Sorry guys! I don't normally like leaving stories on cliffhanger, but I decided to be a terrible person for a minute I guess XD here's what you've all been waiting for!

I'm also sorry if updates are slow right now as a lot is going on in my personal life. I'm sure none of you want to listen to my excuses, but just a warning that things might be slow for now. I will definitely try to crank out some more chapters though, so don't give up on me yet!!


Connor was one of two androids in the area, so he knew he was definitely a target of one of the snipers. The gunshots rang loud into the quiet night sky. Everything seemed to run in slow motion as his battlefield systems kicked in. He immediately located every sniper location and followed the trajectory of the bullets that were fired. Both him and the other android were a target, along with Hank, most likely for arriving with Connor.

The android didn't waste another second in saving his partner. He moved much faster than the typical android would be capable of and hoped the chaos would hide his overachieving. Connor tackled Hank to the ground and dragged him around the corner of the closest building just as a chip was shot off. The other android wasn't as lucky, blue blood splattering all around his once functioning body.

"What the hell!" Hank spluttered.

"Lieutenant, give me your gun," Connor demanded as calmly as he could. After another round of shots, he looked over his shoulder quickly to see a few bodies, either dead or about to be, littered over the pavement. They were too far to help as long as the snipers still stood. "You're outta your damn mind if you think I'm going to do that!" Hank yelled while adjusting himself in a better fighting position, gun in hand.

Connor ran hundreds of possible outcomes near instantly in return to Hank's reply. There weren't many that turned out good if he didn't get a weapon somehow. "Reed!" An officer called from behind the dumpster on the other side of the alley. The remaining android turned to see Gavin completely unprotected in the middle of the alley, gun aimed at a building that held no sniper.

Connor threw out all previous grievances and sprinted full speed directly to the human. A shot rang out just as he reached the shorter man. The android yanked Gavin's arm towards him and used his armored body to shield the unprotected human. The bullet ricocheted off of his protective covered, signaling Connor's time to get them to cover.

The soldier swiped Gavin's gun during the interaction before shoving him back behind the dumpster with a little more force than necessary. He spun around with Gavin's gun and shot off one bullet towards the sniper with a direct shot into the alleyway. It landed perfectly between the eyes of Gavin's would be murderer. Connor ducked back down behind a pile of trash on the opposite side of the alley from Gavin, closer to Hank.

"Connor!" Hank shouted. "You can see them?"

Connor answered back with an affirmative "yes."

"Well where the hell are they?"

It took longer than anyone liked to explain exactly where the snipers were perched. Connor could hear the snipers and their possible leader making their own strategy and planned accordingly. There were now only two snipers, both at an angle to the front and back of the short alley.

Neither group seemed to want to move. The snipers now knew that Connor was able to shoot them down, and that he was still functioning. The humans didn't want to move from their positions for the obvious risk of getting shot down on sight. The EV900 was familiar with situations like this and would easily handle it if he was alone. He couldn't risk pulling anything too extreme with so many witnesses though.

It was such a different experience to be fighting alongside people without the same training as official soldiers. It was also difficult to keep from going all out like he was used to doing.

The alleyway was silent for a deafening amount of time, no words spoken or guns fired. Suddenly, Connor sensed movement from Hank, who threw himself around the pile of rubble and trash. He stopped when he tumbled near Connor and smacked his back against the brick wall of the building. The android was too caught up in the moment to hide his surprise. Hank seemed to notice and scoffed.

"I might be old, but I'm not helpless you asshole," Connor immediately masked his face. "Anyway, can you shoot them?"

The EV900 nodded. "They have not moved positions, and I would have no problem aiming. I would most likely be able to fire before the humans, however, this gun is not ideal for the situation."

Hank's eyebrows rose in surprise and his eyes glimmered with amusement, despite the situation. "You're telling me, but it's the only weapons we have. If you think you can shoot them, go for it, because it isn't like anyone else is going to." Hank motioned to the other members of the alley for them to stay down and allow Connor some time. No one moved until everyone got the order.

It wasn't like anyone was going to complain about sacrificing the android.

Hank nodded to Connor, who did one last affirmatory scan before making a move. Using the gun like an extension of himself, the brunet android jumped from his cover and fired a single shot simultaneously. A second shot followed, but not from Connor. Hank—the only human with a clear sight on Connor—assumed that would be the end for Connor until he all but dodge the speeding bullet. The robot detective recovered in record time, spun around, and fired off another shot before lowering the gun.

All of the snipers were down, and their leader was already running. The chances of catching him were too small to risk the lives of the injured officers in the alleyway.

"It's clear," Connor announced. Before anyone else reacted, Gavin stood and stomped directly to Connor with a dark frown and creased eyebrows. The android in his path watched innocently, knowing there wasn't much to do to calm the unreasonable human. The taller brunet wasn't expecting the sudden fist flying directly towards his face, though it didn't surprise him. His quickly stepped backwards and allowed the punch to fly in front of his face, the air flowing gently across his face.

"Gavin!" Hank shouted. "Give it a fucking break!" The tallest of the three marched his way over to the pair while stuffed his gun back into its holster.

"This jackass took my gun and you—" Gavin began.

"I don't know if you're just too stupid or too thick to realize that this 'jackass' just saved your life, but you better be happy he doesn't hate you as much as I do," Hank interrupted, aggravated. "'Cause I would have left you to die."

Connor extended his arm with the handle of the gun facing Gavin. The shortest human glared dangerously before snatching the gun quickly and spinning back to another group of officers.

Sirens could be faintly heard in the distance and grew louder by the second. Soon after Connor heard them, Hank also turned to inspect the noise. "Backup has arrived," Connor stated.

"What a load of help they were," Hank griped while throwing his hands up. The sirens continued for a few more seconds until the cars were parked and turned off. There was no need to keep the headlights on.

The newly arrived officers seemed cautious at first until they realized the situation they were called for was already resolved. They decided to intermingle with the groups in the alley to determine the next course of action. Most officers were staying with the wounded until medical help arrived.

"We should go investigate the sniper locations," Connor suggested. Hank nodded and waved him on, "I'll tell the others and catch up to you."

The android knew exactly which location he wanted to check first. He made his way towards the old building that had held a sniper and the man who was seemingly leading them.

The building itself was old and abandoned, just another relic that flooded the ancient Detroit areas. The door was unlocked and rusted while the stairs were a safety risk to anything that dared climb them. A quick scan provided Connor with the information that the stairs were sturdy enough to climb.

The detective made sure to scan everything as he traveled the many floors, but there was somehow no proof of life being here recently. The only logical answer would have been another way to the roof, but there wasn't even a fire escape anymore.

Connor climbed to the next floor, only a couple more from the roof. There was a yellowing, dirt covered window with half of the panes cracked or shattered. Although obstructed, the view allowed him to see neighboring buildings and confirm if they could be traveled by the roofs. Adding in the angle he was looking from, it looked like most buildings were all about the same height and made traveling by roof hopping entirely possible.

Connor moved away from the window and to the stairs to continue climbing until he heard an annoyed voice from below. "Oh you are absolutely kidding. Connor!"


"Don't tell me you fucking climbed up these damn stairs," the older man's voice echoed up the wooden walls. The sound of creaking wood followed from him testing their durability.

"Of course I did. The probability of failure was only—"

"I don't want any of your estimations! I want stairs that aren't a damn death trap," the lieutenant interjected. Creaking and whining wood followed after his voice once again. "Damnit Connor!"

"Lieutenant, I am made with many layers of different mechanics and steel parts. If I was able to climb the stairs while weighing much more than an average human, your probability of failure would be even lower," Connor informed the older human. He decided to leave out the part where his actual weight was very near the average human despite the metal structures.

"If I get killed by stairs I'm gonna be pissed," Hank commented before beginning his climb. "And, I will come back and haunt your ass."

"I don't believe haunting an android is possible, Lieutenant," Connor teased lightly. For some reason, in the short time he's been with Hank, the android felt as if the human has lightened up to him greatly. Maybe saving Hank's life at least put Connor in a new light for the older man, unlike Gavin.

"Oh, funny. Making jokes now when I could very well die." Those words were pronunciated with a loud crack and a curse.

The elder officer eventually made it up to the android without much of a problem before glaring at Connor and the two more flights of stairs ahead of them. He looked expectantly at the smaller android. "Well?" He outstretched his arm closest to the stairs as if unveiling a new amazing creation. "You first."

The pair made it to the roof with much hassle. All that remained was the body of an unnamed sniper and the gun with a shattered scope. Hank knelt down beside the useless weapon with a low whistle. "You shot directly through the scope?" He looked down to the alleyway that seemed so much further away from his vantage point.

"As an android created specifically for this job, combat abilities were added into my programming. But androids in general can process hundred of variables at once to make the perfect shot at any time," Connor explained with small white lies added into the mix. While yes, androids could run multiple variables, Connor showed superb abilities in his shots. Luckily most humans didn't care enough to notice. Unluckily though, Hank eyed Connor suspiciously.

The detective turned to the opposite corner of the Lieutenant to avoid his gaze. There was obviously no way that Hank had already uncovered his identity, but he was much smarter and more perceptive than he let on. He knew more about androids and their abilities than Connor realized. Apparently everything Connor managed in the shootout was not lost on Hank in the chaos.

This was about to be way more complicated than Connor first thought.

Hank grunted while he pushed off of his knees to stand. "Alright Connor, there's nothing up here. We can let the others go through all of this. I for one want some sleep."

"The only way down are the stairs," Connor reminded.



They rode back to the police station to turn in any information they had gathered. It was silent and nearly completely empty. Connor wasn't needed at the station, but decided to come as well since Cathy's house was closer. He figured his best option would be to return there until morning.

Once finished, the pair returned outside. Connor started towards the sidewalk while Hank entered his car. "Connor? Where are you going?"

"I am going to walk. Androids do not require sleep, so I will return when needed," Connor answered.

Hank shook his head before twisting around to back out of his parking space. "Whatever you say, Connor," Hank commented before driving off into the night. The time was almost three in the morning, so the Android hoped he would be able to return to the house unnoticed.

The walk was short and simple, the house coming into view quickly. He opened the door quietly and sighed in relief when the alarm recognized him. Cathy still slept soundly in the bedroom across the house.

Connor silently stepped towards the couch before sitting straight up on the cushioned seat. He decided to run through the hundreds of files he downloaded until morning time arrived.


The boss stormed into the large room with an angry frown. "What the hell!"

The other men wisely stayed silent and let their leader vent to them. "That...that abomination ruin my entire plan!" He paced for a moment but was no less calm than when he walked in. "What kind of android can pull of those shots with a pistol?! Those were my best snipers!"

"Sir!" A new man ran into the room. "We've found the android you wanted to locate. He seems to be living in a human's home away from the police station."

The leader seemed to instantly perk up from that information, a new idea forming. "Time for a new plan, men."


These chapters are still much shorter than I'm wanting them to be!!!! But my phone is almost dead and I wanted to get this out to you all tonight DX

I'm also going to get Kara and Marcus into this story somehow, soon! I already have a plan for Kara, but I'm still working on Marcus.

And thank you all for the reviews!! They make me so happy and really motivate me. Like I said, I've been going through some problems, so seeing all the nice things really helped! I love you all and hope you don't hate me for making you wait so long!!! I will definitely try my best to work on more chapters for you.