
Title: Run

Pairing: EdmundxOc

Category: Chronicles of Narnia (books)

Genre: Romance/Adventure

Rating: T (I'm Paranoid)

Falling into Narnia was not something she had ever expected. Never in her whole life had she ever expected to fall into another world, let along befriend a king... well be-enemy?
Edmund and Ruby agree that their lives would be better without the other... but neither can help that for now as Narnia is being threatened under severe attack. Now Ruby and Edmund must join forces to help protect Narnia. Can they find something else in each other than the fact that they want to save Narnia?

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Her wheat blonde hair whipped with the wind like two dancers in a waltz, with the exception of one being but invisible. She clutched her arms closer to her chest and shivered, goose flesh making its portrait known on her skin. Teeth drew over her lips and pressed down on her lips as she exhaled. The winds of the world caressed her as she stood at the entrance of the orphanage. She decided she had had enough. Enough of not being wanted, enough of being over looked, enough of being scorned. No, she wasn't selfish… she didn't want lots of attention, let alone be smothered, but what she did want was to be acknowledged. Maybe, if she was lucky, to be wanted. To be needed.

So step by step, she trudged, alive in her mind, dead in her steps, to being a new life. She had no idea where she was going, no idea what to do, only that she wanted to go somewhere. Anywhere that she would feel safer.

His eyes darkened as he viewed the rugged terrain around him. He truly, genuinely loved every spectrum of his home, he really did. But then again, there were those times when even he, King of this mysterious land, didn't feel at home. Spring was dawning again; he could feel it through his thin nightshirt. The balustrade of his quarters were the perfect place for him to think, to just consider his life and think about all the days and nights that went past. As King of Narnia, he should have been thinking about his country, he should have been thinking about his family, he should have been thinking about the welfare of his subjects. But alas, no, he was thinking of one place. One simple place he would have liked to see one last time. London. The blearing lights, the clops of horses' hooves on the carriages that often sounded from the cobblestone roads outside his house. But that was all in the past now, so long in the past, almost too long ago to remember. This was home. It had to be. Then why did it feel so foreign?