping beans." Eat them, and then jump around the room. Get another can of beans. Label them, "Dancing beans." Eat them, and then dance around the room. Get another can of beans. Label them, "Kill Your Roommate beans." Eat them, smiling at your roommate. 3. Every time your roommate falls asleep, wait ten minutes, and then wake him/her up and say, "It's time to go to bed now." 4. Insist that your roommate recite the "Pledge Of Allegiance" with you every morning. 5. Recite "Dr. Seuss" books, all the time. Eventually, think up melodies for the words and sing them, loudly, directly to your roommate. If he/she tells you to stop, act offended and spend the day in bed. 6. Put up traffic signs around the room. If your roommate doesn't obey them, give him/her tickets. Confiscate something your roommate owns until he/she pays the tickets. 7. Walk, talk, and dress like a cowboy at all times. If your roommate inquires, tell him/her, "Don't worry little buckaroo. You'll be safe with me." 8. Complain that your elbows, knees, and other joints have been bothering you. Get a screwdriver, and pretend to "fix" them. 9. Paint abstract paintings, and title them things like, "Roommate Dying in a Car Crash," and "Roommate Getting Whacked in the Head with a Shovel." Comment often about how much you love the paintings. 10. Wear glasses, and complain that you can never see anything. Bump into walls and doors. Put your clothes on backwards. Say, "Who's that?" every time your roommate enters the room. When you're not wearing the glasses, act like you can see fine. Wii Will Rock You" Buddy, you’re a smart gamer, fast gamer, Done bought yourself a wicked awesome Wii, Got sweat on your face, Pick up the pace, Waving that Wii-mote all over the place. Singin’ Wii Will, Wii Will Rock YOU! Wii Will, Wii Will Rock YOU! X-Box is a weak game, dumb game, Microsoft lowering prices to make a days pay, Go gloat in their face, They're 2nd in the chase, Bill Gates is crying all over the place, Wii Will, Wii Will Rock YOU! Sing it! Wii Will, Wii Will Rock YOU! Sony is in last place, 3rd place, Gets wasted by Wii ever |