![]() Author has written 23 stories for Supernatural, Final Fantasy XIV, Ten Inch Hero, Mummy, Harry Potter, Great Gatsby, and Avengers. I'm Katie and, after years of writing original stories for me and my friends, I've decided to venture into the terrifying world of fanfiction. I'm a 24 year old LA native and am always down to fangirl with anyone who's cool with communicating via insults. I'll probably end up writing mostly Dean/Reader stories, but expect a few Warrior of Light/Aymeric stories thrown in. All stories also available on and http:///users/QuidnamInferorum/pseuds/QuidnamInferorum. Story of username: in high school, I took Classical Latin as my language, in an effort to be even more pretentious. Basically, when we wanted to swear, my classmates and I would shout "Quidnam inferorum?!" which was our way of saying "What the hell?!" |