![]() Author has written 34 stories for 1-800-Where-R-You, and Doctor Who. Hee hee. I returneth. And as I promised I'd do, I posted the Walking On Air update almost as soon as my fingers hit keyboard. Go me. I just hope someone reads it... So, give me a while to catch up with all your fics and whatnot. And then I'll attempt something for DW. I think it's high time we had a Hair Care update, non? The disabled alerts problem is ongoing. There's gotta be some way of stopping this reoccuring handicap... See below apology, only add to it the fact that they seem to be continually disabling themselves. So no matter how many times I click "enable" the next time I check they've all gone red again. It is starting to annoy me. A lot... Very quickly: my apologies if I seem to have ignored any of your alerted updates, reviews, PMs or whatnot. All of my alerty things were disabled and I had no idea. Only just realised today. Thought it was a bit weird that I wasn't getting anything from this site anymore... Anywho, yes. They are now no longer handicapped, because I cunningly enabled them. If I have been uncharacteristically silent about anything, this is why. If there's something I regularly read, and you're wondering why I haven't reviewed in a while, feel free to give me a shout. Hopefully, I'll find all the stuff I've missed - it'll take me quite a while, is all. I'm quite dependent on the alerty things, you see. Also, sorry to anyone who's waiting for a Walking On Air update (if, indeed, there is anyone). It is coming. It's just being... slow. Because of school stuff, of course. But I promise I know where it's going and I promise I will finish the fic. As soon as I possibly can. Honest... Right. This is it. The real deal. The proper shake up of the profile page… A new profile for the new me… Ok, so maybe there isn’t really a ‘new me’. But, I have had my heart broken. Twice. By the same TV show… First, with the beautifully fantastic Christopher Eccleston (“But I won’t be seeing you again… Not with this daft face, anyway.” Ok, I admit it, I can't remember exactly what he says...) And then, with the beautifully brilliant David Tennant (“And, I suppose, if this is my last chance to say it… Rose Tyler….” JUST SAY IT, DAMN YOU. Sorry.). So what can I say? Maybe, these heartbreaking events have been life changing. So, taking all that into account, I have rewritten my profile and created a little (Ok, let's face it: it's not little) fact sheet I like to call… Me, My Fics and IRENE (Incredibly Random End Notes & Extras) So. Me What’s there to know? I’m Claire. I’m 17 and English. Living in England, too. I’m more than a bit sad. I never thought I had an obsessive personality. Then I watched the first episode of the new Doctor Who and had to reconsider things. I’m a complete and utter sucker for romance. Seriously. Want to know why I go so sucked into Doctor Who? Easy. Because Rose and the Doctor love each other. The slightest, lingering look is enough to keep me happy. Just give me the subtlest hint that the love is there and I will pick up on it… I like to write. But I’m guessing you probably realised that by now. What, with me being on ffn and all… :rolls eyes: I’m sociable and friendly. I think, anyway. Basically, if you ever drop me a line, I will reply. The reply will probably be insane and rather alarming, but it will be there. So, you know. If you’re feeling brave… ALSO In an exciting new development, I now have msn! And actually enjoy talking to random people… So, I think that’s about as much as you would ever need to know, and probably more than you ever wanted to… My Fics So, I write fics, but what do I write? I know, I know, you’re just dying to… know. Well. My fics veer from the stupidly happy and random and isn’t-the-world-fun?, to the stupidly depressing and sad and man-my-heart-is-broken. Depends what you’re in to. I seem to find it hard to get a balance between the two… At the moment, I’ve written a little for 1-800-Where-R-U series and quite a lot for Doctor Who… Don’t worry. I’m not going to give you a long list of all my fics and then explain each one. To be honest, I’d be happier if you read the fics, rather than an explanation of them… Instead, I will just pass comment on which ones I’m happiest with… Doctor Who: Well, Bare Legged Cheek will always be very close to my heart. Simply because it was the first I wrote and received an encouraging response. Ah, those were the days… I’ve always had a soft spot for Team TARDIS and, possibly, Easier Option. Angst-wise, I’m most pleased with Truth Be Untold, because that wasn’t an all-out, my-God-I’m-heart-broken-and-unbelievably-depressed fic. Which, you know, is always nice. Other than that? Hmm… Why not read ‘em and see?. :looks appealingly: 1-800-Where-R-U: Ah, my first fanfic love. This all started back on MCBC where I randomly started writing for KRC. I decided I loved it and just carried right on. Missing is fun because I get to write all American. And, of course, there’s Rob…However, I realise that I have become very lax in updating in this area. Mostly because I got too engrossed in Doctor Who, I admit, but also because my so-called ‘friend’ has pinched the books off me and won’t give them back. Chuh. Anyway, I love Walking On Air but I think it’s teaching me a valuable lesson: Try not to start a fic if you’re not entirely sure where it’s going… I have a great love for poems, but for me, I can never get fanfic to translate into poems, properly. Mainly because I find poems are well… personal, you know? I had a go and the efforts were pretty poor. So I’ll give it a rest for now. I also have a huge love for songfics. Which goes hand in hand with my love for music. I listen to song lyrics attentively. Unfortunately, this now means that nearly every song I hear has me dying to write a fic with it. In fact, if I did not possess such an impressive level of self-restraint, this site would be full of terrible and angst-ridden song fics. So, as you can see, you have a lot to be thankful for… And there you go. My fics. IRENE What can I do in this section? Ho hum. I’ll tell you that I really appreciate honest reviews. I like it when people say exactly what they think - any constructive criticism is very welcome. So if you're going to review, please say what you mean, or mean what you say. Whatever... Me, I love reviewing. I'm not terribly good at it, but if I'm reading something special, I tend to get really into it. The result is often a long, blabbering, over-excited review. I also have an alarming habit of starting to analyse/ dissect things in detail. I can't help it: it's just a part of who I am. I say you should embrace it. And take it as a compliment (which, of course, it is). How about a random fact? Ok, I love David Tennant. I do. I think he’s brilliant and funny and… charismatic. Not to mention very good looking, indeed. But I have not forsaken Christopher Eccleston. Oh, no. I cannot forget his manic and intense Doctor - the one I first came to love. :sigh: I miss him, actually. He wasn’t the Doctor for anywhere near long enough. Anyway, what am I on about? Oh. Nothing. Well. Here we go: a thought-provoking question, for all the DT and DW admirers. If you were given this choice: either, you become the Doctor’s companion, or Rose is brought back… What would you do? Hmm…. And finally, I'm quite sociable, really. So if you ever feel like emailing me, I won't mind at all. Be glad of it, to tell the truth. (Although why anyone would want to email me after reading this, I have no idea...) Over and out. |