Okay, so this is my first Vampire Diaries fic, I hope you enjoy!

Disclaimer: I do not own the Vampire Diaries! I do however own Serena and the other characters that are not part of the book or TV series.

Please Review

Chapter One

He wasn't sure when it had started happening. Or should he say when it had stopped happening.

"Why can't I feel anything?" Damon Salvatore roared, picking up a rock and using all of his immortal strength to throw it through several oak trees, leaving fist sized holes through the thick trunks. He realized he was breathing hard, but it was out of frustration and not exertion. Damon Salvatore had feelings. When he was human. Then he met dear Katherine. He had never been ashamed to admit that he was in love with her. Even when he was turned into the vampire he was today, he still loved her. She was the only other thing that he had cared for other then himself.

Then the betrayal had come. She had been alive, after all of this time, but she had left him. Damon had promised himself not to ever let himself be hurt like that again. But of course Elena Gilbert had been in his life. He liked her, as a person, enough to think he loved her. There was also the aspect that he got to annoy his brother beyond imagination as he got closer to Elena. Then he realized that this wasn't giving him any satisfaction, and neither was bugging his little brother, Stefan. It seemed that Damon Salvatore was spiraling into a depression. Depression,Damon thought to himself.

Damon straightened himself out and flashed a brilliant smile at nothing in particular. He was still a gorgeous vampire, right? So what? He could walk into the Mystic Grill and Bar and get the prettiest neck in there and have a bite. He was Damon Salvatore, vampire badass for crying out loud. He could to whatever he wanted, whenever he wanted, so who cared about feelings? He straightened out his black T-shirt and strode over to his car.

He drove, above the speed limit of course, back to Mystic Fall and straight to the Grill. He stepped in and headed straight for the bar. It was only after he had ordered a beer that he noticed the crowd of boys a few seats over. They were all around a girl, and he could see why. She was hot.And perfect for a snack. Damon cocked his head to the side, listening to the conversation.

"So maybe we could go out sometime." One of the boys was saying. The girl looked very annoyed.

"Yeah, not really." She told him sweetly. "I'm sort of involved with someone already. Damon didn't have to scan her thoughts to deep to see that she was lying. Damon got up in one fluid movement and made his way over to the girl.

"Hey. I hope you haven't been waiting for long." Damon told her. He had to hand it to himself; he was one hell of an actor.

"Oh, that's okay. I haven't." She said smiling at the boys around her. The shuffled way with defeated expressions, and Damon claimed the bar stool next to hers, studying her profile. She was wearing dark skinny jeans that were tucked into black leather boots that came up to her knees, and a plain black T-shirt. She was really hot. She had long chestnut hair and the deepest blue eyes that he had ever seen. As if to remind him of why he was there, she leaned down to grab her black messenger bag that was on the floor, exposing her neck. Damon blinked away the transformation he could feel about to take place around his eyes and the fangs he could feel lengthening in his mouth at the sight. He had refrained from feasting on humans for far too long. What was this, 3 weeks? His stupid brother... he nearly sighed out loud. Who cared what he thought? He focused on the girl again, who was now standing.

"Thanks for your help." She said sounding annoyed as I snapped out of my thoughts. "Your drink's on me." She continued, setting a ten dollar bill on the counter between us. She walked away smoothly, not even looking back. Damon watched in surprise as she left the bar. Two things had him surprised. One, no woman had ever walked away from him without a backward glance, hell no woman had ever walked away from him, period. Except Elena, but she didn't count. He thought dismissively. Secondly, the girl walked so quietly he had to strain his sensitive ears to hear her leave the place. She walked so surely and gracefully, she couldn't resemble an older vampire anymore than she could have if she were wearing a blinking sign.

Damon quickly rose from his seat and followed her outside, standing in the shadows. She had stopped in front of an all black Yamaha YZF-R15 motorcycle. Hot girl with a hot ride. Damon observed from the shadows. She glanced at his hiding spot, eyes searching for a moment before grabbing a full face helmet that was also all black, including the plastic that was tinted dark. She swung her leg over and mounted, speeding away at a dangerous speed.

Damon followed, sticking to the shadows of the forest that lined the trees. It took about ten minutes even with her speed to reach her destination. She swiveled to a stop at a dangerous speed in front of an old house. The paint was peeling and the porch step was broken. Once a handsome building, now a remnant of it's former glory. Damon hoped at least the bed was comfortable and wasn't dusty. He hated getting dirty and he hated feeding from a pretty girl while standing. He was about to take a step out of the shadows when he felt an extreme pain from his back all the way through to the front of his chest. He looked down in shock and saw a branch protruding from his chest. His eye sight was already blurring, and he barely registered the figure standing before him as he fainted and Damon Salvatore knew no more.

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