Title: Happy Joyous College Years

Summery: Elena is happily attending college in New York with her new friends, one who happens to be a vampire. But what happens when both Salvatore brothers show up?

here is a short thing that just poped into my head. I had no planing but we'll see how long I can drag this out.

And before I start: I do not own anything! This is all for entertainment perposes only! I only own Maddy, Jamie, and Eric who will be described in the next chapter.

Chapter 1

"Elena wake up!" Elena's eyes opened slowly at the sound of her name.

"Ugh," She groaned, "What?" Eric appeared in the doorway of her room. The smug vampire laughed at her appearance. Elena threw her pillow at him and glared. Eric caught the pillow before it could touch him and smiled.

"Alright, alright! We have class in 20 minutes." He said smoothly.

"What!" Elena shouted jumping out of bed, "Eric! Why didn't you wake me up earlier?" She ran to her closet and picked out a shirt and a pair of jeans.

"Elena? Are you just getting up?"

"Your boyfriend here just woke me up!" She shouted out the door.
"Eric! I told you to wake her up!"

"And I did."

"I told you to wake her up while I was out getting coffee!"

"And I did."

"Well not soon enough!" Elena shouted at the couple from her room.

"Calm down Elena. I can get us all there in time, don't worry."

"Too late." She said coming out of her room looking perfect. She didn't have on a dash of make-up, she didn't need it, her hair was pulled up in an elegant bun, and her purple tank top and black skinny jeans looked great on her.

"Okay, come on sleepy head, let's go to class."

"But Jamie! I didn't get to eat!"

"I did!" Eric said cheerily wrapping his arm around Jamie's waist as he caught up.

"Shut up Eric." Eric laughed at her obvious anger.

They were almost to the building in which their first class of the day was in and they still had 6 minutes to spare.

"Jamie! Elena!" The three friends turned around to see Maddy running towards them.

"Hey Maddy."

"Hey…Jamie…Elena…Eric…" They let her catch her breath before asking her what her rush was.

"What's up Maddy?"

"Oh my gosh Elena! You will not believe who I just saw!"

"Who?" Elena asked wondering what her friend was talking about.

"Well I don't know but he was gorgeous!"

"This is not a conversation for me. I'll see you guys in class." Eric said placing a kiss on Jamie's cheek before turning and walking away.

"Just how gorgeous is this guy you saw?"

"Here I have a picture!" Maddy pulled her phone out and started going through it, "It's only of his back because he turned around before I could get his face but it's a hot back." Elena stiffened remembering the last time she heard those words. She hoped it was just Maddy, that she was like Bonnie, but she wasn't so sure. "Here it is! Here it is!" Maddy held up her phone for Jamie and Elena to see. The man in the picture had a dark pair of jeans and a leather jacket. She knew that back anywhere.

She froze.

"Elena? Elena what's wrong?" Jamie stepped into her line of vision and waved her hand in front of Elena's face. She snapped out of it and stared at her friend. "Are you okay?"

"Stefan." She said without looking away.

"What? That guy you dated in high school?" Maddy asked confused. Elena looked at her, eyes pleading with her to understand. "Oh." She said with understanding in her voice. "The guy I saw is Stefan."

"He was a vampire right?" Jamie asked. Elena nodded still in shock. Stefan was here? Why? She had broken up with him after the whole Katherine thing, and now he's back? No. He couldn't have known she would be here. But she did remember telling him she wanted to go to NYU.

"Come on, let's get to class." She said quietly turning and leading the way.

Once in class she could hear several things: Jamie explaining to Eric what happened, the scratch of Maddy's pen agenst her paper franticly trying to keep up with the notes, the teacher's droning voice, and the whisper of those not paying attention. Elena sat with her pencil on paper but not writing a single word, she could get the notes from Eric later she knew he would have them.

When class was dismissed Elena was pulled along by Eric, who had her by the forearm. Just as they were about to walk out the door they heard the teacher say something that made them all spin around and stare.

"Stefan Salvatore, you will be joining this class starting Thursday."

"Thank you sir."

"Now get going. Can I help you four?" He asked looking at Maddy, Eric, Jamie, and Elena who stood open mouthed at the door.

"No sir, we're fine." Stefan still hadn't looked at Elena and she was happy for that. "Come on Elena." Eric said lowering his head to whisper into her ear. Stefan's head shot up and he spun around to stare at her. "Elena!" Eric said pulling her away.

"Elena…" She heard his voice say her name thinking about how long ago it was that she heard his voice. Elena let Eric drag her out the door and down the sidewalk. They turned the corner of the building and Eric turned to her.

Taking both her shoulders in his hands and looking down into her face, "Elena, look at me. Look at me!" He moved her face so she was staring up at him. "Are you okay? Elena say something!" He begged her.

"Oh god." Was all she could say. She heard Eric sigh.

"She's in shock, she'll be fine but she needs coffee or something."

"I'll-" Maddy started,

"No, I'll go. I'm faster." Eric said flashing her a smile. Maddy hit him on the arm before he took off.

"Elena are you sure you're okay?" Jamie asked sitting Elena on the ground. Maddy and Jamie sat on either side of her.

"Yeah, I'm fine. I'm just glad they both didn't show up."

"You never know. From what you told us it sounded like Damon liked to keep his presence hidden until he sees fit." Maddy looked at Elena as she sad this questioning if he was really here without saying it.

"Damon…well Damon has problems so who knows."

"Elena, I'm hut!" Elena's head shot up at the sound of Damon's voice coming from in front of her.

OMG Damon and Stefan are back!

so anyways...Review and make me happy! I want to know what you guys think. I would hate to be putting up a story that sucks!

Who's excited for the new season of VD to start!