Reviews for Never Say Never Ever
NabikiB chapter 8 . 12/20/2013
Actually, no. Capillaries in the brain that bleed are called aneurisms and can kill you. Nose bleeds are caused by capillaries in the nostrils usually, though the sinuses can be involved.

If your brain's blood is draining from ears and nose it means you're gonna be dead soon.
NabikiB chapter 6 . 12/20/2013
Um, I can do without the self-congratulatory pats on the back for chapter length...they're getting a little old. Why don't you give other people a chance to mention it as a compliment instead?
Reading Ella chapter 9 . 1/21/2013
D'Awww. So cute. Cheesy is fine with me. I liked the escape part as well. Well done.
CrankWindPencil chapter 9 . 12/19/2012
Well. That was fantastic. I like your explanation of the TARDIS. Off to read more awesome stuff!
Charlotte Wilks chapter 9 . 9/26/2011
This is a brilliant story! A little cheesy, yeah, but absolutely fantastic! I'm gonna go find the sequel now, so that I can read that. BBC should have let you write some of their episodes! The show just isn't the same without Rose /3 Anyways, thanks for writing this-my favorite Doctor Who ficthus far!
mericat chapter 9 . 9/2/2011
Fantastic! The story line showed his true love for Rose and how difficult it was for him to get back to her. 57 years sounds about right, and no, it was not cheesy. Even tho it's old, thanks for the story.
northern.grunge chapter 9 . 8/17/2009
Oh so good! . A little cheesy, a little fluffy... but still very in character I think. You're writing is very smooth and easy-to-read, there aren't any words that really halt the flow of reading (which is why I didn't review all the chapters... sorry...). The last paragraph was INCREDIBLE! Very sweet, and no kissing! Thank the Lord! If I have to read another over-writing kissing scene "She pressed her lips to his and he reluctantly agreed, not going up for air until they were completely absorbed in each other" (Yeah, I wrote that just now, I'm not knocking anyone lol .) I might scream. Right then, very sweet, very interesting (love the telepathy twist! Really enchanting ;D And what he says HAHA! So great!)

I'll be sure to search out the sequel then ;D

3 3 Northern (Because two hearts mean twice the love!)
123-321 chapter 9 . 3/25/2009
nice job!
123-321 chapter 3 . 3/25/2009
"I’m looking for Rose.”

i can just picture the crowd looking at each other and asking why he wanted a flower XD
R0S3 TYL3R chapter 9 . 5/20/2008
I loved the story, and I'm going to read the sequel now. As in, NOW. As in, I need to read it, and Henry needs to read it even though he's not much of a ten-rose shipper, or we'll starve and die a slow and painful death.

Oh, and Henry wanted me to add that he loved the bit about the Doctor getting hurt. He wants the concussion to last quite a while and he hopes the infection steps in. I told him that's not going to happen, but he has his hopes and I have mine.
todorokishoutos chapter 3 . 6/26/2007
OMG- amazing! :o I wish yuo could rate stories cause I'd give it 5 stars! 5 stars out of 5!

Is the docto going be ok? You left it on a cliffie!

:o Cliffie's are god but the suspense kills me :p hehe

The group watched attentively at the screen, and as they watched, a 1960’s blue police box materialised into existence in the sky above London and plummeted down on the city centre. It crashed into one of the towers on Tower Bridge, ricocheting off and hitting the ground in the middle of the bridge. There it lay, on its side, its light still flashing as the people from the early morning traffic got out of their cars and went to look at the strange blue box lying in the road.

At the Tyler household, they stared at the now-frozen picture of the TARDIS. Rose could scarcely believe her eyes, it was the Doctor, her Doctor. He had found a way back to her!


On TV, the newsreader had now started interviewing various “alien experts” who were saying that the ship being in the guise of a police box from the past was probably some sort of primitive camouflage attempt

No yay silly media :( lol

The soldiers all had their guns trained on him in second, and the camera zoomed in slightly, meaning the audience watching on TV could see the figure clearly. But only a few people in this world would recognise this man. It was the Doctor.

On seeing the Doctor for the first time in months, Rose had to bite back a cry of shock. He looked awful. His face was pale and gaunt, with dark circles around his eyes. He had a large gash just above his left eye, which was bleeding profusely down his face and was surrounded by a massive purple and black bruise. He also had a thin scar that stretched the whole way down the right side of his face, from his temple to his jaw. The Doctor only had his trench coat over his shirt, no jacket or tie. This meant that the group could quite easily see the bloodstains on his white shirt, as well as how thin he’d become. He was definitely a lot thinner than Rose remembered; his clothes that once fitted him now hung loosely off him. However, what worried Rose the most was his eyes. Usually bright and sparkling with life, they were empty and slightly unfocused. Probably meaning he had a concussion from the wound on his head.

Oh my god- Rose you ahve to save the doctor! PLZ!

Your wirting builds up so much suspense! :o

He swayed slightly where he stood, and began in a voice that sounded rusty with disuse, “I— I’m –I’m looking for Rose.” Then his glazed eyes rolled up into his head and he fell to the floor, unconscious.


I'm sorry I can't review any more chapters at the moment cause i'm not meant to be on here :p hehe

Wen I get the chance you know first thing I'm doing is coming here and reivewing! :D

Keep it up

todorokishoutos chapter 2 . 6/26/2007
the rock rocks like a rock has never done before! :D

The rock is important isn't it?

Oh I LOVED this bit:

The Doctor had been nearly back at the TARDIS, complete with a rock, when he’d encountered the clawed native, who was not happy to see him. He considered himself lucky to have managed to escape back to the TARDIS, with the rock, and no life threatening injuries. However, the Klakeenian had succeeded in taking a swipe at him, and had slashed his chest, leaving several rather large and bleeding lacerations.

The Doctor stood in his bathroom in the TARDIS, inspecting his wounds and looking at the bloodstains on his once-white shirt in the mirror. He considered going to stitch up his chest, but quickly dismissed the idea. He had more important things to do. However, as he was leaving the bathroom, he caught sight of the scar on his face in the mirror, a constant reminder of the incarceration he’d rather forget. He briefly brought a hand up and touched the scar, but quickly took his hand away as if he’d been burned. Then he averted his eyes from the mirror and briskly walked back to the console room. He had work to do.

I pictured David tennant standing there doing exactly what you said. :p lolness- It would completely wipe the floor if it was the Docotro who series ebfore Martah came

Keep it up

todorokishoutos chapter 1 . 6/26/2007
That episode when she left aws so sad :(

U wrote it erally well

To Rose it looked like the Doctor wasn’t sure what to say to this. On any other day, she’d have been congratulating herself; the Doctor usually had an answer to anything. Now however, as his eyes filled with tears and he seemed torn between what to say, she wished that they could just be back on the TARDIS, him poking fun at her. In the end, he gave her a sad smile and said, “Don’t give up on me yet Rose Tyler.”

Then he was gone. He faded away right in front of her, leaving an empty space where he had been standing.

Rose broke down. The Doctor was gone. Her Doctor was gone. She was never going to see him again. She could see her mum running towards her, so she ran to meet her. As she was crying into her mum’s hair, the Doctor’s words from earlier reverberated around her head, “Never say never ever. I’ll search the whole of time and space for a way. I will do the impossible and come back to you… Don’t give up on me yet Rose Tyler”

Aw this was good

59 reviews? You deserve way more than that! :D

I'll make sure you get more casue I'll review every single chapter :p hhe

Keep it up

Erya chapter 1 . 5/14/2007
I adore this story!

Could you please archive this (and your other 'Doctor Who' fics) at 'A Teaspoon And An Open Mind'?

Then I can add it straight to my favourites! :)


xKrazyKittenx chapter 1 . 3/22/2007
loved it. loved it. loved it!

ive just read it in one and now im going to read the sequal (come to mama) only problem is... where's hes funny/sarcastic/cheeky side :O AND no kiss! :O O:
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