
Black Heart

Chapter 37 Husbands, Wives and Slytherin values.

Draco Malfoy walked into the great hall his wife Juliet held tightly beside him as he kept his arm wrapped firmly around her waist as they moved between the long tables.

"Merlin Draco I can hardly breathe let up a bit"

Juliet quietly hissed out her request.

"Oh sorry love"

Draco slightly loosened his grip as he steered Juliet over to the Ravenclaw table making sure to walk straight pass those bloody harpies Cho Chang and her hangers on. Stopping at a space beside Luna who was talking quietly to Padma Patel, Draco let out a little sigh of relief.

"Okay love enjoy your breakfast and I will see you in half an hour"

Juliet smiled up at her handsome husband.

"Draco I will meet you outside the classroom you really don't need to escort me to every class you know".

Draco pulled his lips into a tight line as he closed his eyes breathing deeply.

"Juliet I will see you right here in half an hour alright?"

Sighing gently Juliet nodded her head and took her seat beside Padma.

"Merlin Juliet he's very possessive"

Padma watched Draco's retreating back as he made his way across the great hall towards the front of the Slytherin table.

"Mmm I know" was Juliet's only reply as she smiled gently at her friends before helping herself to some breakfast.


Draco walked smartly towards the Slytherin table keeping his eyes trained in front of him. He could feel the eyes of his housemates on him as he walked by, their silent condemnation swept over him. Ever since his marriage to Juliet had become common knowledge he had become the subject of, at first very silent admonishment now they were becoming more and more vocal in their outrage at their head and at one time undisputed leader's defection as they saw it. Draco knew this would happen he understood that almost every family in Slytherin supported the Dark Lord's ideals and that more than a third of his fellow housemates parents were in fact death eaters just like his father, aunt and uncle. He had been counting on most of them being like Blaise and himself though and to hold their own counsel on all things related to the Dark Lord and his ideals, what he didn't expect was the campaign of threats against Juliet and himself to grow with such menacing momentum.


Blaise's greeting pulled him from his depressing thoughts. Smiling tightly at Blaise and Pansy he sat down beside them. Pulling at a large platter from the middle of the table he started loading up the empty plate in front of him with food.

"You alright mate?" Blaise asked him quietly

"Just peachy mate" the rest of his sentence silenced as a shrill voice travelled up the length of the table.


Ha, ha, ha, ha, Fabian you're too much"

Sophia Yaxley cackled loudly at the whispering of her latest boyfriend Fabian Rowle, both of them looking up the table smirking widely at Draco before continuing on in filling in their neighbours on the joke.

"Just ignore them Draco they will soon move on to something else"

Pansy spoke quietly only Blaise and Draco hearing her.

"That's not fucking likely Pansy it's been three weeks and if anything it's getting worse"

"Hey" Blaise nudged him sharply. "No need to bite off Pansy's head, she is only trying to help"

Draco sighed deeply.

Sorry Pansy, I don't mean to snap its just poor Juliet cannot move about the castle at all now. I'm terrified one of those bastards's down there will carry out their threats to hurt her".

Draco motioned his head towards Yaxley and Rowle down at the other end of the long table.

Pansy smiled gently before answering quietly

"It's okay Draco I understand".

Blaise's jaw tightened as he leaned further in to Draco turning furious eyes towards him.

"No actually it's not fucking okay Pansy. Juliet and Draco are not the only ones who cannot move about the castle on their own now".

Draco pushed Blaise away his own eyes narrowing as he pinned his best mate with his icy glare.

"What the hell Blaise?"

"Maybe if you lifted your head out of your arse mate you would see you and your wife are not the only ones being threatened. Apparently it's really dangerous these days being your friend".

Draco looked from his friend's angry gaze to Pansy's bent head as she stared at the table in front of her. Running a frustrated hand through his hair he shook his head from side to side slowly.

"I didn't know I'm sorry guys you don't deserve to be pulled into this mess".

"What did you expect Draco that they would line up to kiss your Slytherin arse, congratulating you on your wedding. Grow up mate"

Blaise signed resignedly, he could see Draco was shocked.

"I'm sorry both of you guys you don't deserve to get pulled into this but what could I do I couldn't let her fall into their hands, she's my life Blaise I had to protect her".

Pansy's expression softened as she laid her hand on top of Draco's.

"We understand Draco, I'm sure everything will be alright soon".

Blaise sighed deeply.

"Look Drake mate most of Slytherin feels the way we do about everything now days. They just want to keep their heads down and get on with things we just need to come up with a plan to keep the idiots fooled and out of our way".

Draco looked up at his best friend, a sudden sparkle coming back into his eyes.

"Yeah fooled but how do we do that"

Blaise shook his head at Draco his eyes moving quickly down the length of the Slytherin table.

"Not here, let's meet in your rooms during lunch break we will talk then okay?"

"Sure" Draco nodded his head in agreement, "Lunch break".


Sirius grimaced as he leaned his head against the bathroom door. Hermione had absolutely forbidden him to enter the room. She found it completely mortifying to have him present whilst she threw up but the sounds of her being so violently ill made his heart clench and it took everything he had not to throw open the door and rush to her side. He cocked his head to the side the awful sounds had stopped and all was silent from the bathroom before he heard the toilet flush then the sound of water running into the sink as Hermione washed out her mouth and cleaned her teeth.

He moved back from the door when he heard the water shut off a second later Hermione slowly opened the door her pale pinched face coming into view.

Moving aside she smiled gently at him as she made her way over to the sofa sitting down heavily and leaning her head back against the soft cushions her eyes tightly closed.

"Hermione sweetheart Molly's suggestions are not working you are being violently ill every morning and it's getting worse during the day as well. We need to go see Madam Pomfrey".

Sighing gently Hermione nodded her head in agreement.

"I know, lets go now before class starts if she can give me a potion or something that can stop this you will get no argument from me".

Raising his eyebrows slightly at Hermione's easy acceptance he moved quickly back into their bedroom throwing on a shirt only to halt when a loud knocking on their chamber door echoed through the rooms.

"Sit were you are I'll see who it is"

Pulling open the front door Sirius grinned at Harry and Ginny who were standing on the other side only to frown at Ginny's loud gasp as her eyes raked over his chiselled tattooed chest down over his very taut stomach to hip bones ever so slightly visible as his trousers lay low on his hips.

Ginny's "oh my" was quickly cut off as Harry covered her eyes with his hand.

"Eh do you mind buttoning up your shirt for fuck's sake"

Standing back so that they could enter the room Sirius couldn't help but grin at Harry.

"Excuse me I think you will find we are in my rooms I'll walk about butt naked in here if the notion takes me. It's not my fault you girlfriend is now comparing you unfavourably with me right now".

Harry stuck two fingers up at his godfather as he moved Ginny over towards Hermione who was still sitting on the couch shaking her head at her husband.

"Sirius" her quiet voice bringing his attention to her "behave please"

Chuckling he continued to button up his shirt

"What can we do for you two, it will have to be quick we are on our way to the hospital wing"

"Oh Hermione are you okay what's the matter?"

Ginny sat beside Hermione all amusement at Harry and Sirius quickly forgotten as she took in Hermione's pale face.

"I'm fine Ginny honestly it's just this morning sickness I'm going to see if Madam Pomfrey can give me a potion for it or something".

"Merlin Hermione you look like shit"

"Thank you for that Harry, is there anything else we can do for you or did you just come up here to tell me what I already know"

"Harry what the hell is wrong with you" Ginny glared at her boyfriend as Sirius slapped him on the back of his head.

"Ignore him Hermione he's a grumpy git. We only came up to see if you wanted to come to breakfast with us that's all do you want us to come with you to see Madam Pomfrey?"

"No, no you guys go to breakfast Sirius will come with me and I expect I will see you in class Harry"

"Okay come on we will walk down with you" Harry held his hand out to Ginny to pull her up from the sofa as Sirius gently helped Hermione to stand.

Coming to stand in front of her Harry kissed Hermione lightly on her forehead before hugging her lightly.

"I'm sorry Mione"

Never able to stay mad at him for any length of time Hermione waved his apology off.

"It's alright Harry I do look pretty crappy at the moment"

"Like hell you do, you're fucking gorgeous and you know it"

Putting his fingers lightly under her chin he tilted her face to look up at him.

"I think you should spend the morning in bed after you are finished with Madam Pomfrey what do you think Sirius?"

Sirius wrapped his arm around Hermione's shoulder.

"Harry's suggestion seems very sensible to me sweetheart"

Hermione's shoulders sagged slightly.

"I've not got the energy to fight with you both this morning, lets just go and get that bloody potion then I will see how I feel alright"

Sirius looked over her head at Harry

"That's the best we are going to get Harry"

Shaking his head Harry agreed with him

"Yeah, it's a bloody miracle we got her to agree to that. Come on gorgeous I'm starving"

Harry pulled Ginny along with him slapping her lightly on the backside as she moved towards the door causing her to let out a slight yelp her cheeks flaming red instantly.

"Harry Potter" was all she hissed out as the rest was drowned out by Harry and Sirius's laughter.


Madam Pomfrey took one look at Hermione's pale face and insisted that she immediately sit down whilst she took a short history from Sirius as to what had been going on.

"Oh you need an Anti-sickness potion no question Hermione my dear but unfortunately the pregnancy Anti-sickness potion is not one we keep in stock here at the infirmary".

Turning to Sirius she raised her eyebrows as she continued

"We don't get a lot of call for pregnancy potions here at the school"

Deciding to ignore the slight sarcasm of her last statement Sirius asked the obvious.

"Why can't she just have the normal Anti-sickness potion, I'm sure you do have a lot of call for those here".

"Oh the risk of spontaneous abortion is too high with those; the pregnancy ones are much gentler they have the right hormonal balance your see. Now the problem is..."

She broke off as Hermione made a slight gagging noise behind them. Without pause she flicked her wand and a sick bowl appeared in Hermione's hands, a second flick produced a pale cream screen to shield Hermione from view.

"You carry on dear that bowl will vanish anything that lands in it immediately. Now as I was saying" She turned back to Sirius.

"The potion you need I don't have at the moment. I can buy it from St Mungo's but it is very expensive and I don't know if the school budget will stretch to it. If you can wait until later this afternoon I could speak to Professor Snape, I'm sure he will brew the potion for you this evening if he is free".

Sirius shook his head.

"No don't bother order it in immediately from St Mungo's I will pay for it"

Madam Pomfrey gasped.

"Are you sure Sirius it is very expensive I'm sure that the last time I looked at the price list, that particular potion was around 75 galleons and Hermione would need to take it every other day for the next few weeks".

Sirius waved her concerns away.

"I don't care how much the bloody potion costs just order it for my wife please"

Madam Pomfrey shrugged

"Oh well if that is what you want"

Hermione groaned from behind the screen causing both Sirius and the mediwitch to run behind it.

"Are you alright sweetheart what's the matter?".

Hermione grimaced rolling her eyes slightly at him.

"Beside the obvious I'm fine just peachy"

Immediately feeling contrite she apologised.

"I'm sorry Sirius that was just bitchy, I'm okay really"

Turning to Madam Pomfrey she questioned.

"Madam is this really normal, I'm scared something is wrong and all this retching will cause some kind of damage to the baby"

"Oh it perfectly normal for some girls my dear. Others well they just sail through with no sickness at all, some just experience it for a few day in the first trimester and only in the mornings and others like you will find they can be very sick at any time of the day and quite possibly throughout the whole pregnancy".

"Oh great" Hermione mumbled as she held her hand out for the mouthwash and freshener that Madam Pomfrey had produced for her.

"Right then you two make yourself comfortable here whilst I go and see about ordering your potion"

Madam Pomfrey turned to Sirius

"Actually don't you have a class to teach this morning Sirius? The last thing I need is a classroom full of unsupervised little witches and wizard's practicing spells on each other"

"Yes your right I do... I wonder if Remus would be able to cover this morning"

Hermione tugged on his sleeve bringing his attention back to her

"Sirius I will be fine, go teach your class just make sure you sign the bloody permission slip first so I can get my potion as soon as it gets here"

"Not a chance Hermione, I'm not leaving here so you can run out to your classes the minute my back is turned"

Hermione sighed deeply

"Actually I was going to take up your suggestion of spending the morning in bed, I really don't feel up to a morning of Transfiguration and then Brewing in that horrible damp dungeon".

"Oh well, in that case maybe I should just take you back to our rooms and then get to my class I do have the younger school this morning and they are a bloody nightmare when left to their own devices".

Madam Pomfrey listening to the exchange between them nodded her head in ready agreement.

"That's an idea. I was going to suggest you stay here this morning Hermione but I understand you will feel much more comfortable in your own quarters you will be able to rest better, I will come and find you when your potion arrives and go over the instructions for its use with you".

Hermione and Sirius used the floo in the hospital wing to travel back to their quarters. Hermione flopped down on the bed a wave of exhaustion overtaking her.

"I hope I don't feel like this throughout the whole pregnancy. I feel absolutely whacked and thoroughly useless"

Sirius sat beside her helping her out of her cloak and slowly unbuttoning her blouse his eyes darkening with the telltale sign of his arousal.

"Don't be so hard on yourself sweetheart your pregnant not useless"

His fingertips brushed down her arms as her slid the blouse from her shoulders. Hermione looked up at him through her eyelashes.

"Really what use have I been to you lately it's been days since we have made love"

Sirius kissed her lips sweetly

"Enough of that, I love you Hermione you are having my baby and I would wait until the end of time to make love to you again if I had to"

Hermione felt her self tearing up, 'bloody hormones'


Professor Snape looked up briefly from his desk as the seventh year students filed in past him silently. As the last person sat down his waved his wand at the door to close it only to stall as Draco Malfoy hurried through the entrance.

"Sorry Professor" Draco nodded at him as he walked briskly past his desk.

Narrowing his eyes at Draco's retreating back his wand swished lazily in the direction of the door causing it to close with a loud bang making most the students jump slightly in their seats.

"Mister Malfoy a word please"

Draco breathed deeply trying hard to reign in his temper at being called to the front of the class.

"I trust it was of the up most important head boy business that made you almost late for my class Mr Malfoy, a task that only someone as important as your esteemed self could undertake or perhaps this task is for your equally esteemed other half who is at present missing from my class"

Severus raised his eyebrows in question waiting on Draco's answer.

"Yes professor, sorry it won't happen again"

Severus crossed his arms in front of him as he leaned back in his chair.

"I'm waiting Mr Malfoy"

Draco looked at him in confusion

"Excuse me Professor waiting for what exactly"

"Were is the head girl this morning Mr Malfoy, you are the head boy are you not"

Draco glanced quickly behind him just noticing for the first time Hermione's absence.

"I have not seen the head girl this morning sir, I'm afraid I do not know why she is not here"

"um excuse me Professor"

Severus's and Draco's eyes snapped at Harry who had raised his hand slightly in the air.

"Herm… em Mrs Black is at the hospital wing this morning sir; I do not think she will be attending classes at all today"

Keeping their indifferent masks in place Severus dismissed Draco

"Take your seat Mr Malfoy, Mr Potter 20 points from Gryffindor for interrupting my conversation "

"What the hell…" Harry spluttered outraged.

"Instructions are up on the board, please note them down carefully and begin your preparations, do not and I repeat do not start to collect your ingredients until I have inspected your work station and your preparations…Mr Malfoy"

Draco looked up at his Professor again tearing his gaze away from the note he was trying to hastily scribble to Blaize.

"Yes sir"

"You are in charge, if I hear one peep from this class you will be very sorry….. Mr Potter a word in my office now please".

Draco nodded his head in understanding and cast a quick evil glare around the class making sure everyone lowered their heads.

Harry two red spots of temper on his cheeks stood up and followed Professor Snape though his office door.

Standing sullenly silent Harry waited for his Professor to speak.

"What ails Mrs Black this morning?"

Fully expecting some kind of sneering taunt from the Potions Master, Harry was not expecting his Professor ask after Hermione at all.

"What…em sorry Professor…what?"

Severus rolled his eyes.

"What is wrong with the head girl that has her seeking out the hospital wing this morning?"

"Oh right…em well its morning sickness.. She has really bad morning sickness caused by her pregnancy"

Severus fell quiet as he dismissed Harry with a wave of his hand back to the classroom. Making a decision he quickly floo called Madam Pomfrey who informed him she was trying to order some Anti-sickness potion from St Mungo's for Hermione.

"Don't bother madam I will brew some up now that the Head Girl can use, I already have a base potion made up so no doubt I will get the potion to her quicker than those dolts at St Mungo's brew labs".

Setting up his work station at the back of the office Severus fought down the devil on his shoulder who was querying his unwanted feelings for Hermione Black and why he felt he wanted to help her.

Draco was biting back his frustration at being left in charge of this bloody class for most of the period. He was really hoping to speak to Blaize to try and get an idea of what he was planning to do to help him with the situation in Slytherin. Professor Snape only made an appearance now and again always returning to his office after making a quick sweep of the room long enough to intimidate the seventh years into keeping silent and working diligently on their potions, each time reminding Draco he was holding him responsible for the class whilst he was absent from the room.

"Alright, bottle up your potions making sure they are correctly labelled and leave them on my desk on your way out of my class".

All the students looked up as Professor Snape waltzed into the room minutes before the class to due to end barking out his orders.

Sighing out their relief that the torture of potions was finished for another day all of the students hurriedly completed their tasks pausing only briefly to deposit their bottled potions on the side of Professor Snape's desk.

"Thank Merlin that's over you know that bloody class is hellish"

Ron spoke in a loud whisper to Harry, Seamus and Pavarti as they left the class.

"Oh I know and poor Harry losing points for just telling the old bat where Hermione was, he is so unfair. So how long does Hermione have to stay in the hospital wing Harry?

"She's not in the hospital wing she was sent back to bed in her own rooms, I expect she will be up and about by tea time tonight, she was just really tired you know"

Harry answered Pavarti quickly before Ron pulled him away.

"Come on you lot I'm starving"

"Sure that's nothing new for you mate"

Seamus's chuckling laugh faded away as the group made their way to the staircase leading up from the dungeons.


"So what's the plan?"

Draco got right to business the minute he, Juliet, Blaize and Pansy sat down in the head boy's quarters.

"Simple really we've got to convince the Slytherin's that you're still the same old self seeking bastard you used to be"

Draco raised his eyebrows at Blaise's comments

"Fuck off Blaise"

Blaise chuckled at Draco's scowl

"No really mate I have thought about this a lot and we just really need to throw the pack off the scent so to speak. If the Slytherin's think nothing has changed and that you married Juliet because it was in your best interest and not hers then they will back off".

"Do you think that will work Blaise, some of them seem pretty mad at both of us right now?"

Juliet spoke up softly.

"Think about it Juliet, if Draco convinces the Slytherin's that he married you to protect his own interests no matter what the final outcome of the war is with the Dark Lord then he will be respected, hell some might even start to hero worship him again especially if you play your part along with him as the docile submissive little muggle born wife. If those moron's see that Draco is still the right bastard he always was these past six years and that really nothing has changed they will all back off and leave you alone I guarantee it".

Pansy clapped her hands before she launched herself at Blaise covering his face in kisses.

"Brilliant you know that just might work"

Blaise smirked at her as he pulled her down onto his lap

"All my ideas are brilliant"

"Alright you two remember there are others in the room with you"

Draco looked at Juliet

"What do you think; you want to play along with this?"

Juliet looked at Blaise and Pansy's expectant faces before turning back to Draco.

"I'm not sure Draco, what would you expect me to do I mean I'm not kneeling at your feet in the great hall or anything"

"Of course not"….. Draco began before being cut off by Blaise

"Actually Juliet that's not far off the mark. You see most Slytherin marriages, hell most wizard marriages the male is very dominant and runs the family. A Slytherin wife almost never works and would never ever question her husband in public. The muggle born marriage law has taken that a giant step further when you think about it you really have no rights only those Draco allows, so we play up to that. Make them think your marriage was all to Draco's benefit. No one really knows anything about your muggle life so we can convince them that when your Grandmother died she left you a big fortune and that was just the icing on the cake for Draco. Also domestic abuse is really common in Slytherin marriages, it's really not that unusual to see the odd fading bruise here and there on a Slytherin wife".

Draco jumped up outraged

"What the fuck Blaise, you saying I should knock her about a bit now? Maybe I should throw her down the fucking stairs and cripple her for life then I can really be just like my father"

Blaise stood slowly facing Draco

"Don't be so fucking stupid Draco of course I'm not suggesting you beat Juliet but your not thinking with your head mate a simple little glamour charm occasionally to show the odd bruise here and there would do no harm"

Juliet and Pansy looked between the two boys, Juliet's eyes wide and confused turned towards Pansy.

"Pansy I think you better fill me in on what life can really be like for a Slytherin wife"


Hermione woke to gentle fingers stroking down her cheek. Blinking sleepily she turned her head slightly and looked into the gorgeous eyes of her husband who was lying stretched out on the bed beside her.

"Hey sleepy head how are your feeling?"

Hermione smiled gently at him as she stretched and moved to sit up a little bit pleased that the slight movement did not cause any nausea.

"Mmm much better thank you. Is it lunch time already?"

"It is indeed, you my little wife have slept the morning away….hey were are you going?"

Sirius arms pulled her back against him as Hermione tried to leave the bed.

"Sirius I have to get up and dressed, I've already missed morning classes, I can't miss anymore this afternoon".

"I did not get my morning kiss this morning so you owe me"

Hermione giggled as Sirius started to nuzzle her neck.

"You are incorrigible do you know that"

"Mmm" Sirius's lips started to make their way up from her neck until his mouth reached hers.

They lay on the bed kissing for a few moments more when a loud knock at the door interrupted them.

"For the love of Merlin can the people in the bloody castle not take a hint and just fuck off"

"Sirius for goodness sake"

Hermione pushed Sirius away from and her getting up out of the bed shrugged on her dressing gown before making her way out of their bedroom to the door of their chambers.

Opening the door Hermione could not contain the small gasp that left her before regaining her composure and greeting Professor Snape.

"Professor how may I help you"

"Madam Black may I unless you wish to conduct all your business out in the corridors"

Severus gestured behind her to the sitting room of her quarters.

"Oh of course please come in professor"

"Please sit down Professor"

Hermione pointed to the door leading to their bedroom.

"Just let me get Sirius and I will be right back"

"Actually Mrs Black it was you I came to see"


For some unknown reason a slight blush appeared on Hermione's cheeks and she flustered slightly. Before she could respond her attention was diverted to the bedroom door as Sirius appeared in it buttoning up the black shirt he had obviously just changed into. Immediately noticing who was present in their rooms Sirius's spine stiffened as he stepped further into the room his eyes sweeping up the length of Hermione before he jerked his head in the direction he had just come.

"Hermione please go and get dressed I will speak to Professor Snape"

"Oh yes of course, please excuse me Professor I will be right back"

Hermione hurried over to the bedroom door snapping it tightly shut behind her.

Even though she had closed the door she could still here the deep voices of her husband and professor.

"So to what do we owe the pleasure this afternoon Severus?"

Professor Snape stood up from his seat turning to face Sirius.

"As I said to your wife Black I am here to see her. I understood from Poppy she was struggling with sickness associated with her pregnancy and I have some nausea potion here for her".

His temper rising Sirius sneered

"We don't need your bloody potions Snape I am well able to provide for my wife and I have asked Poppy to order us some potion from St Mungo's so you see your little errand of mercy was unnecessary".

Hermione threw open the bedroom door, dressed in deep burgundy school robes she was an impressive figure as she strode over to the two men who were now standing facing each other, both with their wand in hand ready to hex.

"For the love of all that's magic"

Hermione pushed the two figures apart before grabbing one of the small potions bottles from the basket in Professor Snape's left hand.

"Are these for me Professor? Thank you so much now I can have some lunch without worrying about it making a re-appearance again some time during afternoon classes"

Uncorking the potion Hermione tilted her head back and swallowed it all down.

Ignoring the incredulous stares of both men Hermione stroked her hands over her stomach.

"Oh my you know that does feel instantly better. I don't feel so weak to the stomach at all now. How will this work again professor does it stop all the nausea completely and how often should I take it?"

Professor Snape took a step back and allowed his trademark smirk to return.

"One a day will suffice Madam Black but it is usually taken before rising from bed in the morning as that is when most women are afflicted".

Sirius smirked right back at him seeing his chance to have the last word.

"Yes well she has just risen from bed, in fact if you had not come barging in we would both still be there".

"Sirius" Hermione was mortified

"Professor thank you so much you must let us pay you for these potions or at least for the ingredients".

Severus waved her offer away.

"No need the base potion was already made and the school had all the other ingredients in stock. If you will excuse me I will go and partake of my lunch before the torture of an afternoon of 1st and 3rd years begins".

"I can't stand that bloody git"

Hermione had barely shut the door behind Professor Snape when she heard Sirius move about behind her.

"Sirius he was only trying to help, in fact he was being very kind"

"Yes that's the problem he is never kind what's he playing at, that bastard is up to something"

Hermione shook her head exasperated

"Let's not argue about this please. I am just grateful that I won't be throwing up all over the castle anymore"

Sirius cocked his eyebrow

"Mmm are you really feeling better?"

"Yes I am I feel really good now and hungry"

"Okay sweetheart lets go get you and little bean fed"

Sirius pulled her in close and kissed the top of her head making Hermione smile with happiness. He turned and offered her his arm.

"Shall we"

Hermione slipped her arm through his

"We shall" she giggled in reply.


The great hall was a wall of noise as they entered it. The whole school was still at lunch and Sirius and Hermione had to weave their way through groups of friends moving from house table to house table visiting and in some cases flirting with each other before they eventually reached Harry, Ron & Ginny.

"Hey guys Hermione you feeling better"

Harry asked as he moved over to make room for Hermione to sit.

"Yes thanks much better. Professor Snape made me some pregnancy nausea potion and brought it up to our rooms for us"


Ron and Harry looked at Sirius for confirmation

Sirius pursed his lips and nodded his head once


"Anyway sweetheart you enjoy lunch and I will see you later this afternoon, just going to quickly catch Remus before he leaves"

Sirius kissed the top of Hermione's head again snickering at the wolf whistles from the students around them and at the blush on Hermione's cheeks.

"That must have been what that greasy git was up to this morning in his office"

Hermione looked up from her sandwich at Ron

"Ron are you talking about Professor Snape, please stop calling him that awful name"

"Yeah well your Professor Snape…."

Harry broke off snickering as he heard Ron say 'Greasy Git" under his breath'

"…Your Professor Snape deducted points from us this morning because I had the audacity to tell him you where ill when he asked why you were not in class, so I'm just surprised he took the time to make you your potion".

"That doesn't sound right why would he take points from you for just answering his question"

"He wasn't asking Harry he was asking Malfoy"

Ron grinned at Harry's scowl as he took a long drink from his goblet of pumpkin juice.

"Honestly Harry you would think after all these years you would know better than to speak before you where spoken to in that class"

"You know what I'm not saying another bloody thing"

Harry made the exaggerated motion of zipping his mouth shut much to Ginny's amusement who giggled away merrily.

"Hermione you feeling better now are you joining as for Rune's this afternoon"

Hermione nodded around the mouthful of sandwich she had just bitten off.

"Yes Pavarti thank you, much better"

"Hurry up and finish up then cause it looks like everyone is making a move but I will wait for your we can walk up together"

"Yeah see you later you guys I'm going to catch up with Luna and walk with her to Charms"

Ginny stood up and immediately Harry and Ron jumped up along with her.

"Hold up Ginny we will walk out with you both"

Ron hastily gulped down the last of his drink before wiping the back of his hand over his mouth.


Hermione and Pavarti turned into the corridor their classroom just behind Draco and Juliet. Hermione smiled at Juliet just as the girl turned to speak to her.

"Hermione Hi how are you I heard you where a bit off this morning?"

Before Hermione had a chance to answer Juliet's query she was pushed none to gently aside by Sophie Yaxly who then very deliberately bumped into Juliet causing her book bag to spill from her shoulder.

"Hey" Hermione called after the rude Slytherin

Smirking Sophie turned and swept a disgusted look over both Hermione and Juliet.

"Are you speaking to me?"

"Yes I was, don't ever push me again do you understand Yaxly"

Hermione squared up to the slightly taller girl, not a bit intimidated by her sneering looks.

Stepping forward Draco grabbed Juliet's arm his expression matching the sneer on Sophie's face.

"Now now can't have the head girl brawling in the corridors now can we? Anyway Juliet caused this by stopping to gossip and causing the blockage in the corridor, Juliet apologise to Sophie".

Hermione turned incredulous eyes on Draco as Juliet dropped her head two large spots of colour on her cheeks.

"You have got to be kidding me"

Hermione stared at Draco and Juliet as some kind of unspoken communication passed between the couple before Juliet's spine stiffened and she lifted her head.

"My apologies Sophie"

"Well, that's alright then" the other girl snapped triumphantly smirking in Draco's direction before turning and making her way to the classroom.

"What the hell was that?"

Hermione was incredulous as she stared at Draco her gaze narrowing as she took in his hateful stare back at her before she noted the slight shake of his head. She stood silently as she watched Draco slightly push Juliet forward keeping his hand on the small of her back, "Move" his hissed out command making Juliet jump ever so slightly. Hermione's confusion deepened more as she noted the slight movement of Draco's hand as he drew comforting small circles on Juliet's back with his finger tips.

"What the hell is going on?"

Confused Hermione followed them into the classroom.


Severus Snape stood silently in the dark alcove just above the Slytherin common room. The occupant of the portrait behind him straining to peek over dark potion masters shoulder. Severus relied heavily on this past Slytherin Head Boy to keep a close watch on the goings on in the Slytherin common room, the pompous twit only too happy to inform Severus of the latest gossip from the present batch of Slytherin's.

Draco Malfoy had just left the common room.

"So do we believe him?" Sophie Yaxly looked round her fellow Slytherin's

Millicent Bulstrode shrugged her shoulders as she stood up

"Why not, let's face it we all know he is an absolute bastard when he wants to be marrying that little mudblood and taking control of her and her inheritance does sound like something Malfoy would do".

"Yeah and she's not too bad too look at either, got a smoking little body on her and he gets to shag it whenever he likes"

Fabian Rowle laughed when his girlfriend punched him on the arm.

"Oh don't be jealous my pet, she's not a patch on you.

Sophie Yaxley smirked at him before kissing him on the mouth.

Hearing enough Severus turned and quietly made his way back through the portrait hole into his study.

"Well your ploy seems to have worked, looks like they believe you"

Draco sighed the breath he did not realise he was holding escaping in a puff.

"You do know you will have to keep this up for the foreseeable future Draco, Juliet is going to have to appear thoroughly browbeaten".

"I know we have discussed it and it's the only way Severus. I need the Slytherin's to back off and leave her alone, Blaise and Pansy too they have both been caught up in all of this".

"The question is do we tell the order or not, personally I think enough people know, anymore and it won't look authentic because let's face it Potter and co will not be able to stop themselves from jumping to your wife's defence".

Draco's shook his head a small snicker escaping his lips at his Godfather's continued hatred towards the Gryffindor Prince.

"We tell them, Potter and Weasley will be able to keep up the pretence they will just love the chance to have a go at me at every opportunity whether it's real or not".

Severus nodded his head

"Okay the meeting tomorrow evening then".

Draco stood and held out his hand to his Godfather

"Thank you Severus for everything"

Taking his hand firmly in his Severus clasped his young godson's hand tightly.

"Just be very careful Draco. Your mother would not survive if anything happened to you"

Severus watched Draco as he left his office

"Neither would you young wife I fear" he whispered quietly to the empty room.


"I don't like this not one bit, surely we are leaving Juliet open to all types of abuse from any Slytherin who thinks they can get away with it"

Hermione looked around the table as she spoke the only person who seemed to be in agreement with her was Harry.

Sirius gently tugged on her arm to get her attention

"Actually sweetheart as much as I hate to admit it I think Draco and Severus have got it right". This is what a lot of wizarding marriages are like Hermione and your wrong about the others from Slytherin; they will leave her alone now as long as they think she is being controlled by her husband they would never dare interfere".

Hermione shook her head

"I don't understand"

"Hermione" Remus spoke up gently

"Just think of woman's rights only about a hundred years ago, that's the mind set most of these young wizards and witches have been brought up in, they will not think that it strange or out of character for Draco to dominate his wife"

"Its absolutely barbaric, Juliet you cannot do this"

"Hermione leave it" Sirius spoke quietly to her

Hermione shook her head but sat back and remained silent.

Professor Dumbledore smiled gently as Juliet. "And you Mrs Malfoy do your think you can cope with acting one way in public with your husband and another in private".

"Yes professor, I know Draco is only trying to protect me the best he can and we are a team we are in this together"

Looking over at Hermione now Juliet spoke to her.

"I can play my part Hermione you don't have to worry about me"

As the meeting broke apart Tonk's came over to speak to Hermione and Juliet throwing her arms around the two of them.

"Come on girls chins up. How about we plan a little day out next weekend. It's the next Hogsmeade weekend why don't we invite Ginny and Luna along and we can go pamper ourselves and do a bit of Christmas shopping before Mione here and myself get too large to waddle along beside you".

Hermione giggled at Tonks before suddenly remembering something and dropping her voice she pulled Tonks and Juliet closer to her.

"Actually Victor is making an appearance next weekend in the Quidditch Supply shop, you know signing autographs and stuff. He dropped me a line inviting me to pop in and see him; we could all go along might be fun".

"Okay but why are we whispering" Tonks staged whispered back

Hitting Tonk's shoulder Hermione hissed at her.

"Tonks shhhh, I don't want Sirius to hear he will just make a right old song and dance about it".

"Don't want Sirius to hear what?" Sirius's deep voice sounded behind them causing all three girls to jump.

"Sirius don't do that" Hermione held her hand over her heart

"Don't try and change the subject Hermione you are up to something I want to know what it is".

Remus walked over to Tonks and Juliet throwing his arms around them both turned them back to where Draco was standing with Harry and Ron.

"Draco if you need any lessons on how to be a tyrannical arse of a husband just watch this show carefully you are about to see it first hand"

Remus chuckled as they all turned towards Sirius and Hermione just in time to see Sirius explode at the news Victor was coming to visit.