Author's Note:

I just wanted to let you guys know that so far no one has adopted Hikari and Amberpaw. I have gotten a few reviews to request that I continue it. In case other do feel the same way, I'm replying to you all. For Amberpaw, I don't think I can. I'm sorry, but I've really lost interest in the story and the series as the a whole. If no one really wants to adopt it, then I will probably either delete it or some other thing. For Hikari, it is an possibility. It was my first story and I still do love Hana Yori Dango. I'm watching the recent Chinese version currently. If I do find time to continue it, I will. I just don't know if I can fit it in with my other two stories that I'm really interested to start posting up. If someone wants to adopt it, go ahead. Thanks for reading this. And I'm really sorry!
