A/N: Heyy! I am sooo sorry that I have been gone for such a long time, first I was having computer problems, and I was on vacation, and I was in the musical at school and i have had like 5 projects. But I'm back now and I have 3 chapters writed ahead so I will update once a week hopefuly. I don't really know what's going on with everything right now, so I will try to figure that out but I feel like I won't know where I'm going until the characters decide to tell me. Well anyway, ENJOY!

Chapter 7

Jamie stood in the doorway of the apartment she shared with Elena, Maddy, and Eric not sure if she should go in or not. She could hear them all in the living room but there was an unfamiliar voice with them. I just hope it's not one of those Salvatore brothers. I'm about ready to kill them. She stepped through the door cautiously and paused. She tucked her red hair behind her ear and listened.

"So Elena when do you think your brother will be by again?"

"Jeremy's here?"

"Yeah, he stopped by last night. I don't know Maddy. I don't think he really said. Did he?" So the new voice is someone who knows Jeremy.

"Damon!" Jamie heard a slap echo through the house.

"Elena you really have to learn that you can't hurt me. But you can hurt my jacket so I would appreciate it if you would stop." So it is a Salvatore, and wasn't Damon the bad brother? "We have company. Or it's just another one of your roommates. Why do you have so many anyway?"

"Jamie? Is that you?"

"Yeah it's me." Jamie said walking into the room. "Why is he here?"

"I thought that would be obvious, I'm here to visit Elena."


"Jamie calm down," Eric put his hands on her shoulders and tried to calm her down, "Don't get so worked up."

"Yeah like you didn't?" Elena asked from the couch next to Damon.

"Yeah, yeah." Eric turned to face Jamie again, "Are you okay Jamie?"

"Yeah. I'm fine. But I want him out." She said pointing at Damon. He put his arms up in mock surrender and smiled.

"And what, may I ask, did I do?"

"You're alive." Jamie said sourly.

"Jamie!" Maddy and Elena chimed together.

"Technically I'm dead. But hey, I get it, you don't like me. That doesn't mean I'm going to leave."

"This is my apart—" Damon stepped in,

"Last I checked Elena lived here too. And seeing as I'm here to see her, I don't think it should matter to you whether or not I'm here. It's not like I would ever come to see you. My point being, I'm not leaving unless Elena kicks me out, or my brooding little brother shows up." He sent a pointed look to Elena, and she blushed. Jamie let out an annoyed sigh and left the room mumbling about how she would rather have the other brother here.


"Yes Elena?" Damon asked, turning to face her.

"Can I talk to you in the hall for a sec?" Damon followed her closely.

"Of course."

"Don't you dare listen in Eric."

"I'll keep him occupied 'Lena." Maddy chirped from her seat. Elena nodded to her friend and led Damon out the door into the hall.

"Damon, I feel bad—"

"You have no reason to feel bad! Why would you anyway?"

"You saw Jamie. She doesn't like you. I just don't want her to feel uncomfortable in her own home." Damon sighed. He tilted her chin up with his finger, his gaze staring intently into hers.

"Elena, that's her problem, not yours. You haven't changed a bit. You worry too much about other people. Think about yourself sometime. Be selfish for once in your life."

"I don't recall it ever bothering you when I was worried about you."

"Well worrying about me is okay. It's pointless, but okay." He sent one of his signature smirks at her.

"And why is it pointless Mr. Salvatore?"

"Because I am a big bad vampire and I can take care of myself. There is absolutely no reason to worry about me. But it's nice that you worry anyway."

"So do all big bad vampires that can take care of themselves have a human girl save their ass all the time?"

"Once. You saved my life—"

"More than once if I remember correctly." Damon stared at her face, which was hard and challenging.

"Okay so you saved me more than once, but still you don't have to worry about me."

"And I think I do need to worry about you! You deserve to have someone worry about you Damon!"

"Shhh…" He put a finer to her lips to get her to stop shouting, "Alright, it's fine. It's kinda nice to have someone worrying about me. Feel free to worry whenever you want. But I still think that if I'm not here to see Jamie then she shouldn't worry, and she shouldn't be bothered," He removed his finger from her lips and let his hand drop to his side.

A door opened down the hall and both Elena and Damon looked to see what it was. Stefan emerged looking the way he always did, cool and collected but Elena knew him well enough to know he was stressing, and he had heard their entire conversation. He walked toward them stopping a few feet away.

"Brother." Damon nodded at Stefan, Stefan didn't answer but looked to Elena, staring intently at her.

"You didn't tell me Damon was in town."

"Didn't I? It must have slipped my mind."

"Oh did I miss the reunion between you too? Damn, I really wanted to see that!"

"Damon!" Elena said slapping his arm at the same time Stefan ground out his brother's name. "Stefan." Elena warned, not wanting to referee a fight between the two brothers in the middle of the hallway where anyone could come out and see them.

"What Stefan? What are you going to do?"

"Damon!" Elena turned to face him only to whip around at the sound of Stefan's growl. "Stefan please!" Stefan ignored her and lunged for him brother. Elena let out a small shriek when Damon pushed her away from him. She rebounded off the opposite wall and fell to the floor. She looked up to see Damon pinning Stefan against the wall by the throat.

"You can't do anything to me little brother. So I suggest you stop trying, because all it gets you is hurt." Damon released Stefan and watched as he slipped to the ground. "Go home brother." Stefan sat up rubbing his neck where prints from Damon's fingers were slowly disappearing.

"I go to school here Damon. I'm not leaving."

"Oh but I think you are. And if you don't, I will make you leave."

"Damon-" Elena spoke up from the ground. Damon held his hand out to help Elena up, she took his hand and let out a yelp when Damon pulled her against him.

"Now what were you saying?"

"I was saying," she pulled away from Damon and moved to stand in between the two brothers, "Is Stefan doesn't have to leave. As long as you two don't get into daily fights, I think it will be fine."

"Think about what you just said Elena. Is there ever a day that goes by when Stefan and I are in the same town and we don't have a fight?" Elena opened her mouth several times trying to think of a way to respond.

"Well maybe you could just keep the fighting to a minimum when I'm around?"

"I think I can do that. How about you St. Stefan?"

"Fine. Although Damon is usually the one who starts said fights."

"Then what are you doing right now?" Stefan said nothing, "Right, starting something."

So how did you all like it! I don't know if it is my best chapter...review and tell me what you think! I love hearing from all of you!