Author has written 3 stories for Hellsing, and Doctor Who. The usual boring crap no one will ever likely read: So, I was born in 1977, been writing since I was about, oh... 13 (an awful awful Pern epic of some twenty typed pages). Never really got the bug to write original stuff, though. I've always gotten more fun out of the challenge of being true to other people's perceptions of characters and worlds. I roleplayed a LOT in college but whenever I could get away with it I'd be playing canon characters instead of rolling up my own. Or my own characters would be blatant rip-offs of others. Come to think of it, maybe I'm just lazy. Anyway, it's been a good several years now since the last time I felt the urge to write anything. Then Hellsing grabbed my attention (and yes, I WILL finish that story)... and then I foolishly listened to the advice of some overseas friends and had a look at the new Doctor Who series. (me: "Doctor Who? He's that funny looking guy with the scarf, right?") And well, now... I'm a huge dork. I mean fan. Huge fan. Can't believe I've been missing out on all of this my whole life. I'm hunting down old episodes to watch and everything. Go me. Bit funny, me being a great ignorant American but all the stuff I've written recently has been set, stylistically anyway, in Britain. At least I hope it is. Apologies if I've mangled anything. Feels really good to be writing again, though. I love feedback! Praise is great, criticism even better. I can see my hit counters now; I know you're out there lurking! |