To any returning readers thanks for checking back in! To all new readers thanks for dropping by! This is my newly edited Chapter 1! I hope you enjoy and look forward to the future edits and, fingers crossed, chapters. As always I don't own RWBY.
Jaune Arc, Tactician
Jaune loved Beacon. But sometimes the default classes he was assigned were not a shining point on Beacon's record. This morning's class was a prime example: Proper Grimm care with Professor Port.
"Psst, Ren." Jaune whispered.
"Way ahead of you." He replied as he finished up typing into his scroll and began to gather his things.
"I'm glad Beacon lets us dropped classes. At my last school you had to stick with what they told you to take." Jaune said with a sigh of relief.
The two members of JNPR stayed through the lecture before leaving as quickly as possible. They walked towards their room while chatting.
"So what class are you going to take instead?" Ren asked as they walked.
Jaune stopped for a second as the question rolled around in his mind. What type of class would he sign up for?
Beacon, naturally, was different from all his past schooling with their class schedule. Every term they would give him a list of classes that were required to take that term and a list of ones that he take as electives. The idea was that it allowed students to become more rounded Huntsmen or Huntresses. It wasn't like the school had different degrees he could take but rather it gave the students a way of being more diverse in their skill sets when they left the halls of Beacon.
His mind went to Ren first as an example. He often took courses in philosophy and history. He was already a great fighter so he chose to strengthen his mind. Nora, on the other hand, took courses about dust. Her reasoning was that she wanted to learn how to make her explosive rounds "more explosive". Then there was Pyrrha who simply took whatever class sounded like fun. She was proficient in everything and so it didn't matter what she took.
"I haven't thought about it too much" Jaune sheepishly answered, as he snapped back to reality. "What about you? Have anyth-"
Jaune was interrupted by Nora landing on Ren's back. "Ren you should join me in my Explosives class!"
"Nora, we've been over this. My weapons don't fire explosive rounds." Ren explained, for what sounded like the umteenth time.
"Right now yes but after this class..." She climbed down and opened the door for her teammates "You too could wield the power the BOOM."
Jaune know that his teammates argument was already over and began to go through his list of alternatives. Pyrrha joined them shortly after. The powerful redhead collected her shower gear and left. She was taking a special course in preparation for the tournament that would be held during the Vytal festival.
When she returned Jaune was looking a sickly green with Ren trying to comfort him with Nora trying to distract him with jokes.
"Jaune!" Pyrrha called, "Are you okay?"
"I-I have to... look for yourself," Handing her his scroll. Pyrrha looked over the list of classes he could take and found a common theme. They all were full. Of course with the exception of the one he just dropped.
"You never know, someone else might drop to take-" She stopped short knowing no one was going to willingly take Professor Port's course.
"I think I going to go running." Jaune said suddenly standing and leaving the room. The rest of Team JNPR knew not to try and stop him.
After a few laps Jaune stopped to let his screaming muscles rest. He had ended up near the sky docks where Ironwoods ships had made their temporary home. He let his mind wander for a few moments before setting to the problem at hand.
"Alright Jaune, you are going to have to suffer through this term. What have we learned?" His inner voice nudged. It almost sounded like Pyrrha to him.
"I need to sign up for classes the day they become available not wait till I'm thrown into one. But-" He frowned at his thoughts. "What am I even going to take?"
"Nothing combat related. Still too weak. I mean Pyrrha has helped me with that but I'm not quite to the level everyone else is. Dust based classes aren't any help when my weapon can't even use it. I could do history courses like Ren... But I could never stay awake in my mandatory ones so I doubt I can manage extra lessons." Jaune let out a sigh as he took a drink from his water bottle.
"Something on your mind?" A voice asked. Jaune looked up to see a tall, well built, older man standing before him. A gear clicked in his mind when he realized it was Ironwood.
"Ironwood! I mean sir, um..." Jaune stammered.
"No need to be nervous," He took a seat on the bench Jaune had be resting on. "Unless you happen to be planning an attack against the kingdom." He finished with a chuckle.
"Right. Well I'm just trying to figure what I'm going to for my classes this term and the next." Jaune explained. Ironwood raised an eyebrow, prompting Jaune to continue.
"My free class for this term is going to end up being Proper Grimm care with Professor Port and I think my future classes might end up being similar."
"I can see why you would be worried. What about extra combat classes?" Ironwood asked.
Jaune just shook his head.
Same reply.
"Semeblence and Aura training?"
No again.
"What about battlefield tactics?"
"I didn't see that on my list of courses." Jaune replied.
"But would you like to learn?" Ironwood pressed.
"I don't have a background of anything like that but it sounds like an answer."
"Stay here." Ironwood stood up pulling out his scroll and walking a few paces away.
Jaune heard something about favors, Ozpin, and chess pieces. A few minutes later the general sat back down next to the blond with a small smile.
"what's your name?"
"Jaune Arc." Jaune replied realizing he never actually introduced himself.
"Welcome Jaune to battlefield tactics. I will be your professor. I expect you to be punctual and attentive." Jaune sat there unmoving not sure how to react. "And if you don't meet my standards you'll find yourself back in Port's class." With that the general walked away. Hiding a smile thinking to himself, "An Arc? He should be up to the challenge."
Jaune went back to his room, showered, and got dressed for dinner. In the dining hall team RWBY and the rest of team JNPR were waiting for him.
"Still in Port's class?" Yang teased from across the table.
"Nope." Jaune replied.
"Oh really?" Yang said speaking for the table, "What class did you end up in?"
"Battlefield tactics with General Ironwood." Jaune answered with a grin.
For a moment the only movement was Jaune eating.
"What?" was the collective response.
"Y-you do know what that class is about, right Jaune?" Pyrrha asked looking a bit pale.
"No. But anything is probably better than Port's right?" Jaune continued eating.
"Jaune let me put this in terms you might understand better," Weiss spoke up. "Pyrrha is taking an extra combat class so she can excel in tournament settings. That class is only available to a select few."
"Well duh, I know that. Pyrrha is awesome." Jaune blushes a bit realizing he said that aloud while sitting next to Pyrrha. Unknown to Jaune she has a similar response.
"If you would let me finish..." Weiss growled "Ironwood only offers that class to students who he thinks would make excellent leaders or military advisors."
It was Jaune's turn this time to stop eating, nearly choking on his food instead, "W-what?!"