Silverstream's Talk Show
(I do not own Warriors)
Silverstream: Hey everybody and welcome to 'Silverstream's Talk Show'!
There is a pause, followed by crickets chirping
Silverstream (angrily): Where is my applause?
Audience nervously claps, all eyeing Silverstream's whooping stick anxiously
Silverstream: That's better. Now, on today's show, I will be randomly interviewing people from the audience.
Crickets chirp
Silverstream pulls out her whooping stick
Everyone claps
Silverstream (hiding her whooping stick again): Alrighty then! Let's see…how about you, random person who I've never met before!
A Twoleg with black fur on his head and a weirdly-shaped battle scar on his forehead walked down to the stage.
Silverstream (boredly): Sit down, Twoleg. Who are you?
Twoleg sits down in a chair opposite Silverstream
Twoleg (british accent): Why I'm the Boy Who Lived!
Silverstream: What, do Twolegs celebrate everyone who happens to be alive with mousebrained nicknames?
Twoleg (shocked): Of course not! I got attacked by Voldemort, and I lived! I'm Harry Potter, surely you've heard of me!
Silverstream (looking bored, filing her claws): Hmm…so a moldy wart attacked you? Twolegs are very…odd sometimes. Don't you have claws? And teeth?
Harry Potter: No, but I have a wand, and he's not a moldy wart, he's –
Silverstream (bored): A baldy heart, yeah, yeah, whatever
Harry Potter (angry): Why am I even talking to a cat anyway?
Silverstream (boredly): Why did you come to a cat's talk show?
Harry Potter: Good point.
Silverstream: So you want to do lunch sometime?
Harry Potter: Tomorrow sound good?
Silverstream: Great, see ya then.
A gasp sounds from the audience
Harry Potter: No, Ginny, I didn't mean it, no, wait! Sweetie! Honey! Come back!
He runs off after her
Silverstream (boredly): Weelllll…how's about he talk to the moldy cheese himself, Baldyheart!
Voldemort walks onto the stage and sits down
Voldemort: It's Voldemort, Silverstream. Do you want me to go all 'Advada Kedvara' on you?
Silverstream: Great StarClan you're ugly.
Voldemort: Thanks for that comment.
Silverstream: Anytime, Moldywart.
Silverstream: Half-blood? Wouldn't I be dead if I only had half of my blood?
Voldemort stands up
Voldemort: Alright, I've had it
He raises his wand
Voldemort: Advada Ked -
Silverstream pulls out her whooping stick
She pummels Voldemort
Everyone cheers
Body guards drag Voldemort's body away
Silverstream (hiding her stick): Who's next?
Will YOU be next? Only you can decide…just be one of the first three to review saying that you want to be on 'Silverstream's Talk Show', and I'll PM you if you made it in! Thanks for all the great reviews, and good luck! Silverstream's waiting…are you odd enough to withstand her…oddness?
Silverstream: Heard that!
Uh oh…gotta run! R&R! Oh and Harry really needs to borrow that whooping stick...sure works wonders on 'bad guys'. LOL, well see ya! x//purrs, Liontide