Naruto is day dreaming

What should I say to him when I meet him? It's been two and a half years now... Even while training with Jiraya, I couldn't stop thinking about him. After beating the Shukaku, on the ground, I really tried to connect to him. Crawling along the ground, he was afraid of me. He didn't understand why I was stronger than he was. He cared only for himself. "Didn't that make him stronger?" - True power only comes forth when you have some one precious to protect.

Garaa lay there on the ground, blood on his face. He finally understood what made me stronger. It's been so long. I've thought about him every day while training. Was he thinking about me? Naruto's stomach came alive with butter flies, it felt as if hurt. That happened a lot recently

Naruto was standing outside the Hidden Sand Village, looking upon the great barriers protecting it from the outside. It had been a quite long trip, but he had an errand from Tsunade.

Gaara is Kazekage now, Naruto. We know that the Akatsuki is searching for the demon spirits, so I thought you should go talk to him. That'd give you a chance to catch up on the lost time as well.
That's what she said to him when he came back. After meeting Kiba, Shikamaru, Sakura and all the others, most of all he was shocked by hearing that.

Had Gaara really got the rank of 'kage before he did?

The Hidden Sand Village was certainly celebrating. Standing outside the city closed off with it's massive sand defense, great walls of sand sorrounding the whole village, and the mountain covering its back, it felt quite cold. To stand outside that protective barrier gave him a slight feeling of loneliness.

Naruto sighed, gazed down and shivered, the sand in the background twirled around him, while he realized he was actually still standing outside, considering what to say upon meeting Gaara.

As he closed in on the city, he noticed a large amount of guards outside. All around the sand walls, and atop of the towers, guards were standing ready, their watchful eyes spying the horizon.

"Is something wrong?" Naruto asked the two guards standing ready outside the village.

"The Akatsuki is looking to find the Jinchuuriki. I'm suprised Lady Tsunade was brave enough to send you here." the guard replied, looking at him suspiciously, as if detecting if he could be an Akatsuki spy disguised as Naruto.

"Hell, she knew it would be pointless trying to stop me from going to see Gaara, I pretty much do as I please if it regards my friends." "Nothing can stop me from helping them, or seeing them in special occasions." Naruto beamed. Nothing should stop him from seeing Gaara!

"Anyway. According to our protocol, no one - absoloutley no one - is allowed to enter without telling the secret passcode, which is thought the way that none else than people knowing our village would enter. If Tsunade send you here, you should have gotten the password. We cannot allow any misstakes, the Akatsuki's are not amatures." grunted the guard as he finished off the sentence.

"What? A password? Awww I don't recall Tsunade saying any thing about this! What's the question?" Naruto replied.

Had Tsunade really said any thing about any pass code? I thought she wanted to send me here to tell them about the Akatsuki! Maybe I should just head back, they seemed to know already. No way, I cannot leave without seeing Gaara as a Kazekage! aww

"Right." the Guard continued "The question is: What's the name of Gaara's uncle?" Aww, not such a question! Even if Gaara had mentioned it, how should I remember! I'm not good at that stuff! Naruto thought.

Naruto looked down, covering his ears with his hands, shutting his eyes hard. Think! Has he mentioned his uncle...

"Let him through." A voice sounded from the path behind the two guards, the red hair was not to be mistaken; it was Gaara!

"Gaara!" Naruto beamed with relief "God I'm glad you showed up now! I'd never figured this out, pheeew right in the last second!"

Gaara was wearing the white and blue 'kage clothes, however, not the fitting hat. His voice not showing any kind of emotion, beside of duty, as if he was driven around without actually sensing any thing personal about his sorroundings. "Come with me, Naruto" he said calmly.

Naruto followed Gaara through Suna, the wind that was heard could not be felt within the city, sand flew around in the streets, and the city seemed overwhelming with joy, every where lights and the sound of laughter was heard in the city houses, but the streets almost deserted, only the grains of sand flew in the breeze. It wasn't cold, and there wasn't any sense of wind, now that Naruto was inside the barrier.

"Yo Gaara, where 'we going? ... If this celebration is for you then why are you outside, helping me in?" Naruto seemed a little unease with Gaara's behavior. He knew it was natural for him not to be the most talkative person, but at least he could've said where they were going

"To the palace in the center. We've prepared the guest room for you, Lady Tsunade send word telling you'd show up without the password." he said calmly as he continued walking. He seemed a little bit anoyed Naruto thought

Naruto and Gaara closed to the huge building in the middle. The large tower were very high, high enough to watch the city. They walked in, of course the Council Building was also heavily guarded, even with archers on the roof nearby. The only thing they haven't covered is the sky. Naruto thought quietly.

They walked upstairs and onto a corridor. The tower was made of sand, hardend sand, like it was partly rock, but also thickened sand. A big tree door with metal clasps was on the left on the corridor, after walking up the stairs. In the room as they entered, there were a big bed, two small tables to either side of it. A closet were standing to the right of the entrance, and a small carpet was infront of the bed. A mirror hang on the right wall, and some towels beside of it. Garaa stood behind Naruto as they entered the room.

"I'm sorry I haven't said much. I realize it has been a while since we last each other." Gaara turned around, facing Naruto for the first time since he got there.

"I'm sorry to have to do this, but I need to make sure you're the real Naruto. The Akatsuki are more than smart enough to could've made a disguise, maybe knowing the real Naruto was send from Konoha, they saw their chance to strike him down and copying him.." Gaara was interrupted by Naruto

"They could never have done that, I'd have beat them up for good if they'd tried to stop me" he smiled nervously, trying to cheer Gaara up a bit

"There's no way to be certain. I'm sorry-" before even hearing the last word, Naruto felt a crushing pain in his stomach, Gaara had moved swiftly, and planted a massive punch to Naruto's gut. He fell over, coughing on the ground, Gaara ripped his jacket off, and his shirt

"What the hell- " he said stuttering between the coughing

"I needed to make sure. I'm sorry. The only way to know was to do this." said Gaara. He was looking intensively at Naruto's stomach, which made Naruto blush, he felt the blood streaming through his cheeks as he realized he was half naked infront of Gaara, while Gaara watched him very closely. Then a sign appeared on his stomach

"Good. The sealing is visible when you are hit in the stomach. I'm sorry to have done it this way, there were no other options." he said emotionless.

Naruto felt Gaara's touch on his arms, moving up towards his shoulders. Naruto lifted his head and opened one eye. The pain was still very intense, so he could barely focus on what was actually happening. He saw Gaara's eyes focused on his, while his arms lifted him up from the floor to be standing again in front of him. The touch of Gaara's hands on his skin was incredible, he had warm hands. And they felt like silk, the beautiness of his skin -

Naruto shook his head. What was happening to me? Why did this boy have such an effect on me? I couldn't deny it. He was beautiful. Was I in love with Gaara? It was hard to admit - I hadn't exactly "loved" another boy, but this was different. I liked girls but - Gaara seemed to have some special effect on me. I didn't like boys, I just liked... Gaara. That seemed to ease me a bit

Gaara swiftly removed his hands, a fast flash of emotions swam through his seagreen eyes. Those eyes.. Teal as the sea. He didn't mean for the situation to feel awkward, but even he sensed the brush of his hands on Narutos skin was creating a bit awkward situation. After removing his hands, his eyes went back to the normal, emotionless look.

"I'm sorry" he murmured quietly. "Nah, it doesn't matter," Naruto said to cheer him up again, trying to get on his feet, enduring the pain. "Does it hurt a lot?" Gaara said, while his face turned more senstive. Fastly realizing it, he changed it back. "I-I mean - I hope I didn't hurt you too badly," "No it's fine," answered Naruto.

it was a little bit awkward. The silence felt like an eternity. It was almost as they could hear the sand moving outside. Garaa was also getting a bit nervous, the time seemed to stand still, he knew that Naruto was still standing shirtless, but he seemed as he had turned to stone, unable to move. I have to break the silence, this is getting even more awkward!
"So, this guest room, does it have a balcony?"

"Yes it does." said Gaara, he turned around, opened a closet and gave Naruto some clothes fitting the desert life style. After Naruto switched into the clothes, Gaara turned around again and opened the door to the left of the bed.

The sight of the city was indescribably beautiful. (I will do my best though!) Standing upon the builiding of sand, looking down as if the city was a big bowl, he could see the fireworks splintering in the air, breaking in various colours of red, yellow and green. Naruto was standing in the door way leading to the balcony, astonished of the view. Gaara was standing looking down upon his village. The houses were still lighted up, and the streets empty. The yells of joy and happiness could even reach to the point where Naruto and Gaara were standing.

Gaara turned to face Naruto after watching the city in silence "I've always loved watching the city like this," he said. Naruto noticed that he had opened up a bit,

it's always hard starting the bond, but he has to try. He promised himself he would try, he tried so hard to connect to people. Making a bond with Temari and Konkaru wasn't easy either. He knew he had to do this, he had to be more connected to people Gaara thought quietly.

"It makes me feel more like their leader. Being able to watch them, protect them if neccesary. And I guess them knowing I will always be watching up here is a good thing. I've even infused the sand from my jar to float around the city. I'm sure you noticed earlier, you seemed to any way. It makes me feel if intruders should enter the city."

I did see some twirling sand as we entered.. Naruto thought

Naruto looked at Gaara, he knew he was trying to be friendly, and it was just what they needed in their friendship. To get further. This was different though, it wasn't like any other friendship. They were both Jinchuuriki, somehow, they already knew a great deal about each other. Even things that he had never even talked to his closest of closest friends about. Not even Sasuke could begin to understand the loneliness of being shut out. Of being hated. Of being despised by your entire village. Some times he even wondered why he exsisted if people really hated him that much. It was good to know Gaara shared the same feeling. Being bullied. They, the two of them, were different to everyone else. That's what they have in common.

Naruto gazed down on the balcony itself, moving his left hand up to rub his right shoulder. His corner of the mouth stretched trying to force a little smile. It didn't work. Gaara looked at him

"Some thing wrong?" he asked

"N-No, n-nothing .. It's just... W-Well... I kinda... missed you I guess" Naruto said shyly, feeling how the blood rushed to his cheeks, focusing his look on the ground

He cares about me. How can he care about me? I'm a monster. People flee from me, they've always done. Even now, when I'm the Kazekage of this village, people seem to have a secret terror, they hide from me, but I sense their nervousity. I'm just trying to show them that I too am human. Or well, that's what I think. That's what he made me think.

Realizing Naruto truly opened his eyes to the world, the reality as he knows it now, as he faces it every morning when he wakes up, and reminds himself every night when he goes to bed: He needs to open up. He needs to trust people, especially now.

It was him, Naruto Uzumaki, who made me open my eyes. I've thought about that ever since. thought about his look, the blood running down from his forehead as he shouted, even considering his weakened condition "- but if you ever hurt those I love, I swear that I WILL kill you!" He truly cared about those precious to him. Even now, I can feel that he cares for me, too. Gaara thought

"I missed you, too, Naruto." and for the first time, he forced himself to smile, it didn't seem natural to him, it was more like he tried to copy how other people did it.

Naruto looked at him and smiled back, he could easily see that that smile wasn't a normal smile. He beamed I think he understands just how much I care for him. Maybe our friendship can go further now. Naruto hoped deeply.

"Seeya tomorrow!" Naruto silently whispered in the dark as Gaara closed the door when exiting.

Hey guys! I figure if you see this message, it means you've just read my second text every written! ;O This time taking a bit more time :) I'd love some reviews! I love to know what I can improve, and what was good about it (If there was any thing good about it, that is (^ ^)

- I wonder if I should continue this story. Gimme a heads up in your review if any one actually sees this, willya?

Take care!

/ Serfex, Denmark. Wow, hey, it's my birthday o.O I hadn't noticed. Now I'm 16! :P Yeeey