Dazai was at the checkout counter, paying the cashier.

"Thank you for you purchase, and have a great day," the man said.

"Alright, you too," Dazai responded, already leaving with the small bag.

Atsushi ran out of his house and to the agency, he was running late due to oversleeping. He arrived in a surprisingly short amount of time, but was catching his breath when he walked through the door. "Sorry, I'm late," he told Kunikida, but he continued to read his through his 'ideals' book. Atsushi sighed and went to his desk. He had some paperwork to sort through from the latest mission, and started going through that. Dazai strolled in from the bathroom causally, "Hi Atsushi-kun!" he said excitedly.

"Hi Dazai..." he said, wondering why Dazai sounded so... happy. Atsushi went back to his work., while Dazai went back to his own desk. About fifteen minutes pasted, when Dazai brought a small bag from his desk, and pulled out a laser pointer. Kunikida took notice, but didn't think much of it. Then, Dazai pointed the laser at Atsushi's desk. Surely Atsushi wouldn't fall for that... would he? Kunikida thought himself. Atsushi did notice it, but he just stared at it for about fifteen seconds, then he hit it with his hand. Dazai moved the laser, and Atsushi whacked it. This routine continued for a little, until everyone present noticed it. Then, Dazai moved the laser to the wall. Atsushi suddenly morphed, so his hands, legs, and eyes were tiger, and lunged at the wall. Dazai started laughing, and continued moving it around, until Atsushi broke a desk in half and things started getting out if control. Then Kunikida took the laser pointer from Dazai, and screamed "USE YOUR ABILITY YOU BAFOON!" before any more damaged occurred.

Dazai ran across the room to Atsushi, and quickly used No Longer Human on him. The whole thing ended with Kenji losing his breath from laughing so hard, Dazai giving the agency money to compensate for the desk, and laser pointers being banned from the office. After everything, Dazai said "Next time I'll just pull a string for you to chase!" resulting in Atsushi blushing for most the of the day.