The Curse of Love
Summary: Sequel to Destined to Love. Draco is back, but there's a problem. The curse of Love is about to take place, will Hermione and Draco be safe? Will their love win out? Or will they lose everything, including their unborn child?
Starring: Draco/Hermione (well…yea…), Harry/Ginny, Ron/Luna, Blaise/Lavender (eventual)
A/N: Enjoy
Chapter 32:
Back to the future - or present.
Hermione smiled in her sleep. She tried to open her eyes but they were forced shut due to the intensity of the sunlight. She rubbed the sleep out of her eyes. Her head was hurting a little. She begrudgingly opened her eyes and looked to her left. He was still asleep. Draco looked so peaceful in his sleep. Something Hermione had always noticed.
She smiled gently, wondering if he would remember what today was. She rested her head against his chest, something she always did in the morning as his grip tightened around her.
"Morning," he muttered, his eyes still closed.
"Morning," she smiled.
"Happy anniversary," Draco muttered slowly.
Hermione grinned, "Weird anniversary isn't it?"
Draco opened his eyes slowly, trying to move a little. He kissed the top of Hermione's head, "The day it all started."
"So, the day it started anniversary," Hermione replied.
"No, the day we ended up in the future, you screamed, there was a prophecy, a curse, babies, and now here anniversary."
"The day it all started then."
Draco grinned, "Know it all."
"We can only celebrate this time once. I mean August 2005, won't happen every year." Draco sighed.
"Do you remember that day?" Hermione asked.
"Clearly," Draco smiled.
The person beside her opened his eyes. He turned over to see what the noise was and then he did what she had. He screamed. He jumped out of the bed.
"What the fuck are you doing in…" Draco started. "Where the fuck are we?"
He looked around, this was not his room!
"What…why…" Hermione was blubbering.
Draco chose to ignore her as he walked over to the mirror. He looked more or less the same, just a few years older he guessed. His hair was still white blonde, same haircut, maybe a little taller. He was wearing his night bottoms like he always had.
He walked around a little more and his face froze in front of a calendar. No way! It can't be! We're in…we were in 2000! How did we mange to end up in 2005! August 2005! I'm 23!
"Oi Granger," Draco said when he finally found his voice. "This calendar says 2005."
"WHAT?" She shouted, she ran beside him and looked at the calendar.
Draco smirked as he watched her. She hadn't realised that she was in a very revealing red nightie which reached way above her knees.
"How can we be in…" she started then she turned to a smirking Draco.
"What?" she asked.
He grinned, "Go look in the mirror."
She was confused, she walked down to the mirror. Her hair was nice and brown and curly, her eyes were the same, her face looked a little older and then she saw the rest of her body. She let out a shriek and ran to the first door she saw. She slammed it behind her. She sighed. Oh fuck! Why am I dressed like this? With Malfoy in 2005! This cannot be our future. She shook her head and looked at her surroundings. She was in the bathroom. A beautiful marble floored, sparkling bathroom. There was another door in the room. She walked towards it and opened it. She gasped loudly.
She had just walked into a walk in closet. The room was divided in two, one side at the back there was a plaque reading Hermione, parallel to it was a plaque reading Draco. She walked down her side and her hand touched the beautiful clothes. She grabbed a long black coat and put it on around her. She needed to figure out what was going on.
"Granger!" Draco shouted from outside the bathroom door. Hermione buttoned up her coat and opened the door.
"What?" she asked.
Draco didn't even bother with a comment about the coat, he just lifted his hand and showed her the shiny diamond wedding band on his finger.
Hermione's eyes widened in shock, she looked down at her hand, a platinum, round diamond cut ring and a wedding band. She screamed.
"Will you stop with the damn screaming!" He shouted.
Inhale. Exhale. Inhale. Exhale. Hermione told herself.
"Oh…no…no…we…we can't…we can't be…" Hermione started.
"Married?" Draco offered. He wasn't thrilled by it at all.
"We can't be!" Hermione shouted.
End of Flashback
"That was scary," Hermione shivered.
"It was a great day, it was the start of us," Draco whispered as Hermione propped herself up so he could look at him.
"I love you," Hermione whispered.
Draco kissed her gently, "And I love you Mrs. Malfoy."
Hermione smiled, "If it hadn't been for today we might not be here. Does that make sense?"
Draco nodded, "I know. We've done a lot in five or so years."
"Five years, 4 months," Hermione corrected.
"Again, the know it all," Draco smiled.
"Ferret," Hermione said playfully, as she kissed him again.
"Should we wake the twins?" Draco asked, "And Luc. Why did we name a child after my father?"
Hermione laughed, "Because your father's constant meddling got us together, so your youngest should be named Lucius Draco Malfoy."
"He won't be the youngest for long," Draco touched Hermione's flatish belly softly. "Nearly four and a half months, you will gain weight soon."
Hermione hit him on the shoulder, "Idiot. Maybe our daughter will be tiny."
"No Malfoy is 'tiny', as you put it. I dare you to tell my father that."
"I do not want a lecture, thank you very much," Hermione laughed. Last time she had mentioned that Luc may be gaining a little weight. Lucius launched into a lecture about how Malfoy's are never fat. Never. Unless women are pregnant.
Draco grinned. He was remembering how his father had told him Malfoy's only had one child, not four! Draco had corrected him claiming he had three children and one unborn. That was not a smart idea. Lucius nearly killed him for being too smart. It was a good thing that Blaise and Lavender had arrived that day.
It was two months ago, that Blaise and Lavender finally got married. Blaise was a little afraid of marriage, fearing he would be poisoned but Lavender was not like his mother. She was four months pregnant at the time of the wedding and was expecting a daughter.
Ginny and Harry married three weeks after the Malfoy wedding, Ginny found out she was two months pregnant after a week. Little James was born six months after the twins, Albus was born before Lucius (they are both two right now), after a year and a half. And Ginny was pregnant with Lily, she was due in a few months.
As for Luna and Ron, well they married two years ago and had three children already. Oddly enough, the first children, now one, were twin boys, and the second was born a few weeks ago, a little girl.
Draco smiled at the circle he was now part of. He smiled as he thought of his twins, first Scorpius (yes he named the child after the singer, and yes a son was born first), his twin sister, Delilah, both four years old. Then he thought of his son, Lucius, who was the smart one of the family, even at two. He had learnt to walk before he was one, he was speaking just a month after his first birthday. He was like his mother. Now he was going to have another daughter, Jessica. Hermione had picked the name. She wanted something normal. He grinned. There was nothing normal about any of them.
"Draco!" Hermione shouted.
Draco snapped out of his thoughts, "What?"
"You were day dreaming!"
"Reminiscing," Draco corrected, "Thinking about us, our children, god children and the others."
Hermione laughed, "You crammed the last five years into five minutes?"
"No!" Draco grinned, "Just who married who, the kids and...well how much we have to be grateful for."
Hermione smiled, "That is true."
"We should wake up," Draco said softly.
"We are awake."
"I meant get up," Draco smiled as sat up, "Come on, the kids will need breakfast and so will their grandparents."
"And of course Malfoy's do not eat until everyone is at the table," Hermione rolled her eyes. She felt Lucius Senior was making up more rules as they went along. He was a handful sometimes, more then the kids were but he loved his grandchildren, half blood or not.
"MUMMY!" Delilah shouted.
Hermione ran into the breakfast room, where she had sat the twins down and placed Luc in his high chair. She had gone into the kitchen to help prepare the breakfast.
"Sweetie what is it?" Hermione ran to her daughter, who had tears in her eyes.
"Scorps took my dolly!" she wailed. Her grey eyes full of real tears, her blonde hair flying. (None of her kids had her frizzy brown hair, something she was grateful for. They all had blonde hair, and the twins had grey eyes while Luc had brown eyes.)
Hermione turned to Scorpius, "Did you take your sister's doll?"
"No mummy," Scorpius shook his head, looking innocent. He was just like his father.
"Where is it Scorpius?" Hermione asked as Narcissa entered the room.
"Morning," Narcissa kissed all her children on the head.
"I am still waiting Scorpius," Hermione said as Narcissa sat down, watching with amusement.
"Malfoy men do not play with dolls," Scorpius replied.
Before Hermione could reply, in walked Lucius with a smile, "No they do not."
"BUT HE TOOK IT!" Delilah screamed.
"Scorpius, doll now!" Hermione raised her voice.
Scorpius jumped down from the chair, muttering something but picked the doll up from underneath the table and handed it to Delilah, "Happy?"
"Very!" Delilah's tears disappeared immediately. Then she turned to Scorpius and pushed him off his chair, "Now I am very very happy."
"DELILAH!" Narcissa and Hermione both exclaimed as Scorpius picked himself up.
"Violence is never the answer," Narcissa reprimanded her granddaughter as Hermione walked over to Scorpius and took him in her arms.
He pushed her away, "Malfoy's do not need comforting." He said holding back tears.
"Of course they do not," Lucius said.
"You are not helping," Narcissa warned Lucius as she talked to Delilah about violence.
Draco walked in slowly, he had heard what was happening from the stairs. He gently took Scorpius from his mother's grip and placed him on the floor. Then he hugged him softly, "Sometimes even Malfoy's need comforting," he whispered to his son. "Sometimes it is okay to cry. Sometimes it is okay to need somebody."
His soon sniffled, as small tears came out of his eyes, "I hurt my ass."
"Language!" Hermione warned, "Bum, not ass. Who taught you that word?"
Scorpius blushed, "James…"
"Should have known it would be," Draco sighed, taking his son to the other side of the table and sitting him down. "Right, Delilah you never ever use violence? Understood?"
"Yes daddy," Delilah smiled innocently, "Never again, daddy."
Lucius rolled his eyes, "And if you believe that you will believe anything."
Draco smirked, as Narcissa and Hermione laughed.
Luc who had been looking on, angrily hit his high chair, "Hungry!" He complained.
"Food is coming sweetheart," Hermione sat beside him, ready to feed him, as the elves sent the food to the table.
"A normal breakfast at the Malfoy household," Draco muttered as he sat down and handed the ketchup to Scorpius (he never ate toast without ketchup. He was spoilt. Duh, he is a Malfoy.)
"James said, his sister will be born before mine," Scorpius said.
"Yes his sister will be born first, but yours will be prettier and smarter, you tell him that," Draco answered as Lucius chuckled.
"Draco!" Hermione sighed angrily.
"It's true, my daughter will have blonde hair, beautiful eyes while his will either have messy black hair or scary red hair or maybe even a scar!" Draco said.
Hermione rolled her eyes.
"But daddy, she can't be ugly! I'm going to marry her," Scorpius smiled continuing to splash his toast with ketchup.
Lucius dropped his butter knife, Draco's eyes widened as he stopped his toast mid bite. Hermione and Narcissa both smiled.
"You are not marrying a Potter! You are four!" Lucius warned.
"Nearly five, and I am marrying her. You watch," Scorpius challenged.
"You are too much like your father. You will not be marrying that girl. You are too young to make those decisions," Lucius narrowed his eyes.
Scorpius shrugged, "A deal is a deal."
"What deal dear?" Narcissa asked.
Scorpius just smiled.
Delilah on the other hand didn't keep her mouth shut, "The deal is, if Scorpius marries James's sister, James will marry our sister...Jessica."
"HE WILL NOT!" Lucius shouted.
"Where do they get these ideas from?" Hermione laughed.
"Fairytales mummy," Delilah answered.
"NOT EVEN TWO!" Lucius added.
"But we made a deal, a wizard's deal," Scorpius smiled. James was right, this was funny. Like he was going to marry anyone, no way. Girls had coodies.
"You made a….a…" Draco started.
"You can't have…." Lucius tried.
Scorpius started laughing, "That is funny! I have to owl James!"
"I want to come too," Delilah smiled jumping off her seat.
"No, were joking?" Draco breathed.
Scorpius nodded.
Draco smiled a smile of relief. Lucius was not happy, "Both of you sit down. Breakfast is not finished and jokes like that are…wrong!"
Hermione and Narcissa exchanged smiled.
"I have to tell Ginny about this," Hermione smiled, "Maybe we can make some kind of wizard deal."
"YOU WILL NOT!" Lucius ordered as Narcissa and Hermione laughed.
"Or I can make the deal with Molly, grandmothers can make the deal too. It is stronger that way," Narcissa told Hermione.
Hermione nodded.
"Narcissa Malfoy, I forbid it!" Lucius snarled.
As Narcissa and Lucius argued about who can forbid what, Hermione finished feeding Luc, she took him into the nursery and placed him there. The elf there would watch him, while she entered the backroom and smiled.
"Mrs Malfoy, I do believe you did not excuse yourself," Draco smiled, wrapping his arms around her.
"I am sorry," Hermione grinned, "Your father must be mad."
"Oh he is, Delilah asked what it would be like to be a Weasley."
"Poor Dee," Hermione rested her head against his chest, "Maybe I should go save her."
"No need, my mother is rescuing her," Draco kissed Hermione's neck lightly.
"Draco…" Hermione whispered closing her eyes.
"If every morning is like this, we'd be in a war zone," he whispered.
"But if every morning was like this, I would be happy," Hermione replied, turning to Draco, kissing him deeply.
"YUK!" It was Scorpius, he ran out of the room, screaming yuk.
Hermione and Draco laughed.
"I love you Draco," she whispered.
"I love you Hermione," he replied kissing her again.
And they both knew that no matter what happened in the future, they would be happy because if they could beat a curse, they could beat anything.
"We can get through anything," Draco whispered to Hermione.
"Even a marriage between a Malfoy and a Potter….well make that two marriages?" Hermione teased.
"Even that," Draco smiled. His sleeve was rolled up, the dark mark visible like a tattoo. Hermione saw him staring at it, she lightly touched it. It could not hurt her now.
"I don't regret you being a Death Eater," Hermione admitted, years after their marriage, they could now be totally honest.
"You don't?" Draco was shocked.
"If you had not been...for a lack of a better word, evil, well more on the evil side...well we would never have been meant to be together. The prophecy prophesied two opposites would fall in love. What is more opposite then good and evil?" Hermione asked slowly.
"True," he admitted, "But I'll always have this scar."
"A remembrance of your past, teaching you never to make that kind of mistake again," Hermione said.
"I only made that mistake because I had nothing to lose. Now...well now I have a family," Draco said slowly.
Hermione turned to him, "Draco Malfoy, I love you with all my heart. Today of all days, I just need you to know that that will never ever change. Never."
Draco kissed her lightly, "If our love could overcome amnesia, parallel worlds, my father," he chuckled, "We can beat anything. I love you Mrs Malfoy, and don;t you forget it." He kissed her hard, igniting the passion that was destined to start on this day.
Like Jeff Zinnert once said: 'Love is something eternal; the aspect may change, but not the essence.'
A/N: Well it is officially over! Finally, the end!
Well first off I want to say a huge thanks to ALL my reviewers, even the ones that have only reviewed once! :D Thank you for your support throughout this fic.
I also want to say a special thanks to a few people who have helped a lot along the way:
Forevafan - with her random jokes about kidnapping a Hardy
Varietygirl 9143 - For reading and reviewing, then telling me how she has learnt something at school today! School and learning….wow lol!!
Captain Severus padfoot - A real laugh lol! Random PMs, how we managed to start talking about prom dresses
Lily Luna - who has already started helping me with my next fic even though I am going on hiatus lol
Cariola Malfoy - for always asking about my mum, thank you!
Ga-4-ever - always pushing for updates! Lol. And for always being concerned when I don't update soon!
MyLookOfDenial - Always long, funny, brilliant, style reviews lol! Love them! And want them in every fic! Lol!
Jen M. Synder - with her lovely reviews and random suggestions like apple clue what that is.
Potter'sanatomy - first I love the name lol, second I loved the reviews which always told me I had to, just had to had to had to update in the next few minutes lol!
miss quirky bookworm - for just reading, and reviewing and doing it all the time!!!
Mary-la - her random, crazy and lovely and long reviews!!! :D
Elven at Heart - Always reviewing! :D Wonderful reviews!
Twilight1243 - for all the great reviews! :D
THANK YOU for all the reviews and support along the way, I'm sorry I did not get to reply to every review for the last two chapters. I will do review replies this time!
I'm glad you all enjoyed this story. And for big fans of this series, did you realise the first paragraph of this chapter is from Destined to Love? I'm sorry that at some points of this story, the story was weak, even I can admit that. there were good chapters and there were bad chapters, but I am taking a break and the next story will be one of my best. So stay tuned.
The murder mystery story will be written in the near future, so until then I am on hiatus! :D It's weird not having a story to write! So weird, but I will be writing again!
Again thanks for all the reviews and support!
Take Care
Coming Up: A murder mystery story.....