Author has written 48 stories for Signs, Harry Potter, Sherlock, Hunger Games, Frasier, Mortal Instruments, Outnumbered, Thirteen, Calvin & Hobbes, Supernatural, and Modern Family. Hello, possible stranger/potential reader/reviewer who is reading this:) Here are a few little things you might like to know about me: Location: Hovering in the seventh dimension of my brain. Name: Guess-you'll be surprised. Writing: Anything and everything. Important: This seems pretty unlikely to me, but if ever any actors or actresses or authors or writers or whatever stumble across any of my stories depicting their characters, PLEASE be assured there's no offence meant. Seriously, I know I'm very sarcastic, a lot of the time, but in all seriousness I would really hate to upset one of those actors/actresses/writers if they ever read those stories. Same goes for if their families or friends found my stories. Obviously, there is never any offence meant, and in the unlikely event they do find those stories, keep in mind that they're just fan fiction and it's not meant to be annoying or weird or offensive. Seriously, I would be pretty devastated if I thought I'd upset anyone. Also, note that NONE of my OCS are based on anyone real. There is no-one based on anyone real. Oh, and-the obvious disclaimer here so I don't write it on any stories from now on-I don't own any of the characters or the film/tv/book/whatever the fanfiction is based on. The only characters I own are my OCs and I own my own plot ideas, if I ever write a new plot or something. I don't own the original idea. Just so I don't have to write it on every fanfiction I write. Now that that's out of the way, what do I like doing? Hmm. A lot of things-here are a few: Reading too many things to list. Waiting for a Hogwarts letter, and wandering through Hogsmeade with Sirius Black. Wondering what District to be in and whether or not I'd visit the Capitol, while joining Katniss' revolution. Debating whether to be a Shadowhunter or a Downworlder, and snarking with Jace in the Institute. Wondering if I could go back in time and run through the streets of nineteenth-century London with Will and Jem. Hanging out with Magnus Bane any time. Walking with the vampires Lestat and Louis. Hanging about with Calvin, pouring water on Susie's head, and waiting for Hobbes to pounce. Listening to Sherlock and John argue about his deductions in 221b. Hanging out in Leonard and Sheldon's apartment, and watching Sheldon shoot his bazingas with dead-straight aim. Hanging in Café Nervosa and listening to Frasier's radio show. Fighting the demons with Sam and Dean Winchester and absolutely adoring Castiel and waiting for him and Dean to just realise they're in love. Waiting in the Tardis for the new Doctor to get in after his regeneration. Listening to the Nostalgia Critc tear apart what needs to be torn apart. Reading Mark Oshiro reading and watching things. Memorizing the catchphrases of Emily the Strange, for future usage.Adding to my army of quotes, with which to take on the world. Scaring my friends and family with craziness of various interesting natures. Wondering how people could live in a world where music couldn't be accessed instantly. Papering my room with posters until the walls are invisible. Writing too many things on a profile. And that's enough to be going on with, don't you think?-Sherlock Holmes. Some of those things above may or may not be entirely accurate. But they should be. There are some questionnaires and stuff below which I'm too lazy to delete, or they're good to pass the time. I write for a lot of fandoms. I write what I want at the time. I'll be writing some stuff in the next few months. But I'm busy with a lot of things. So, sometimes, it might take a while. But from now on, if I start something, I will sincerely try hard to finish it. Any random questions-PM me. Positive reviews? Constructive reviews? Keep them coming and I'll be smiling. You'll get brownie points from me and I'll try to return the favour if you're writing in a fandom I like. There's only one of me-I've noticed some people have accounts maintained by more than one person. I don't. There's only me. I know some people on here in real life. Some, I don't. I treat you all the same. And that's really all you need to know, right now, isn't it? Feel free to browse below if you're so inclined, and I'd like a few reviews. They really help. Happy reading. This is hallowgirlfrommars, returning to her own world and watching everyone else's with a mild interest. Maybe we'll run into each other again. For now, over and out. I believe in everything until it's disproved. So I believe in fairies, the myths, dragons. It all exists, even if it's in your mind. Who's to say dreams and nightmares aren't as real as the here and now?-John Lennon Logic will take you from A to B. Imagination will take you anywhere.-Albert Einstein Harry Potter isn't real? Oh no! Wait, wait, what do you mean by real? Is this video blog real? Am I real if you can see and hear me, but only through the Internet? Are you real if I can read your comment but I don't know what your name is or where you're from or what you look like or how old you are? I know all of those things about Harry Potter. Maybe Harry Potter's real and you're not.-John Green Sometimes I think the surest sign intelligent life exists in the universe is that none of it has tried to contact us.-Calvin, Calvin and Hobbes (Bill Watterson) Choose 5 OTPs without looking at the questions first. 1) Sherlock and John-Johnlock (Sherlock) 2) Dean and Castiel-Destiel (Supernatural) 3) Magnus and Alec-Malec (Mortal Instruments) 4) Ron and Hermione (Harry Potter) 5) Remus and Sirius (Harry Potter) 1. Do you remember the episode/scene/chapter where you started shipping 5 first? Just when I realised HOW MUCH SUBTEXT there was between the characters. Plus, Lupin's held gazes with Sirius in Order of the Phoenix, the fact they stay in the house together, how destroyed Lupin seems without Sirius, the fact they never truly stopped believing in each other, despite all the evidence...beautiful. 2. Have you read a fanfiction about 2? Many fanfictions about 2. AUs where they're in high school, hilarious ones where Castiel tries to woo Dean with no social skills, ones where Dean helps Castiel fall asleep...I love Destiel fanfics. 3. Has a picture of 4 ever been your screen saver/profile picture/tumblr ID? No, actually. 4. If 3 were to suddenly break up today, what would your reaction be? Oh God, don't ask that one. 5. Why is 1 so important? Just the fact that John teaches Sherlock so much about the world in some ways. Sherlock's never known what it is to have friends and be with others, and John teaches him that and that he doesn't have to be alone to protect himself. And that John never gave up on him, during those two years, he never abandoned Sherlock or forgot him, and he forgave Sherlock when he asked...I'm sorry, I love Johnlock too much. Plus, THERE IS SUBTEXT IN SPADES. 6. Is 4 a funny ship or a serious ship? A serious one. Though the two are hilarious when they're fighting. 7. Out of all your ships listed, which one has the most chemistry? Don't ask me to choose. They've all got so much. Sherlock and John have the old married couple thing, and all the longing looks and risking their lives for each other and everything, Destiel have the profound bond and the tension and the fact Castiel was the first to make Dean laugh again, Malec are just amazing, Magnus is always looking out for Alec and is there for him to help him and protect him, Ron and Hermione literally are going to be an old married couple and were kind of meant to be from day one and Remus and Sirius have those arguments and the line in the movie "Just like an old married couple." Need I say more? 8.) Of all the ships, which ship has the strongest bond? Sherlock and John are back together after TWO YEARS and their friendship is still strong. Destiel actually has a PROFOUND BOND and Dean always forgives Castiel, no matter what he does. Malec have saved each others' lives, Ron and Hermione have been through Hogwarts and Horcrux hunt together, and Remus and Sirius have survived together as outsiders. 9.) How many times have you read/watched 2's fandom? LITERALLY LOADS. 10.) Which ship lasted the longest? In-series or in my head? Erm, they've all lasted pretty long, though Destiel's probably the newest. Ron and Hermione, probably, because they were the first I heard about. Followed closely by Johnlock. 11.) How many times, if ever, has 5 broken up? Never. They're not together, canonically. Though I suppose their friendship breakup thing lasted for 12 years. 12.) If the world was suddenly thrust into a zombie apocalypse, who would make it out alive, 2 or 3? Ooooh. Hard to say. Alec's a trained Shadowhunter. Magnus is a warlock. You'd think it would be them but then they can still both be injured. And John's a solider and Sherlock could deduce a solution. I'd say Malec would probably have the edge, but then Johnlock could win anyway... 13.) Did 4 ever have to hide their relationship for any reason? Before they got into a relationship, they hid their feelings for one another for about five years. They were best friends and had an old married couple relationship. They were both kind of stubborn about it. 14.) Is 5 still together? SPOILERS, SPOILERS, SPOILERS sobs* in death, presumably. 15) Is 1 canon? HA HA HA. Depends on your point of view. The writers are aware of the shipping and keep dropping in a load of subtext. So...who knows? 16) If all five ships were put into a Hunger Games, which couple would win? Well, Castiel's an angel. He and Dean would just be transported out of there. So they wouldn't even have to compete. Plus, even if they had to, Castiel would just kill everyone anyway. So, 2. But if they transported out, I reckon that without wands 4 and 5 would go down quite quickly. So, it would be between Malec and Johnlock. And without steles and everything, I think it would be an equal fight. In fact, I think Johnlock might have the edge, because John's a soldier and Sherlock will have learned strategies from Mycroft. 17.) Has anyone ever tried to sabotage 5's ship? Yes, Tonks was paired with Lupin. *scowls* But then I don't hate Tonks. 18.) Which ship(s) would you defend to the death and beyond? I'm not quite as OTT about 4 and 5, though I still love them. But the rest, MY GOD YES. 19.) Have you ever spent hours a day going through 3's tumblr page? No, actually. That's more 1 and 2 territory. I've spent about an hour, though. 20.) If an evil witch descended from the sky and told you that you had to pick one of the five ships to break up forever, which would you choose? Remus and Sirius because they're both dead, anyway. And Remus was married with a kid. So, there we go Blame It On The Rain-He Is We WHAT IS YOUR MOTTO? One Big Mob-The Red Hot Chili Peppers WHAT DO YOUR FRIENDS THINK OF YOU? You-The 1975 WHAT DO YOU THINK ABOUT VERY OFTEN? All You Had To Do Was Stay-Taylor Swift WHAT IS 22? Burning Down The House-Talking Heads WHAT DO YOU THINK OF YOUR BEST FRIEND? Doors Unlocked and Open-Death Cab for Cutie WHAT DO YOU THINK ABOUT THE PERSON YOU LIKE? If You Were There, Beware-The Arctic Monkeys WHAT IS YOUR LIFE STORY? Boombox Generation-Motion City Soundtrack WHAT DO YOU WANT TO BE WHEN YOU GROW UP? At Your Door-Mike Mogis and Nathaniel Walcott (ft. Big Harp) WHAT DO YOU THINK WHEN YOU SEE THE PERSON YOU LIKE? How Do You Sleep!-John Lennon WHAT DO YOUR PARENTS THINK OF YOU? Been Caught Stealing-Jane's Addiction WHAT WILL YOU DANCE TO AT YOUR WEDDING? Nobody Wants U-The Dollyrots WHAT WILL THEY PLAY AT YOUR FUNERAl? Rolling In The Deep-Adele WHAT IS YOUR HOBBY/INTEREST? Be My Number Two-Joe Jackson WHAT IS YOUR BIGGEST SECRET? Look Alive, Sunshine-My Chemical Romance WHAT DO YOU THINK OF YOUR FRIENDS? Girl With The Red Balloon-The Civil Wars WHAT IS THE WORST THING THAT COULD HAPPEN? Horror Show-The Birthday Massacre HOW WILL YOU DIE? Take On Me-A-Ha WHAT IS THE ONE THING YOU WILL REGRET? Breaking & Entering (Acoustic)-Tonight Alive WHAT MAKES YOU LAUGH? Guns of Brixton-The Clash WHAT MAKES YOU CRY? Tequila Sunrise-The Eagles WILL YOU EVER GET MARRIED? She Walks Away-The Icarus Account WHAT SCARES YOU THE MOST? Your Head Got Misplaced-Citizen DOES ANYONE LIKE YOU? Love Cats-The Cure IF YOU COULD GO BACK IN TIME, WHAT WOULD YOU CHANGE? Crazy For You-Best Coast WHAT HURTS RIGHT NOW? A Long Time Ago-First Aid Kit WHAT WILL YOU POST THIS AS? Blame It On The Rain-He Is We Yet another Ipod shuffle thing- If Your Life Were a Movie, what would the Soundtrack Be? 1) Put your ipod on shuffle. 2) Press play. 3) Skip to the next song, for each answer. Opening Credits: Robots and Aliens-Forever The Sickest Kids Waking Up: Hotel California-The Eagles First Day At School: From This Valley-The Civil Wars Making Your New Best Friend: Lightness-Death Cab for Cutie Falling In Love: Soul Meets Body-Death Cab for Cutie Breaking Up: Who You Are-Jessie J Prom: This Must Be The Place-Talking Heads Graduation: Still-Daughter Life's Okay: I Love You Always-The Icarus Account Death of a Close Friend: Believer-Kill Hannah Mental Breakdown: What Are You So Scared Of (Acoustic)-Tonight Alive Driving: Us-Regina Spektor Flashback: Bring On The Wonder-Susan Enan Getting Back Together: Judy And The Dream Of Horses-Belle and Sebastien Birth of Child: Trouble-Natalia Kills Wedding Scene: Stay Stay Stay-Taylor Swift Car Accident: I'll Be Gone-Linkin Park Final Battle: Can't Finish What You Started-Motion City Soundtrack Death Scene: A Lack of Color-Death Cab for Cutie Funeral Song: Follow The Cops Back Home-Placebo End Credits: Every Breath You Take-The Police Deleted Scenes: No One's Gonna Love You-Band of Horses Another ipod shuffle thing-yeah, I know, I'm addicted to them. Here's the questions: HOW DOES THE WORLD SEE YOU? Nineteen-Tegan Quinn WILL I HAVE A HAPPY LIFE? Cover My Eyes-The Birthday Massacre WHAT DO MY FRIENDS THINK OF ME? Clairvoyant-The Story So Far WHAT WILL MY DYING WORDS BE? Tender (instrumental)-Feeder WHAT SHOULD I DO WITH MY LIFE? We're A Happy Family-The Ramones WHAT IS SOME GOOD ADVICE FOR ME? Last Smoke Before The Snowstorm-Benjamin Francis Leftwich HOW WILL I BE REMEMBERED? End Title-Elmer Bernstein (To Kill A Mockingbird Soundtrack) WHAT IS MY SIGNATURE DANCING SONG? We Will Become Silhouettes-The Postal Service WHAT DO I THINK MY CURRENT THEME SONG IS? Capybara-Farewell Continental WHAT DOES EVERYONE ELSE THINK MY CURRENT THEME SONG IS? The Asp At My Chest-The Pains Of Being Pure At Heart WHAT SONG WILL PLAY AT MY FUNERAL? Give 'Em Hell, Kid-My Chemical Romance WILL I GET MARRIED? Brick by Boring Brick-Paramore WHAT IS MY DAY GOING TO BE LIKE? Whispers In The Dark-Skillet WHAT WILL TOMORROW BRING? Hanging Around-Charli XCX HOW AM I FEELING TODAY? Scream-Kill Hannah HOW WILL I GET FAR IN LIFE? Breaking The Habit-Linkin Park WHAT IS THE BEST THING ABOUT ME? Why Does It Always Rain On Me?-Travis HOW WAS TODAY? My Girlfriend's Boyfriend (Broken Spindles Remix)-Her Space Holiday WHAT SONG DESCRIBES MY BEST FRIEND? Simple As This-Jake Bugg HOW IS MY LIFE GOING? Don't Know How To Stop-Halestorm The Harry Potter Pledge I promise to remember Harry When I need to be courageous. I promise to remember Ron When I feel overshadowed. I promise to remember Hermione. When I am picked on for being smart. I promise to remember James and Lily When someone dies before their time. I promise to remember Dumbledore At the thought of greater good. I promise to remember Gred and Forge When I need a laugh. I promise to remember Moony And fight for human rights. I promise to remember Snape When asked the true meaning of love. I promise to remember Narcissa When I'd do anything for family. I promise to remember Tonks When I feel hyper and cheery. I promise to remember Hedwig Who lived and died soaring. I promise to remember Percy When ambition gets the best of me. I promise to practice constant vigilance For Moody's sake, of course. I promise to remember Sirius When I am wrongly accused. I promise to remember Remus When I am an outcast. I promise to remember Hagrid When someone sees beauty in what others see as ugly. I promise to remember Neville When I stand up for what is right. I promise to remember the Golden Trio as a whole When a friend says "Call and I'll be there." I promise to remember Ginny When I must face my fears. I promise to remember Dobby When asked the price of freedom. I promise to remember Luna When I dare to be different. I promise to remember Seamus When things go wrong, but I still persevere. I promise to remember Draco Whenever I make a bad choice and pay for it later. I promise to remember Kreacher When someone has a huge change of heart. I promise to remember Oliver When I soar to great heights. I promise to remember Lee When someone doesn't give up on getting a date. I promise to remember Colin and Dennis When someone's a fanboy or fangirl. I promise to remember Colin When someone too young gets in over their head. I promise to remember the Dursleys When my parents still keep denying they hid my Hogwarts acceptance letter. I promise to remember Gilderoy Lockhart Whenever I chance upon narcissistic people. I promise to remember Umbridge and Fudge When people are too fanatical about the rules. I promise to remember Voldemort and Bellatrix As a sign of where bigotry will get you. I promise to remember Hogwarts When someone talks about their second home. I promise to remember J. K. Rowling When I value the power of imagination. I promise that I will Remember Harry Potter. |