Author has written 118 stories for Ouran High School Host Club, Hetalia - Axis Powers, Powerpuff Girls, Ninja Turtles, Rocket Power, 07-Ghost, Shakespeare, X-overs, Suite Life series, Teen Titans, Xiaolin Showdown, Junjō Romantica, Wallflower, D N Angel, +Anima, Darren Shan Saga/Cirque Du Freak, Misc. Tv Shows, A Christmas Story, Naruto, Web Shows, Monsters Inc., Spy vs Spy, Ōkiku Furikabutte/Big Windup!/おおきく振りかぶって, House, M.D., Sonic the Hedgehog, Ben 10, My Little Pony, Transformers/Beast Wars, Rise of the Guardians, Greek Mythology, Saiyuki, Usagi Yojimbo, Where's Waldo?, Mario, Hanna is not a Boys Name, Johnny the Homicidal Maniac, Phineas and Ferb, How to Train Your Dragon, Pucca, Nightmare Before Christmas, Up, Peter Pan, Karneval/カーニヴァル, No. 6, A Nightmare on Elm Street, Mythology, Pokémon, Egyptian Mythology, Alice in Wonderland, Gravitation, Saw, Phantom of the Opera, Beetlejuice, Spirited Away, Tom and Jerry, Papa to Kiss in the Dark, Ed, Edd n Eddy, Mina and the Count, Outlast, Frozen, Minecraft, Misc. Books, Undertale, Misc. Games, and Hazbin Hotel. A little insight about me. Hmm. I got nothing. Wait! W-wait! I like writing (Why else would I be here, trolling? NO, I try to stay away from them and tame myself not to be one (I think I'm doing okay)), fill in comic bubbles, doddle/color (Yes, deal with it, I have a child-like mind(That can write M-Rated fics (Ha-Ha)), funny (that was painful to write, cause, I don't think I am), Open-minded (Many things; from news to that random horse head, looking at me from the window, that I think is not from here (Go away, I don't know where they meet)), and so on. The chance of living up to my user name is pretty good. But they will not be in my stories, just me (Not a insert way). I write fanfiction for the fun of it and want to share it. So I hope in the stories that are posted, you enjoy (Or whatever, hate it or something) and give feedback (Or whatever you end up doing afterwards). Other kind of writen work can be found on http:/// , another site you can find me is Manic Expression: T-kun, last site I have been on and hardly go to is, https:///profile/AnyGoSusanghan34, and because why not: . Also, please keep in mind, my spelling and grammer can be really off. That can happen when being in special-ed for years on and off, but that doesn't stop me from writing. So if you see something (That might have been miss when editing (But at least shows I'm human and show later stories how better I'm getting)), report kind words (Being rude in anyway and not give a good reason for it, I will not take in notice of you (End of story)) to me to have it fix if something went amiss while it was edited. Thank you. I also will take requests, the chances to get them are slim (Like paper or hair thin), but they will happen (Somwhere down the road). If there is anyone who is a beta-reader (Or A Nazi that loves/hates fixing Spelling/Grammar) and is comfortable with what I write. Come on down! Would love nothing more than someone that can help. The list belows show of how many stories of the show number up top are done. Oh and if your wondering why none show a genre, it is because, only two can be shown. Unlike movies that can show at least four or so. That is why I have left them as general, for it can mean that it can be about anything without giving away what the main plot of the story is. Or mostly on my fault, I have no idea what the genre should say for the reader. So, forgive on that small about. Anime/Manga: Ouran High School Host Club (3), Hetalia - Axis Powers (7), 07-Ghost (1), Junjō Romantica (2), Wallflower (1), D.N.Angel (1), Anima (1), Naruto (1), Okiku Furikabutte/Big Windup!/おおきく振りかぶって (1), Saiyuki (1), Karneval/カーニヴァル (1), No. 6 (1), Gravitation (1), Spirited Away (1), Papa to Kiss in the Dark (1), Add Ons Books: Darren Shan Saga/Cirque Du Freak (1), Where's Waldo? (1), Peter Pan (1), Alice in Wonderland (1), Phantom of the Opera (1), Add Ons Cartoons: Powerpuff Girls (5), Ninja Turtles (6), Rocket Power (1), Teen Titans (2), Xiaolin Showdown (2), Ben 10 (2), My Little Pony (5), Transformers/Beast Wars (1), Phineas and Ferb (1), Pucca (1), Beetlejuice (1), Tom and Jerry (1), Ed, Edd n Eddy (1), Mina and the Count (1), Hazbin Hotel (1)Add Ons Comics: Spy vs Spy (1), Usagi Yojimbo (1), Hanna is not a Boys Name (1), Johnny the Homicidal Maniac (1), Add Ons Games: Sonic (2), Mario (1), Pokémon (2), Outlast (1), Undertale (1), Minecraft (1), Add Ons Misc: X-overs (4), Misc. Tv Shows (2), Web Shows (9), Misc. Games (1), Greek Mythology (1), Mythology (1), Egyptian Mythology (7), Add Ons Movies: A Christmas Story (1), Monsters Inc. (1), Rise of the Guardians (4.5), How to Train Your Dragon (1.5), Nightmare Before Christmas (1), Up (1), A Nightmare on Elm Street (1), Saw (1), Frozen (1), Add Ons Plays/Musicals: Shakespeare (1), Add Ons TV Shows: Suite Life series (5), House, M.D. (1), Add Ons More will be going onto this list (Do not mind this bit, that is a message for Writer). Hey for anyone reading this little bit here, I need some help. this here site, http:///writing/marysue.htm shows if an OC is a Mary Sue or Gary Stu and with looking through it, some of the questions made me think about my characters. For that, I was looking through them and was able to fill as to why this OC was like this, but I couldn't find a place to put it in the story. So, if anyone sees this, could someone help. I tried with just one OC and only left me lost. In a way, I am asking help to take this test, for there are some words that I don't understand well enough to answer them. So...if anyone I don't want my OCs to be Sue or Stu. Help! Please! Hey there wonder! Yeah, I mean you. If you were able to read this far and are willing to me a try as a fanfiction writer. The work is down below. A little easier than looking through the list and give a chance for it to a surprise to whatever it can be. Enjoy! Follow--\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/--Arrows -Crack Fics- l Drabble Dares l -Drabbles- l Phobia l Venting l TROLLZ l Letter l Just Now A Dream l Quiet Me l Changing Oneself l Barney Knows l My What? l Zombie Needs A Name l It's Back l Quitter She's Not l He's Not Forgotten l Fanaticism l Back Then and Here Now l Not Here Anymore l Karma, I Hate You l Be A Symbol l Human to Ghoul l Hidden Ai l Valediction Gain l -One Shots- l Dragon's Eye l Flag of Love l I Am Stronger l Reprogam Me l S O L O or L O V E l Twins We Are l Yours Alone l Angel's Darkness l Knowing We Are Alive l I'm The Sun, You're The Stars l Cody, You Don't Know l Pitcher Face l My Parade l Everyones Blue Sometimes l Mother's Day l Xenophobia l A Rat l To See l My Little Monster l Dark Imagination l Special Edition: Susan Style! l Welcome Home, Cuz' l Witch, Where's My Hat? l Incidental Spares l Conflicted Peace l Small Steps: Dealing With It l Anna Only Wants One Thing For Christmas l Distance Friendship l -Poems- l One As Me l Don's Name l I Have You l Leo's Name l Love Can Be So Unknow, Poem l Mike's Name l Raph's Name l Who We Are l 5 Senses l Sunako's Inner Mind l Hang In There l Love Is natural l Forever Friends l This Color I Wear l Unchain l Yojimbo's Tale l Waldo, I Am l Bubbles l Inside Johnny C. l Growing Up l Inner Demons l Little Angel Grow l Universe of Vitality l One Day l Silver Friend of Mine l Endless Game l Letting Go l The Eight Souls l Shut Hour l -Stories- l Gute Bruder l Tame That Shrew, The Ending l What Is Love? l World of Bubbly Blue l Brotherhood l The Man I Used To Know l 3 Words l Aluminous Hearts l Nekos of Snow l Oceanic l Space of Dreamy Green l Give Color To The Spies l Critic Spies l My Gift From Totem l Incomplete l Pocket Monsters l Justly True l By The Power Of Thee: Volume I l Asking For A Favor l By The Power Of Thee: Volume II l By The Power Of Thee: Volume III l Final Goodbyes l By The Power Of Thee: Volume IV l Run, Todd, Run l Jackson Overland and Jack Frost l By The Power Of Thee: Volume V l Forgotten Myth l A Chance of Meeting l Scorching Arctic l By The Power Of Thee: Volume VI l Outlast 2: Walrider l By The Power Of Thee: Volume VII l Silent Encounters l The Underground Traveler l I Found The Truth l Squeaks and Hits l A Journey l Drabbles of the Hazbin Hotel's Counselor I If you don't like being surprises. Just go down a little farther. Thanks if you enjoy the stories or giving them a chance. Until next time! |