![]() Author has written 12 stories for Warriors, Harry Potter, Twilight, and Hunger Games. Welcome Why, hello people! In case you haven't noticed, I got really sick of my extremely long and rambling profile, so I got rid of it (isn't the backspace button wonderful?) and replaced it with this wonderous little thing. Me As a Writer Anyway, I'm Patronus Charm, from the quaint little town of AwesomeWriterVille in the country of MyOwnLittleWorld. What? You didn't actually think I was giving away the location to my not-so-secret-crazy-writer-hideaway, did you? Pfft. As if. Obviously, due to the thing bellow my name that let's everyone know I've written eleven stories, I'm a writer, though, the title Authoress sounds really cool, so I tend to use that one whenever I'm trying to convince someone I'm not crazy. Though, I've noted it tends to have the oppostie affect. Though I've tecinically been a writer since I was old enough to see a rock as anything but a mere rock, it took me until I was thirteen to realize it. I've always been telling myself stories, and my first "novels" never made it out of my head (were they will rot for all eternity). Put it this way, while the other little six year old's barbies were constantly undressed and re-dressed in a varity of gaudy sparklely outfits, mine had extremely ellaborate love trinagles, murder mysterys, and fancy subplots all going for them. Even as a little kid, you could hand me a leaf and come back in five mintues to a story about a great forest and a tribe of reneagade horses (I had quite a thing for talking animials). I also became notorious (even at the nosepicker age) for writing extremely long school assignments, and always carrying a book. I discovered I could write by complete and total accident. Around Christmas time the year I was thirteen, I found myself with out a dance lesson to go to, homework to do, or friends to hang out with. Thus, I turned to the ol' standby; googleing random things. At that particular time, I was nearing the end of my obsession with the book series Warriors, thus one of the things I googles was the term "ThunderClan". One of the links that came up was a link to the C2 ThunderClan Tales, on this very site. Curious, I I clicked on it, and realized that I didn't have to wait until the next book came out to read about my favorite characters. Thus, the evening was no longer set to be tedious and boring. The next day at school, I shared my discovery with my friends, for those of you who read DBFF, Tonks, Zoe, Crystal, Sam, Alison, Kali, and Cassy, though (obviously) those aren't their real names. Crystal informed me that she'd discovered Fanfiction severel months previouy, and Zoe made an account that night. And that was when I started to put the pieces together, sort of anyway. That night at home, I decided, on a total whim, to turn the role playing game Crystal, Zoe and I played when were were ten and eleven into a story. So, I pulled out my ancient laptop, affectionatly reffered to as Bucket of Bolts (Bolts) and chickenpecked out the original prolouge to Four Clans, One Loyalty, and hurried back to school bursting with ideas for the three of us to do a group project. And you know what? I never stopped writing. News! August 24th Well, I'm home from vacation, with a two and a half completed chapters which would be up if a certain editor would remember to give me the manuscript. :D. Anyway, summer is almost over, which means a return to hour long car rides to dance, i.e desginated writing time. Yeah! As for the return to homework: blah. July 24th Three bits of news today. 1: Well, thanks to everyone who voted for Vampire in the Kitchen. Sadly, it didn't make it on to the next round, but it was a honor to be nominated in the first place. 2: One of my friends talked me into makeing a Twitter account. Follow me on Twitter: http://twitter.com/PatronusCharm 3: Chapter 24 will be up in a few days; I just have to merge all the corrections (blah) and Chapter 25 was sent out for editing today and should be up in a week or less. Also -random-, MY LAPTOP IS FIXED! parties! July 5th Wow. I've negleted so much stuff this year, including the poor news section. So, I'm giving it some love. Obviously, everyone saw my BIG NEWS, abvoe, so I'm not going to talk about that, but I have to more smaller pieces of news. 1: This concerns readers of DBFF. I have two completed chapters currently in my pocession. Chapter 23 is currently undergoing the final stages of editing. It was supposed to go up last friday, but due to some tecnical diffculties, it won't be up until Wensday at the latest. 2: This concerns my Twilight Readers. I'm actually contiueing Vampire in the Kitchen, though I can't give you a for sure date for the update, I can tell you that it will be soon. My apoligies and thanks go out to everyone who supports that story dispite my lack of updates. 3: This one includes everyone! As of about January, I've also been working on an orginal Novel. It's been a sort of side project because I've been foucusing on DBFF, but it will come into the light shortly. I really don't want to say much for copy righting reasons, but I can tell you that any avid reader sick of every author following "The Rules" will be impressed. IF it every gets published, it will be under the PenName of Charm. No summary is avadible at this time, but I will tell you that it's finally out of Plot Devleoping stages. 4: Hatemail to Dell's repair shops. I might as well have sent my prescious Baby (i.e laptop) to Africa and let the Monkeys have a crack at it. YOU SUCK! Also: Kiss my . This has been an angry hate maill curdosy of the deprived author known as Patronus Charm. 1/2/09 Happy new year everyone! My new years resoultion: 1: Be more organized 2: Get a boyfriend (good luck me) 3: Have a story break 1,00 review 4: Finish DBFF and Vampire in the Kitchen, as well as the Sequel to 10 Ways to Annoy Twilight characters (un-published as of yet) 5: Get a fic nominated for the Twilight Awards Updates are coming for Vampire in the Kitchen and DBFF! 10/17/o8 I re-did my profile. The old news section is no more. Updates! Coming soon are two new Diffrence Between Fact and Fiction chapters and the last three 10 Ways chapters. Both DBFF chapters are being edited as well as the first of the 10W2ATC chapters. They should be up soon. _~Patronus~_ -+CHARM+- |
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