Disclaimer: I do not own Bleach or Attack on Titan.

"hollow speaking"


Ch. 1

Ichigo staggered on his feet before collapsing to his knees, Aizen's defeated form lying crumpled som hundred yards away. He had done it. He had protected them. With that as his last thought, Ichigo closed his eyes, a ghost of a smiling playing on his lips.

Blinking at the painfully bright light that met him when he opened his eyes, Ichigo glanced around in confusion. A world of vast whiteness stretched around him, though as his eyesight became more accustomed to the he began to be able to pick out flickers of movement and dark shapes. They appeared to be quite some distance away however, and when he tried to approach them, they flitted away as if in fear. Ichigo scowled. "Where am I?" He wondered.
"The in between."
Ichigo jumped and whirled around, Zangetsu drawn, as a deep voice pierced the silence.

The man behind him stood out from the stark land scape like a sore thumb. He had rich dark skin, charcoal hair and eyes, and a body clad that while clad in a traditional Japanese kimono, didn't seem fully substantial. Ichigo stared for a few moments before he regained his composure. "The what?" He asked.
The man grinned, reminding Ichigo vaguely of a shark. "The In-between, also known as The World Between Worlds. Surely you've heard of it?" He spoke deliberately, as if speaking with a child. Ichigo frowned, distrusting the man.
"Isn't that soul society?"

The man raised an eyebrow. "Geez, Are you really a shinigami?" He muttered. "No, this is not soul society. This is the in-between, the gateway between the different realities."
"Okay..." Ichigo was a bit suspicious.

"Now, if you're wondering what you're doing here, lets just say that you have served your purpose in one reality. Now the Kami have decided to send you elsewhere."

"Oi! Hold on a moment! Send me elsewhere? What if I don't want to go? I have a life you know!" Ichigo demanded.

The mans eyes immediately turned cold. "Ch. Arrogant child. What ever made you think this was about you?"

Ichigo blinked, a bit taken aback, before he scowled, clenching his fists angrily. "Hey, who are you-"

"You're just like the rest of them. A naive young war hero, Living a fairy tale there whole life. I've seen many like you pass through here. All humans are the same, whether dead or alive. Lets just hope boy, that you can figure out for yourself what the real picture here is. None have so far, but who knows? Maybe you'll be the first." The man spoke with a great passion, a cold fire of sorts burning in his coal colored eyes. Ichigo unconsciously took a step back.

"Now then!" The man suddenly reverted to his earlier jovial-yet-quick tempered demeanor. "Time for you to go! Take that first door on the left door there."

Ichigo blinked, taken aback in the sudden change in attitude, then turned his attention to the row of doors that had suddenly appeared from seemingly thin air. He opened the door as he had been directed to, and peered in, blinking at the bright colors and scents that bombarded his senses. "What are you waiting for?" The man, who Ichigo had decided was bipolar, jovially asked? "Go!" With out warning he lunged forward and gave Ichigo a shove. With a startled yet 'manly' yelp, Ichigo tumbled downwards towards a thick canopy of trees.

The man watched, his eyes softening a bit. To himself he muttered, "lets just hope he can figure out the big picture. After all, not just humanity is at stake here." A bright light enveloped him and he was gone, leaving behind a world of emptiness.

It was his hollow that woke him up. "Oi. King. Get yer scrawny arse up and do somethin' about that goliath over there."

Ichigo shook his head groggily, the earth vibrating below him. He thought vagualy that it felt as though something giant was running towards him. Wait- giant foot steps? Goliath? Instantly he was on alert. He lept to his feet and took up a ready stance, the long thin blade form his zanpakutou had taken on during the final getsuga Tensho. He had yet to figure out how to revert back to his normal form, so he was stuck in his current state for a while. But now was not the time to think on that. Instead, Ichigo focused on the hulking humanoid creature that loomed up over the hill he was sitting on.

"Mother of-" he was cut off as a large hand slammed down into the ground where he had been standing moments before. He landed across the clearing, having used shūnpo to avoid the appendage. The creature looked a bit confused at his sudden disappearance and was looking around for him. Taking the opportunity it presented, Ichigo appeared in the air directly in front of its face, then beheaded it smoothly before it could even register what had happened. The decapitated body slouched to the ground, Ichigo landing neatly beside it.

"What the hell was that king?!" His hollow asked, just as alarmed as he.

"What makes you think I would know?" Ichigo shot back, flicking the blood of Zangetsu and sheathing him. Turning, he began to walk away.

He hadn't gotten far when a shadow fell over him.

Ichigo whirled, and his eyes widened. The creature he had 'killed' was walking towards him, regardless of the fact it didn't have a head. That did it.

Ichigo really didn't know how he got into these messes, but at the moment he also really didn't care. Not when all he wanted to do was get as far away as possible from the grotesque creature. His primal instincts kicked in, yelling at him to take flight. He wouldn't take anymore chances against a seemingly un-killable adversary until he knew more about what he was up against. That decided, he took to the trees.

Alright! First chapter! I know things probably seem a little vague here, but don't worry- I plan to clear it up a bit more in the next chapter. Just a quick surmise- you are probably wondering about the whole discussion between Ichigo and "the man" (note: he is not a vital character at the moment, and may not become one, so for now he is just the "man"). I like the idea of Ichigo being strong, but I don't want him to become a total Gary Sue in my writing so I had to knock him down a few levels. If you think about it though, it is a pretty logical portrayal of Ichigo, at least in my mind. I appologize if you find him a bit O.C. Anyways, more to come, but please, leave a review! Till next time. :)