A/N: Yeah, I know. I haven't updated in what feels like (and actually is!) months. But I've been swamped! Anyways, I'm going to be exceptionally bored this summer, so look out for a lot more updates. Also, HAPPY HARRY POTTER MONTH! :D

Follow me on twitter! Search: CharahxD

Disclaimer: The only thing I own is the cake in the oven.

This chapter's FML: Today, my friend said he'd give me 20 bucks if I would ask out the ugliest girl in school. I did it. She rejected me. FML

This chapter's GMH: My parents fight a lot, but the other day I found them slow dancing in the kitchen. It GMH


Ginny: Hermione, guess what!

Voldemort: Oh, let me guess. Some silly little boy told you he liked your hair style, or, wait! You broke a nail.

Hermione: Just because you don't have any hair... What, Ginny?


Fleur: Oh, c'est magnifique! Congratulations, Ginny!

Hermione: Finally?! Tell me all about it. Everything!

Voldemort: Oh, yes, do tell. This is so0o0o fascinating.

Ginny: Go away, boyfriend killer. Anyways, Hermione, you would have seen it if you weren't busy being too jealous of Lavender to even stand being in the same room as her!

Fleur: Lavender? Who is this Lavender?

Voldemort: From what I've surmised through Potter's big head, she is his comrade Weasley's love interest.

Hermione: I am NOT jealous of Lavender.

Ginny: are so.

Hermione: am not. Besides, she's not Ron's love interest. She's his shagging interest. There's a difference.

Ginny: mhm.

-Serra Potter has logged on.

Hermione: I am not jealous of Lavender! I, in fact, wish her and Ronald all the happiness.

Serra: my ass.

Fleur: oh, you are in love with Ronald, Hermione? What happened to Viktor?

Voldemort: Viktor? Who's Viktor?

Serra: Ron likes to call him Vikky.

Voldemort: oh, that helped.

Ginny: Viktor Krum. He's a well known Bulgarian Seeker. Hermione went out with him the year you were... resurrected.

Voldemort: really? Well, Mudblood, you sure like your Quidditch players, eh?

Serra: How'd you know Ron's a Quidditch player?

Hermione: because he most certainly is a keeper.

Ginny: AH HA! So you admit you're infatuated with Ron!

Fleur: C'est magnifique. But is this Lavender not in the way?

Voldemort: I'll dispose of her, if you like.

Hermione: Oh, that's very sweet of you, but I'm not one to kill the enemy.

Serra: BUT I AM! Right, Voldemort? ;D

­-Albus Dumbledore has logged on.

Ginny: signs of delusion:

1) You're in love with Ron.

2) You think studying is funner than Quidditch.

3) You think Voldemort is sweet.

Voldemort: eh...I have my moments.

Albus: You most certainly do!

Voldemort: Not another word, Dumbledore.

Serra: say it Professor. Say it, say it, say it. I'll get you whizbees.

Voldemort: DON'T SAY IT! I'll kill you, I swear I will! You'll go the same way as the Potters, the Prewetts, and that Muggle pop sensation whom I really happened to enjoy. Too bad. :(. BUT DON'T SAY IT.

Albus: In his spare time (basically all the time; he really needs a life), Tom takes Polyjuice, and works at Honeydukes. Apparently, he enjoys the happy look on childrens' faces when they have sugar in their systems. (A/N : ahhhhhhhh, he said )

Voldemort: Screw you, Dumbledore.

Fleur: How adorable! Regardent, tout le monde! Everyone has a good side.

Hermione: Weird.. got me out of the hotseat, though!

Serra: just out of curiosity, who do you disguise as?

Voldemort: OBJECTION. Irelevant.

Albus: we're not in court, Tom.

Voldemort: I know, but when am I going to get a chance to say that? Whatever. It's none of your business.

Serra: no, come on, please?

Voldemort: *sigh*. I found a young woman with orange hair and freckles in Muggle London. If anyone asks, I tell them I am Virginia Weasley.

Ginny: Why does everyone disguise as one of us?

Hermione: Geez, well, I don't suppose it's because there's so many of you!

Albus: Bee in your bonnet, Miss Granger?

Serra: Hermione's got a crush on Ron, sir.

Voldemort: but that blonde thing with a colour as a name is standing in her way.

Ginny: Lavender's not a thing. She's a tool. There's a difference.

Fleur: I do not understand why Hermione does not just confront Ronald about her feelings.

Ginny: it's not that easy, Fleur.

Albus: well, why not, Miss Weasely? I always find honesty to be the safest way to go. Unless, of course it's about your sexual orientation. Then, lie. Lie so hard you forget what the truth is. But, no, you're all straight. Stick to the truth. Call me outdated..

Voldemort: I'll call you expired : )

Ginny: Well, Hermione is rather, hostile, you see. She's a huge b!tch, pardon my French.

Fleur: Ce ne pas Francais, Ginny!

Hermione: I am NOT hostile. I just chances to show off my dangerous magic, that's all.

Serra: oh, yeah, God forbid a bunch of hummingbirds come flying after me.

Voldemort: that's better than anything my Death Eaters can do.

Albus: oh, please. Your Death Eaters are just a group of rich numbskulls and a hungry werewolf. Anything Peeves does is more fatal than their worst attack.

Ginny: okay. Are we done talking about Hermione? Because, in case you haven't noticed, I kissed The Boy Who Lived, The Chosen One, the Gryffindor Seeker, and Harry Freaking Potter.

Albus: oh my, Miss Weasley, calm down. The Male population is not going anywhere.

Ginny: they're all one person, Professor -.-'

Hermione: I told her that 6 boyfriends ago.

Voldemort: Who cares about your stupid raging hormones? Not me!

Albus: well, I care. I always thought Harry needed a little love.

Serra: yeah, after Cho Chang, any guy would be afraid to get back out in the dating scene. *shudder*

Fleur: Cho Chang? You mean that girl that went out with Cedric Diggory? (A/N: oops, I mean Edward Cullen..)

Hermione: yes, her. No one likes Cho. She's.. depressing.

Voldemort: if she brought Potter any sort of discomfort, I like her.

Albus: love her, hate her, stay away from my students.

Serra: no, by all means, let him have Cho, and all the Slytherins, too. Hogwarts won't miss them :)

Voldemort: REALLY? OH, THANKS POTTER! Too bad I'm gonna have to kill you, eh?

Ginny: Stop saying eh, okay? It's really annoying.

Voldemort: Oh, excuse me, Miss Weasley. I'm just celebrating the birth of one of our colonies, Canada. Unless, of course, you're above that sort of thing?

Fleur: Nobody really cares.

Hermione: I suppose you wouldn't care if I told you that tomorrow is the birth of basically the world? America?

Albus: Yeah, I guess we care. But what do Americans say?

Serra: I once saw an American show, and this rather beefy yellow man kept saying d'oh!

Voldemort: D'oh?

Ginny: D'oh?

Albus: D'oh!

Hermione: D'oh.

Fleur: *sigh* ... d'oh...

Serra: Alright. I'm out. I'm going to Honeydukes... anyone in?

Hermione: I am. God knows I could use some chocolate

Ginny: Oh no. I better come too, we should get all the chocolate we could carry if Hermione wants it..

-Serra Potter has logged out.

-Hermione Granger has logged out.

-Ginny Weasley has logged out.

Voldemort: come to think of it, it's almost time for my shift. I guess I'll be joining the girls, then.

-Lord Voldemort has logged out

Fleur: oui, I must go try out another 57898329 hairstyles for my wedding. Au Revoir!

-Fleur Delacour has logged out.

Ghost: BOO!

Albus: no, no, no. Want to hear something really scary?

Ghost: ..sure.

Dumbledore: I'm older than you : )


-Albus Dumbledore has logged out.

A/N: So, once again, happy Canada day, Independance day, and, as a friend of mine just informed me, Somalia day. My deepest condolences to all fans of Ed McMann, Farrah Fawcett, Micheal Jackson, and, of course, Billy Mays. AND THERE'S NOTHING WRONG WITH CONAN!

Review ;D