Author has written 16 stories for Vampire Diaries, Harry Potter, Noughts and Crosses, Sherlock, and Avengers. Sup! I'm Saskia, I'm 17, I'm from England, I'm a Scorpio, vegetarian and fangirl. I reply to all the reviews/PMs I get - if you don't have an account, leave your tumblr or twitter and I'll reply to you there. DISCLAIMER I swear I will never try to pass an idea that is already copyrighted by another as my own. I own all my OCs and plots, and reserve the right to use them. Any content not belonging to me will be clearly marked. - MY STORIES - "Dick Move, Einstein" - Vampire Diaries - Damon/OC COMPLETE Here's a quick update on my plans for the next few months... -Criminal, the sequel to Jailbait (Avengers) is still in progress, however slow that progress may be, and I update it as often as I can - which is to say, when I don't have writer's block or a social life. The writer's block limits me more, trust me. -Once I have finished Criminal, I intend to not write anything new for a few months, but go back and rewrite some of my other stories to improve them etc. If I deem them unsalvageable, then they may disappear completey - if you have any questions, feel free to message me. -I've also got a Bruce/OC (Avengers) story fully written but unedited, which I'll be posting a chapter of every few days. -I am now at college (sixth form, the equivalent of the American junior year, I believe?) and I also have a part time job (8 hour contract but I'll be working as much overtime as possible), so a lot of my time will be taken up...and for that I'm sorry. The lovely dragonrain618 made me a beautiful cover for my Avengers story, Jailbait! Unfortunately, I can't use it on this site, because it's the wrong shape/ratios etc, but please go check it out! I love it! Me And My Alter Ego Inc also DREW me a cover for Jailbait - that requires, like, loads of effort! She waged many wars against her computer to make it upload, and in the end, my computer wouldn't save it. Goddamm. Anyway, here's the link, so go check it out! It's amazing! There's also now a PLAYLIST for Jailbait and Criminal, which you can listen to as much as you like - there's no particular order to it, just enjoy! All the songs have at least some relevance to parts of the story: maybe not the whole song, but there's some lyrics that work in every one of them. My story 'Dick Move, Einstein' is now available in Polish! A lovely author called 'citronella1' contacted me asking if she could translate it, so of course I said yes! I'm sure she'll do a great job! INNY CZAS For more updates on my stories (and mad life in general), feel free to check out my twitter , and my tumblr page is also home to many random ramblings and fangirly fangirlings (and occasionally sneak previews of up-and-coming chapters). If you're feeling really brave, you can even see my face (she has a FACE?!) on YouTube. I am the proud beta to the story 'Within' by cataloo456. Check it out please...summary is as follows -Hogwart's resident know it all, Hermione Granger, knows to stay away from deranged and possibly deadly Slytherins. But an incident in the hallway, with the baddest Slytherin of them all, Draco Malfoy, seems to make her irresistible to him. Normalness leads to sadness |
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