Author has written 7 stories for Harry Potter. Bio Part-I. Hi all. I have been reading fanfictions for so long that if I dont read atleast one fic in two days, I feel like something is missing. I love reading really long fics and stories written in third person. I dislike reading fics where tenses keep changing. It gets a little distracting ( but that's just me :P). Oh and I love lemony fics ;) I like Naruto, Inuyasha and Harry Potter the most. I have read some really amazing fics that have left me spell bound. In fact the funny thing is, I really liked Harry Potter series but I fell in love with everything related to the Harry Potter world when I started reading fanfictions. I couldnt believe some of the plots people came up with it. It really fascinated me. And after reading hundreds or thousands ( yes I've read that many :p) of stories, I thought maybe its time I write something of my own. Well thats how it started in any case. I love Hermione with almost everyone ( of course not all at once. Might be a little too much for even the smartest witch. ;). although I have read hermioneXmulti that are seriously amazing but I'm digressing...) My point was that Hermione's character is so complex and has so many different levels of intensity that it's very easy to imagine her with lot of different people. My favourites are : Harry Potter. Hermione X Draco or Lucius ( There's something about the Malfoy men that just makes you wanna...well i'll leave that to your imagination ;) ) Hermione X Sirius( He is so yummy!) Hermione X Severus ( Check out Miss Figg's website : or greeneyedbabe. They are really amazing sev and mione authors. ) Hermione X Harry ( you really should read The nine month bride by solad divided on Granger Enchanted alteast once. It's really amazing.) Hermione X Tom Riddle/Voldy. ( I was surprised to find some really good fics in this category.) Naruto I love, LOVE Kakashi. He is really my favourite. Next is Itachi, followed by Tsunade and Jiraya. The thing with Naruto is I like Sakura with Kakashi/Itachi / Sasuke (sometimes). But I hate her with Naruto. ( oh he is one of my favourites too.) Inuyasha Kagome X Sesshoumaru (i hope i got his name right. ) Kagome X Miroku ( Chasing Methusela, my all time favourite., check it out if u like this pairing ) Kagome X Inuyasha (sometimes) I discovered that I really love writing and i may not have written much but I plan to finish whatever I start Thats it for now folks. I'll update when I have something new to add. Cheers :) |