Ok, this was my entry for The Kissing Rob Contest on MCBC.

So what do you people all think? It's my first fanfic so go easy… Please?

Disclaimer: Unfortunately, the almighty Meg Cabot owns all the characters here. Including the unbelievabubble Rob. Meg, if you ever grow tired of Rob, I'm right here…

Ok, so, on with the show…


Jess!" my mom yelled up the stairs.

I put down my flute and sighed. She probably wanted me to go do the washing up or something. Ever since she'd met Rob she seemed to be way into household chores.

I slowly went downstairs and was met with a sight I'd never expected to see. At least, not so soon.

A really uncomfortable looking Rob was standing on my porch trying to talk to my mom and Mike, who were both eyeing him suspiciously. I really wanted to just go and throw my arms round him – who wouldn't? I mean, he looked so hot standing there looking all confused. But I couldn't, my mom would freak and totally not let me date him until I was thirty. Which, come to think of it, would probably suit Rob just fine seeing as how he thinks I'm too young for him.

But, whatever, I digress.

Anyway, instead of throwing myself at the incredibly hot, six foot of solid male standing at the door, I simply cleared my throat.

They all jumped and looked round. And, I was pretty pleased to note, that Rob looked really happy to see me. Or maybe he was just really relieved.

"Hey," I said shyly.

"Mas - Jess," he said hesitatingly - he really was trying, "Um..I was wondering if you wanted to come round and help me with something at home."

Whoa, that was unexpected. And kind of romantic too, in a weird Rob kind of way. I mean, he'd never come right to my house before. Or surprised me.

"Sure," I said eagerly, bounding down the last few steps.

"Hang on, Jess," my mom said, suspiciously, "What time do you expect her to be back, Robert?"

"Uh, don't worry, Mrs Mastriani, I'll have her back before eight."

Eight? We were gonna be out for some time. Maybe he had something planned. Yeah, right, I should be so lucky.

But mom wasn't through. "And what do you drive?"

I felt my whole body tense. Oh God, we were so busted.

"Well, normally," started Rob, carefully, "I drive a motorbike..." I felt, rather than saw, my mom's eyes narrow further, "but today, I have my mom's truck" Rob continued really quickly.

I looked up. The truck? God, he was clever. That's why I love him. Oh, and the way he looks. And that half amused half disgusted smile he sometimes wears. And the way he calls me Jess when he's annoyed and the …..

I was woken up from my daydream by mom still questioning Rob. God, does she think these things up in her spare time or something?

"How long have you been driving for?"

"Nearly three years now, ma'am."

My mom opened her mouth to ask yet another question but I stopped her by grabbing my coat and rushing over to Rob.

"Don't worry, mom, we'll be fine, I promise. And Mike," I said to my brother who'd be watching the whole proceeding in this sickeningly amused way, "Claire called and she didn't sound happy." Ha, he went pale at that.

Then, propelling Rob out through the door, we escaped to the truck.

Inside, I smiled at Rob. "So, why did you bring the truck?"

"Well, your mom would hardly let us out with the Indian, would she?"

See how lucky I was, see? It's no wonder I leaned in to kiss him….

Rob started nervously and looked towards my house, "Not here, Mastriani," he said drawing away.

As I slumped back in my seat he started the engine and drove carefully off.

After a while I was just so happy, sitting there in the truck with Rob – it wasn't the Indian, but it was better than flute practice - I paid no attention to where we were going. Before long we were stopping at Rob's uncle's garage and Rob was getting out.

"What are we doing here?" I asked curiously.

But Rob answered by disappearing into the garage and reappearing with… the Indian.

"The truck needs servicing," explained Rob, looking down.

"You lied to my mom?" I asked, grinning.

"No, not exactly," replied Rob, uncomfortably, "I did pick you up with the truck."

"You lied to my mom, Rob," I repeated, still smiling, drawing closer.

Rob didn't seem to notice that I was teasing and he carried on talking really fast, "It's just that the truck really needs to be looked at so I thought that if I just picked you up in it I could take a look and then…"

"Rob," I said, so close my lips almost brushed his cheek, "Shut up."

And then, completely unlike myself, I closed the gap and kissed him.

Rob held back a bit a first but then he seemed to give up and wrapping his arms around me, he surrendered. I smiled into the kiss and Rob deepened it even further. I linked my hands at the back of his neck and I was aware of him pulling me even closer.

I was so happy. This was all I wanted, to be with Rob and for him to be with me. I didn't even care about all the people who could be working at the garage and watching us. I sighed dreamily into Rob's lips and Rob, the guy who always held back, slipped his tongue into my mouth.

And then it was even better. I melted. I completely melted like... anything that melts. I could have stood there forever with Rob, he tongue chasing mine, close together.

But then some stupid guy cleared his throat and we had to break apart.

Me, blushing slightly and Rob clearly trying to hide one of his half disgusted, half amused smiles, wandered over to his bike.

He handed me his spare helmet and climbed on. "Where are we going?" I asked, stuffing the helmet on my head.

"Wait and see," Rob replied mysteriously.

I got on and wrapped my arms around his waist. And as he drove off down the road, I was quite possibly the happiest girl in the world. I wasn't lying to my parents - well, not really - Rob liked me and wasn't afraid to admit it, and we were riding along on the back of the Indian. What more could a girl want?