Author has written 41 stories for Shinzo, Ronin Warriors, Power Rangers, Doctor Who, Primeval, Alice, 2009, Haven, and Walking Dead. :UPDATE 14/9/12: I'm still alive! I've been (and still am) incredibly swamped with work and personal commitments but will be doing my best to update your favorites at my earliest convenience. Stay tuned! Working on organizing the disorganized chaos that was my profile. Should be back up soon! In the meantime, please enjoy my stories and thank you in advance for taking the time to review and favorite/story alert! It means a lot to me as a writer and a person! Also if anyone is interested in joining a Primeval Roleplay, our formspring group is looking for a few canon roles still (Nick, Connor, Sarah, Captain Ryan, Helen Cutter) We also accept minor canons if you are interested in one of those. If you are interested please personal message me and I will explain more. Bit of an update: Stories nearing completion that should be wrapped up in the next month or so: Here Tomorrow Gone Today- has at max 3-4 chapters left. Disaster Button- has 4-5 chapters left. Today Never Happened- has 2-3 chapters left and should start picking up on updates again within the next week or so Good News/Bad News: The laptop I had in which the screen cracked? I found someone who can fix it! :D The bad news about this is the updates/final chapters for the following stories are trapped on there until I get my repaired computer back: Bend It Like Becker- The final chapter that all of you have so patiently been waiting for is unfortunately trapped on there and I promise that it will be worth the long wait! Leave Out All The Rest- The final chapter and epilogue are also trapped I think (to my knowledge) those are the only stories that cannot be updated until my laptop's been repaired. On-going Projects: The End Where I Begin- In the beginning, this was prematurely decided to be a rather lengthy story. And due to events beyond my control (aka writer's block and odd work hours) I have to reread and rewrite the next update which I will try to get out to all of you ASAP! Into The Fire- Although originally planned to be a short story, it may grow to be a decent, proper length darker story for those who like to read scary/dark stuff. :) Dusty But Not Forgotten: Stories that I will do my best to work on after I finish the stories that are most recent so as not to confuse and entangle storylines/character interactions and behaviors. Another Heart Calls How To Be Dead All At Once All Fall Down The Time Traveler's Wife If We Ever Meet Again Stranger In A Strange Land Experiment In Terror Love Remains The Same No Roads Left A Tell Tale Secret Twelve Days Of Christmas Stay tuned for more updates and stuff! |
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