A/N: And so we reach the end. Today, because I'm not at home tomorrow. Or next week, for that matter. Anyway. Rather short and calm ending, so sorry to all those hoping for more random humour. If I can call it that... Thank you so, so much to everyone who has reviewed. Denial Land is so much more fun when you get to share it. It's like a little holiday, really. Ahem.

Disclaimer: Still not mine. BBC, I'm waiting for that call...

"Rose!" yelled the Doctor, impatiently tapping his foot in the Control Room, "Do you want to get some chips, or not? If you don't hurry up, all the chippies will have closed."

"Keep your hair on," said Rose, laughing and entering the Control Room, "Anyway, this thing can travel in time. I would've thought you, of all people, wouldn't be worried about closing times."

"Yeah, well, I just like to make the most of whatever time I happen to be in. You coming?"

"Of course," said Rose, stepping past him and out onto the street lining the sea front.

"Seaside chippy!" exclaimed Rose, beaming, "Brilliant."

The Doctor followed, frowning. He locked the TARDIS door behind him and then turned to face Rose.

"You bought the skirt," he said, accusingly.

"Yeah," grinned Rose, "I think it looks alright." She did a little twirl, laughing.

The Doctor scowled, "Well I'm not debating that. But I thought we agreed it was impractical."

"No, Doctor, you said it was impractical. Besides, we're only going out for chips. I doubt the world will be threatened in that short space of time."

"I wouldn't be so sure," said the Doctor.

But he took her arm and together they strolled along the sea front, looking for the nearest chip shop.

x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x

"You did what?" asked Rose, once the Doctor had paid for the chips.

"I tap danced," he stated simply, guiding her over to a bench overlooking the sea, so he could continue his detailed explanation. He loved how she always wanted to know anything she'd missed.

"You did too," he said defensively, when Rose snorted.

"I've never known how to tap dance," pointed out Rose.

"Well, you got overpowered and controlled by the signals from the radio. And it wasn't really tap dancing. It was more like tapping out a code with your feet. To open the cave entrance. Quite a fun idea, really. I'd like to set something like that up in the TARDIS. Imagine that, eh? You can't get into the kitchen unless you tap dance." He shook his head, happily, "God, these chips are good," he added.

Rose grinned up at him, as he stuffed another chip in his mouth. She could just see him, lying on his back, 'tap dancing' upside down….

"What about the mini cave. What was that all about?"

"Oh, that," he said, with his mouth full, "particle diffuser. Bit complicated, that. Basically, what it does is…" he frowned. "Ever read or seen Charlie and the Chocolate Factory?" he asked.

"Yeah," answered Rose, laughing slightly, "Of course. The new film had Johnny Depp in it."

The Doctor's face darkened a little, but he carried on.

"And that's probably all you remember. Well, that TV travel thing Willy Wonka invents. The diffuser works a little like that, only you stay the same size at the other end. Which is a good thing, really. Otherwise I'd be taking you back to Jackie, the size of a paperclip." He shuddered at the thought.

"I get it," laughed Rose, "Mum would've killed you. You've had a lucky escape, Doctor. And the green mist?"

"Dispersed particles of the teleport device. I'm telling you, that Yagaslovic may have been a madman, but he was also a genius." The Doctor considered something; "Funny how often those two words are used together."

"Reminds me a lot of you," laughed Rose, "Only, you know, without the evil."

The Doctor smiled happily at her and they sat in a companionable silence for a few minutes.

"Mmmm," sighed the Doctor, once he'd finished his chips, "Now those are what I call chips. I can just feel the unhealthiness of them spreading through me."

Rose snorted. "Can we get some chocolate biscuits for afters?" she asked "I couldn't find any in the kitchen."

"Couldn't you?" responded the Doctor, "I just assumed you'd eaten them all."

Rose whacked him on the shoulder.

"Come on then," said Rose, crumpling up her rubbish and throwing it in the bin next to the bench, "Shall we go back?"

"Yeah," said the Doctor, standing up, "We can pick up some biscuits on the way, if you like."

Rose smiled at him. "Great," she linked her arm through his, "I promise to share this time."

"That's very kind of you," acknowledged the Doctor, laughing slightly, "But we'll have to do a lot of running to work all this lot off. First chips, then chocolate biscuits..."

"I count on it," replied Rose, "You know I'm only with you for the exercise programme."

The Doctor threw his head back and laughed. They walked along happily, both staring out at the sea.

"You know what, Doctor," said Rose, thoughtfully, "I think we work well together, us two."

He took her hand and swung it, idly.

"You know what, Rose Tyler," said the Doctor, equally thoughtfully, but with a grin playing about his lips, "So do I."

I know, I know, not as much fun, but I still hope you liked it.

And if you've read it, for the love of God, review! I know there are people reading, but not reviewing. Go on, be brave...