Reviews for One Is The Loneliest Number
Guest chapter 33 . 5/8
It's so fun now to read these old DE fics. It's really interesting and shocking too how much of what we wanted in fics came true in the show. Of course from this story there were many things that went completely different but here for example DE relationship had a lot of similarities, it is from 2010 when we didn't have that much indication of what kind of boyfriend Damon would be but you were kind of spot on with his romantic nature and complete devotion, same for Elena when we couldn't have guessed she would love him one day as much as he loves her but she did just like here, Damon dreaming of having kids with Elena is also kind of spooky accurate even though at this time there was no cure to make it happen, and of course here at the end you guessed Elena becoming Elena Salvatore. It's really a cute fic, it gave me nostalgic feelings

(p.s. I forgot to say in my review for Dark side of the moon you forgot to set that fic as COMPLETE so when people search for and they usually search for complete ones that one doesn't show up as complete and I think it's shame people would miss reading it bc of it)
Guest chapter 17 . 3/19
Love your writing!
Guest chapter 6 . 3/19
2serendipity chapter 33 . 3/1/2019
Wanting to read another Delena fanfic, I discovered this one and found I never read iT before. How could I have missed it? Great storytelling with quite another spin on the ending of season 1. Loved it! You have a very fluent style of writing that draws you quickly into a storyI will definitely have to check out your original work as well !
lilforgetfull1 chapter 1 . 11/13/2018
Good start
Livetoreadlovetoread chapter 33 . 8/18/2017
Love love absolutely live your writing style!
Anje chapter 33 . 12/13/2016
I absolutely loved reading this. It was extremely well written - good intro section, climaxes & loved the ending.
What about an epilogue part 2 - "The wedding, honeymoon & then "The White wedding".
Love that you put Delena together at the end - as they should be!
Guest chapter 16 . 10/27/2015
i think that it is great that you don't rush anithing and add a little drama to it.
DElena all the way chapter 9 . 3/16/2014
O M G - the last part remind me of S5 - where Elena aka Kat broke with Damon ... maybe Julie and Co read your FF ... LOL
VictoriaBlair chapter 23 . 1/31/2014
This is a really good story! You're a great writer
AlwaysElisabethian chapter 33 . 1/23/2014
This was absolutely amazing! Great fan fic! I'm sorry I haven't been posting reviews to each chapter, but I'm kind of the person that reads stories like this twice... And I want to be able to review again!
I love how you managed to keep Damon and Elena's relationship evolving, while dangerous things where happening around them! Perfect balance between fluff/smut and storyline.
Really, just amazing. It was seriously good! I was SO happy when Bonnie finally died. Would've been great to hear where Stefan went, and maybe also a happy ending for him.
An epilogue would also have been great. I loved the whole Damon that wanted to be father thing, and him proposing to Elena. Really shows how much he cares for her.
This was truly a great story, and I really want to read it again! Thumbs up from Denmark!
Leandril chapter 33 . 11/6/2013
What a great story! I loved all the plot twists although except for the bad!Bonnie but other than that it was a great treat, thank you.
sharpie78 chapter 33 . 9/25/2013
This story was great! You are an awesome writer. I think the plot was very creative.
WitchMitzi chapter 33 . 9/12/2013
Awesome, just like all your stories!
Doppelicious64 chapter 33 . 7/14/2013
Loved this story you're an amazing writer
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