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![]() Author has written 16 stories for Darksiders, Valkyria Chronicles, Maximum Ride, Hellsing, Doctor Who, Naruto, Bleach, Elder Scroll series, Grudge, Soul Calibur, Fate/stay night, Homestuck, Tokyo Ghoul/東京喰種トーキョーグール, Percy Jackson and the Olympians, Witchblade, Fairy Tail, and RWBY. Hey guys. JotN here. Now, because I'm a semi-new writer here, I want you to cut me some slack if my stories are less than stellar at first. Speaking of, there are some important things that I want you to know about my stories. I will try to update each story I write at least once a month, but I will make NO PROMISES. You never know what might come up, but if something does, I will be sure to let you know, and when to expect the next chapter. The second thing is that any challenges I come up with will be posted in my stories, and that when I make OCs, their bios will also be included in my list of stories under the title of "Character Bio's," and will be put up when the story is complete. As well, I think that I will only be working with ONE STORY AT A TIME. Not to say that I won't try to update other stories as well, but the way things will work is that I will finish one story before starting work on the next. This is non-negotiable, please don't PM me about it. In the meantime, entertain yourself with the information I shall post below. JotN out! Age: NONE OF YOUR DAMN BUSINE- er - Jarl of the North does not give away such information so freely. (mutters something about Thanes and something else about "useless conduct") Sex: Male Nicknames: none, so I'll make some up for you to use; JotN, Jarl, North, Shadow, War Wolf, Gale (no, not like the Hunger Games, idiot! I like the character, but I'm nothing like - shut up! I don't want to hear about your useless conduct right now, Kain! So shut up before I throw you out of Solitude!). Open to suggestions, please nothing stupid. Real name: NONE OF YOUR DAMN BUSINE- oh fine - as I stated earlier, Jarl of the North does not give away such information so freely. (Last warning, Kain!) FAQ: Q: Are you Dovahkiin? Dragonborn? A: I was... but then, I became more, so much more... Q: How many universes have you traveled to? A: Can't remember. Too many to count. Q: How do you travel between universes? How did you get your method? A: Why the f*ck would I tell you that? Besides, even if I did want to tell you, I wouldn't be allowed. God and the Charred Council have strictly forbidden it, and I really don't want to cause an early apocalypse right now so, you won't ever find out. (Kain... get out. I mean it. Get out of Solitude right now. And don't even think about going to Riften because I will hunt you down and kick your skinny little ass if you do.) Q: Does it have anything to do with how you gained the ability to show your so-called "true form?" By the way, you still haven't told us what that is yet. Would you care to tell us? A: ... (draws sword) I'm sorry, but those are things I have to keep a secret. (kills interviewer) Area of residence: Solitude's Blue Palace, or Windhelm's Palace of Kings. Either that, or traveling abroad throughout Tamriel. Or the other universes, but that's beside the point! I live in Skyrim, damn it! What else do you want?! My mahogany desk that I got as a gift from King Yenma?! Or the plaque on the wall for when I finally get Kami to agree to give me Mr. Popo's head on a pike?! (Shut up, Raditz! I'll get that little moron's head someday, so shut up before I tell Yenma that you're hiding here! Then you'll be sorry!) Likes: Writing (why else would I make an account to begin with?), video games, watching Let's Plays (PewDiePie and Markiplier for the win!), anime, movies, TV shows, reading, hanging out with my friends... all that stuff. The usual when it comes to writers. Dislikes: Jerks, bad stories and movies such as Twilight (don't even think about getting me started. While it will be funny for the time that I rant, you won't think it's so funny when I get Integra to sic Alucard on you afterwards), trolls (trolls will be immediately banned from my site: you have been given fair warning. Homestuck trolls, however, are welcome), idiots that don't shut up, yaoi/yuri (don't get me wrong; I don't hate gays, and have absolutely nothing against homosexuality. I just despise it when people make gay couples out of people who are clearly not in any way gay. SasuNaru? Give me a f*cking break, people!), pointless comebacks such as "your mom" (I. Hate. These. Do. Not. Use. These. In. Your. Reviews. If you do, I will give you a warning in the form of a review. The second time, a second warning with much harsher words. The third time, you're blocked from my account. You've been given fair warning), not being allowed to write, not being able to write (especially when it's due to writer's block), and pressure (so please don't pressure me for stories before they're ready. That, if anything, will only slow me down, so please, no pressure). Favorite anime: Naruto (up until the final arcs. I don't like how Kishimoto turned Naruto into a "chosen hero". There's enough of those already), Bleach, Birdy the Mighty (shut up, and stop giving me that look. It's a good anime, and a good story. So shut up, or I will call Birdy and tell her you've been spying on her in the bath!), Hellsing Ultimate (basically a better version of the original anime), Inuyasha, Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood, Fairy Tail (do you really need to ask why?), Soul Eater (Ex-ca-li-buuur... Ex-ca-li-buuur... From the United Kingdom, I'm looking for Heaven, I'm going to Californiaaa...), Dragon Ball Z (both normal and Abridged by Team Four Star), D-Gray Man (read the manga, need to see anime), Death Note, Martin Mystery (frickin' awesome), Cage of Eden (manga only, though an anime would be entertaining to watch), ufotable's version of Unlimited Blade Works, Tokyo Ghoul, Future Diary, Fate/Zero (F*CK YEAH!!!!), Seven Deadly Sins, Blood Blockade Battlefront, will add more if I find more. Favorite books: Harry potter, the Silverwing series, the Gone trilogy, the Hunger Games trilogy, Rise of the Wolf (need to read the second book, Rage of the Lion), Animorphs, Eragon (good story, need to reread the first), the Lord of the Rings trilogy (yes. I like these books. Do not challenge me, or I shall bring the wrath of Gondor and Rohan down upon your heads!), Maximum Ride, Percy Jackson and the Olympians, the Kane Chronicles, the Dungeons and Dragons guidebooks (I am not a nerd. Call me that again, and I will drag you to the summit of High Hrothgar, and shout you off the mountain), the Dragonlance series, the Discworld Graphic Novel (the one following the story of Rincewind the Wizard... of sorts), Fablehaven, and the Elder Scroll that I stole from Winterhold. I'd add more, but I love reading so much that I'm afraid that I'll run out of space for my profile if I were to include all my favorites (which is made up of pretty much every book I've read besides Twilight. I got about halfway through that before asking myself "why am I forcing myself to read this garbage?"). Favorite games: Skyrim, Ratchet and Clank: Going Commando (my personal favorite of the series), Sly 3: Honor Among Thieves (can't wait for the 4th game this year!), the Jak series (never played Combat Racing or Final Frontier), the DBZ fighting games from Spike such as Raging Blast (I prefer 3D combat arenas to the normal 2D style), Soulcalibur II and III, Naruto: Ultimate Ninja Storm, Okami, Final Fantasy XIII, Disgaea 4: A Promise Unforgotten (Alucard vs. Tyrant Valvatorez - how's that idea for a vamp fight?), Darksiders (both one and II), Xenoblade Chronicles (This might keep me from writing for a while...), Assassin's Creed 2, Devil May Cry (the remake is awesome, don't argue with me), Demon's Souls, will add more as list grows. Favorite TV shows/movies: Avatar (James Cameron), Godzilla (both the Japanese version and the United Statian 2014 version {you guys in the United States aren't the only people on the Americas, you know! Stop being so damn egotistic!}), Avatar: The Last Airbender, Merlin, Buffy the Vampire slayer, the Chronicles of Narnia, the Alien series (hoping to see Prometheus soon), the Predator movies (I want to see the most recent one), AVP: Aliens versus Predator (original only; Requiem sucked so badly that I am disgusted that it's even related to the series. It sucks on a level that makes Twilight look good), the X-Files, Mortal Kombat, Shrek, Ice Age, the Sorcerer's Apprentice, How to Train Your Dragon (yeah. So?), Monty Python's The Holy Grail, the Road to Eldorado, the Emporer's New Groove, Final Fantasy VII: Advent Children, Dan Vs., may add more later if something perks my interest. Favorite Bands: Favourite? Games I want to play: Final Fantasy X and XV, the upcoming Homestuck game, something from the Monster Hunter series. Still open to suggestions, so if you have any, they would be much appreciated. Things I want to see: A Final Fantasy VII remake (THANK YOU SQUARE ENIX!!!), Japan (all over Japan), Australia, the Pyramids of Egypt, a Monster Hunter game including every single monster from every single game including the underwater monsters, the United States join the Kyoto Protocol (along with Canada, seeing as we jumped off the bandwagon. YOU IDIOTS OF PARLIAMENT!!! HOW COULD YOU!?!), a "Cage of Eden" anime, the Maximum Ride movie actually come out, the Homestuck Game may add more later. My After Bucket is Kicked List 1. Meet up with Monty Oum and thank him personally for all his work and inspiration. Also hope he's not adverse to being friends. 2. Use my time to make more stories. 3. Find as many inspirational sources as possible. With so much inspirational material in this life, there's bound to be even more in the next one. 4. Find out if I made my OC Fenric, or if he made me (according to what I've written out, he removes tiny pieces of his soul, plants them in different universes, and watches them grow into their own unique identities. Which freaks my f*cking balls off, as I can't help but wonder if my creating him is just residual memories of him popping up from my subconscious). 5. Make a Reality Marble. I'll add more as I get more ideas. Feel free to post your own After Bucket is Kicked List. Just don't steal my goals. I only joined this for kicks, mainly out of hilarity. Expect an update for my Naruto fanfiction soon. Member of The Book of Log. If you worship the holiness that is the log, copy and paste this section onto your profile... although you may want to change the comments Position: Log Defiler Possible Book of Log Positions: Log Worshiper: Beginning position. No requirements Log Priest: You have created at least 1 Naruto related fanfic that frequently (every 2-4 chapters) praises the almighty log and actually fits into the story Log Pope (there can be more than 1 pope... its safer that way): you have created 3 naruto related fanfics that frequently praise the almighty log OR the Fanfic that already occasionally praises the log has at least 400 reviews OR you create a (decently made) Naruto fanfic focused on praising the log... log forbid. The religion worshiping the log was created by the author Third Fang. Check out his story and author page. THE NARUTARD SURVEY! NARUTARDS UNITE! 1. Who is your favorite Naruto character(s)? ... Do I have to pick?... Fine. Sasuke, Hinata, Kimimaro, the Hokages, and Madara Uchiha (badassery for the win, even if he is a jerk). 2. What is your favorite pairing(s)? NaruHina, NaruFem!Kyuu 3. Are you a Naruto yaoi or hentai fan? Neither. I'm not gay, and I'm not one for nudity. Sorry. 4. Ever cosplayed Naruto characters? If so, who, where and how many times? No. 5. List your collection of Naruto junk and merchandise, if any: Just a couple of games and books. 6. Have you ever felt that you were destined to be with a Naruto character? If so, who? Um... not really... Um... Ah, what the hell. Hinata. 7. NaruHina or KibaHina? NaruHina. I just don't see Kiba getting with Hinata. Or anyone, for that matter. 8. SasuSaku or SasuNaru? SasuSaku. Mainly because I don't support yaoi pairings. I'm not against them or people who do support them, but it's not really my thing, and there are some pairings of all categories that just shouldn't exist. SasuNaru is one of them. 9. Which team is your favorite? Team 7. 10. Do you support the Obito theory? (Tobi=Obito) No. It's true. But my theory was that Izuna Uchiha was Tobi (Madara's younger brother). 11. Do you support the 'Yondaime is Naruto's father' theory? No, it's true. 12. Your favorite Akatsuki member? Itachi Uchiha 13. Are you Pro-Sasuke or Anti-Sasuke? Pro with anti leanings. I don't agree with what he's done at all, but I guess you could say I'm overly optimistic; I see good in nearly all characters I come across. There are very few exceptions to this rule. 14. Have you seen all Naruto episodes so far (including Shippuden and fillers)? Some. Haven't been able to read the manga or watch the anime lately. Can't find anything. 15. Have you read all the chapters so far? No, but I have the basic idea. 16. Do you believe Naruto has ADD? Without a doubt. Add ADHD and a sugar addiction and you have him. 17. Sub or dub? Both. I honestly don't see what everyone's issue is with the dub. I think they have everyone's voices down pat. 18. Pro-Sakura or Anti-Sakura? Neutral with leanings to both sides. 19. Tobi = Annoying or funny? Both. 20. Do you even know who Tobi is? Who? Nyah, I'm kidding. I do. 21. Gai = Sexy beast or Ugly nerd? No comment. 22. Which character would be the best crossdresser? ... Who came up with this survey again...? 23. Rock Lee = Weird or Awesome? Awesome, weird, they're the same thing. 24. Which character would be best OOC? Who and how? Naruto. 25. Do you like Naruto fanfics? Yes. 26. Do you write Naruto fanfics? Not often. 27. Do you like lemons? No comment. 28. Do your parents know about the Naruto characters? No. 29. Have you watched the Naruto Abridged Series? No. 30. Have you seen The Naruto Ultimate Fanflashes? No. 31. Have you ever gotten someone else hooked on Naruto? I wish. 32. Have you ever been drawing Naruto in school and has someone recognized it? No. 33. Have you ever been in class drawing Naruto and the teacher came up to you and said 'WTF is this?' No. 34. Has Naruto affected your school life and grades? No. Dear god, that would be a nightmare... 35. Are you broke thanks to Naruto? An even worse nightmare... 36. Do you want to read Icha Icha Paradise? ... No comment. 37. Do you support the 'Yondaime is the Akatsuki Leader' theory? No. It's false. 38. Do you draw Naruto fanart? If so, count how many there are in your gallery. No, I don't. 39. Is Sasuke still sexy in his second stage of the cursed seal? No. He's certainly badass, but sexy? Absolutely not. 40. Do you have a Naruto OC? Multiple. 41. Looking back at some of your answers, do you think Naruto has taken over your life? Not at all. Characters Favorite: Naruto, Hinata, Kimimaro, the Hokages, and Madara Uchiha Here's a little something I found going through a 'friend's' files. Apparently, someone decided to give Storia a ton of information on me! Jarl of the North Report: We know very little about the one known as Jarl, abilities aside. In fact, we would not even know he was a Gorem if he had not actually told those Gormim he encountered. From what he hinted, he was able to break free of the Voice and leave us. How he apparently did so is unknown. His physical strength is enough for him to evenly match Medians. Jarl apparently has world-jumping capabilities, as the Charred Council has apparently been riled by him. All Gormim who encounter him return with failure. They report that the Voice invariably forces them to fight him. All efforts have failed to permanently kill him; it seems he is even able to escape an Infinity Unbound, which means that whatever world-jumping ability he has must be both fast and instantly accessible. For those who have not used IU, it means he's intelligent or resourceful enough to find the location of each one's NI. No Gorem is meant to retain such knowledge; as the de-facto leader and record-keeper, I and I alone have been entrusted with that knowledge. Also, he seems to have problems with debts, which he leaves for his pursuers. Hence the 'do not actively pursue' order. Find a way to head him off. Theories: 1. No one can remember his membership to the Gormim nor his leaving. To have such a hole in my memory suggests interference by Scorda UDOM. As I can't make that bastard tell me what he doesn't want to, that's a dead end. However, my suspicions remain. 2. The Voice works by manipulating the soul. That Jarl has broken free of it's influence suggests that his soul may have been removed, or something similar. If it were not so doubtful, I might think that Dro UDOM might have had something to do with it. Nevertheless, I will endevour to ask him, if Scorda does not wipe my memory first. 3. His knowledge of a Gorem's Negative Infinity location is extremely troubling. It could be that he somehow has a way of gathering the info needed. That, or he was a relatively 'young' Gorem when he left. May be consorting with the UDOM, who are not controlled by the Voice. Appearance: Witnesses of encounters with the Jarl describe him as nearly six and a half feet tall, with long white hair growing downwards from his head in severe spikes, with pale skin, piercing, stark blue eyes, several scars running diagonally on his left cheek as if something tried to claw his face off, and a multitude of scars criss-crossing all across his body. He has no Gormim equipment with him, only a massive nodachi slung across his back in a black sheath, special armour in the likeness of a tunic-length kimono with the left shoulder and sleeve torn off, made of mythril and having been fasioned into a mail so fine it feels like cloth, but is in truth hard as dragon scales. A black obi is wrapped around his waist, keeping in place a katana (presumed to be his zanpakuto, name and abilities currently unknown), and long black pants of the same mail as the kimono, with black metal boots that reach up to his knees. His skin is apparently made up of miniscule dragon scales so small one has to get right up close to see them, his fingers end in short, but sharp claws, and his teeth are incredibly sharp, more like a dragon's than a shark's. He also has a small leather bag hanging from his obi that, according to witness accounts, holds incredible amounts of money, seemingly limitless amounts of weapons and books, and is overall in truth a treasure trove. Is it a simple magic bag, or a portal to where he keeps his treasure? On his right hand is a single band of gold on his ring finger, a ring that he purged of evil and kept to increase his power; we suspect the ring to be Sauron's, having been pried out of the dead hands from Sauron in a Lord of the Rings universe after the Jarl killed him and purified the ring of the Dark Lord's evil. Good grief, this man truly likes to wear his accomplishments, doesn't he? Rumored abilities: Since leaving the Gormim, he has not ceased to collect abilities and has no compunction against using them. Swordsmanship to rival Kelvin Ghiaccio (Information is from long ago. Unknown if the comparison still holds true.) Accomplices and allies: Paarthurnax: He apparently studied under the dragon for years in the Way of the Voice. Alduin: The World Eater has apparently made an ally out of the Jarl for unknown reasons. The Nine Kings: After the death of Sauron, the nine kings returned to their original states, and out of gratitude swore fealty to the Jarl of the North. They have even more power than what they had as the Ring Wraiths, so keep your guard up. Ulfric Stormcloak: The Jarl helped this man win the war against the Empire in the Elder Scroll universe, and thus gained his eternal alliance. The Companions: The Jarl became their Harbinger, so they follow his orders without question. Note: He appears to have no knowledge of Homestuck-verse, thank god! The last thing we need is for him to get a Kernelsprite and Prototype himself. Or worse, go God-Tier! Unlikely he'd use the rings; they only work for carapacians and Archivist Adrian Dulcimer. You are powerful, Jarl, but there is also much that you are ignorant of. Should we meet in battle, know that even the Heir can fall to the Mage. Of course, the reverse could prove true as well. So I will make sure that will not happen. I know you will find a way to read this, so... With Regards, (The Gormim belong to NorthSouthGorem; I only own Jarl of the North. The Gormim were used with permission. All info above was helped with by NorthSouthGorem; check out his profile in my favorites.) If I ever find the guy who gave all this information to the Gormim, his corpse will never be found. |