Reviews for And All For One
Guest chapter 1 . 9/27/2019
Unfortunately, there are people who think like Mycroft. Just a cat. Those people don't understand.
Guest chapter 1 . 5/11/2016
;A; You made me cry
Guest chapter 1 . 10/29/2015
I cried...
VioletErin.26 chapter 1 . 1/3/2015
Wah! Poor cat. Huh mycroft decided to look for his brother:) lovely writing.
becgate chapter 1 . 12/4/2014
So sad...loved it !
GeorgyannWayson chapter 1 . 6/30/2014
Aw, this was such a tear-jerker! :( I love cats, so I immediately had to read this oneshot, and I have to say, as sad as this was, I really enjoyed reading it. Thank you for writing it :)
Guest chapter 1 . 4/22/2014
You are absolutely brilliant. It really shows how much you understand Sherlock, as a character, that your plot is actually now canon. Redbeard, anyone?
(Dog or cat, it's still heartwrenchingly sad...)
Doni chapter 1 . 11/2/2013
A sad glimpse into a lonely childhood and the loss of his first and only friend.
The Fallen Caryatid chapter 1 . 10/5/2013
I cried over this story. Real, actual tears.
Sora Matasuki chapter 1 . 7/8/2013
Oh dear I've found myself sobbing all over my ravioli. Well done. "One for all" indeed. *goes over to sob in a corner*
ferryboat George chapter 1 . 5/14/2013
That is so sad. Poor Sherlock
Guest chapter 1 . 3/6/2013
Aaah, that was so sad! This almost made me cry it was so touching - your writing is amazing! God, poor D'Artagnan..and poor Sherlock! :( I had a feeling something like that was going to happen, but still! DX So heart-wrenching...Great work.
CrankWindPencil chapter 1 . 12/12/2012
*punches a wall to feel more manly* Yeah, that was pretty spectacular. And quite angsty. And just absolutly amazing. DFTBA!
Sharon T chapter 1 . 11/23/2012
Wow, cried
Vayalin Whisper chapter 1 . 10/26/2012
I am a huge fan of Kid!Lock, as most people call it, and I am obsessed with cats to the point that I squeal when I see one. So this story definitely fits my demands. The tragedy - I nearly cried- and Mycroft being a complete *insteart swearword here* all add onto the awesomeness of this story. Well done!
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