Reviews for Where She Belongs
KashianXanthe chapter 22 . 7/14/2017
I really enjoyed this story from Murdoc's point of view. Great job!
mr.niccals chapter 1 . 2/16/2015
This is the best thing I have ever read in my life I loved everything thing about (I didn't see any errors and I would care if there were any ) keep it up I would love to see more from you of this magnitude
noodsXmurdoc4eva chapter 22 . 1/30/2014
pinnaclestarsss chapter 22 . 3/31/2013
oh my god this was such a well written story! I'm new to the Gorillaz but holy fucckk I love MurdocxNoodle together. The lemon was hot (; good job with that hehe but anyways this was so cute! At times I felt sorry for 2D but he's a cutie & he'll find someone else and I admire that Russell is so protective of Noodle. You can tell that nothing will ever happens between them because he just looks at Noodle as a little sister. However her & Murdoc is just sexy(; normally I would find their relationship repulsive due to their age differences but with them it's too presh! amazing story I loved it
disastrousmiss chapter 22 . 1/21/2013
; A ; man i wish there was more! thank you for a great fic! 3
Guest chapter 22 . 11/28/2012
This was so amazing I couldn't stop reading
Allium394 chapter 22 . 9/29/2012
WOW. That was great. Aside from the fact that the plot was wonderful and it was pretty well-written, my favorite part of the story is that you stuck with the story and put the effort in for TWENTY TWO CHAPTERS! That's just... (I daresay again)... WOW. I really admire that fact. Thank you for giving me a nice, long read that was thoroughly enjoyable. Fantastic job! :)
the Vampire of Gorillaz chapter 18 . 12/4/2011
when i read this chapter i cried :'( its so sad :(
ContessaTheBrave chapter 3 . 9/24/2011
Hm. I cannot figure out why Noodle won't talk. Odd, odd, yes. Hm, hm. Well! This is a very enticing story, so far! I cannot wait to read more! :B
Zeshka chapter 22 . 9/16/2011
I mean I wish it was book, stupid translator xD
Zeshka chapter 22 . 9/16/2011
this great! :D I it was a real book. was better than rise of the ogre :p sorry with grammar, i speak Russian better.
natlikesnoodle chapter 21 . 8/22/2011
im sweet am i? awsome! :3
pat chapter 22 . 8/18/2011
and so it ends, and ends beautifully! well written! now what will i do w/ myself? :( haha, i'm so thankful i found your unique style of writing and story :) it always gave me something great to look forward to after a long night of studying. please keep writing; you have a wonderful talent that i'm so glad you're sharing with the world! keep at it! and of course i'll stop by every now and again to see if u got something new ;) tata 4 now...~pat
Hallie chapter 22 . 8/18/2011
AWWWWW! 3 I can't believe it's over! Of course, you ended it so well that it definitely soothes the blow. :) I like the way you worked in the title at the end, I see what you did there. ;) This was- Nay, IS!- a really awesome story. :D I've read... An embarassing amount of Gorillaz fanfiction and MurdocxNoodle and I really love how you did it. I've probably said it before in another review, but you really go into the relationship and the actual consequences rather than just the sex (although, I won't lie, I did like that part. ;) ) Anyway, Thank you for writing it, because I really enjoyed reading it. 3
ChemicalSunrise chapter 22 . 8/18/2011
I can't believe it's really over! :( But that was a great closing chapter. So cute _ And yes I definitely think you have improved here vs. the beginning of the story. And, of course, I love the way you worked the title into the story itself!
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