Deadly Attraction
Summary: He's a death eater, she's an auror. He fights for Voldemort, She fights for Harry. They hate each other but one kiss is the start of a deadly attraction.
Starring: Draco/Hermione (eventual), Harry/Ginny, Ron/Lavender, Neville/Hannah, Luna, all the Weasley's and ever and others as they appear!
Disclaimer: I own nothing!
A/N: I know a few of you expected the epilogue to contain the wedding but I decided not to because my other fic has a wedding in it, and I spent ages trying to make that perfect so if I posted a wedding scene here then it would ruin that. Sorry about that but I hope you enjoy this anyway!
Chapter 30:
Hermione sighed, she was tired. It had been like this lately. Tiredness, mood swings, morning sickness, but she should be used to it, she's done it twice before. It was early morning and she was awake because the baby was kicking. Draco was still asleep.
Hermione sat in the courtyard which she loved. She had planted more flowers and bushes around the place she smiled. She remembered when she was pregnant with her first child, her little boy Damien, she had wanted a rose bush in the courtyard, Draco was more then happy to plant the bushes. Damien was now four years old. Her second child, her daughter Adalyn, was three years old. When she was pregnant with her, she had craved nothing but ice cream and ketchup on chicken fillets. She smiled. She was pregnant with her third child, five months down the line, there were more cravings this time. Hermione feared the child would be really fat, or worse, he or she would eat like Ron. Draco had laughed when she had told him. Hermione had broken down in tears because of the mood swings. She smiled at the memories of the last five years.
Her relationship with Draco was stronger each day, their love for each other seemed to grow with each day. There was only once incident when someone – Ron – tried to see if that love was real. A week before the wedding he tried to pull off the binding ring off Hermione's finger. The ring didn't budge and Ron got himself three days in St Mungo's. To say Lavender was less then pleased was an understatement. It took them a few weeks to work their relationship out and finally three years ago they married and now have a little two year old, Jessie.
Harry and Ginny were just as strong as Draco and Hermione. Ginny gave birth to James, who is five, then Albus, four, then Lily, three. A happy family, the newspapers called them.
"Morning beautiful," Draco smiled, interrupting her thoughts. He kissed her softly before sitting beside her.
"Morning," Hermione smiled. Their wedding had been simple, not as extravagant as everyone had expected. A month after they had got engaged, they married in front of friends and family. Then about two months later Hermione fell pregnant.
"Baby moving again?" Draco asked.
"Yes very fidgety, can't sit still, reminds me of someone," Hermione glared at Draco.
"I never fidget!" Draco grinned.
Hermione rolled her eyes, "You can't sit still!"
"Name me one example."
"Last night, we were sitting in front of the fire and you kept shuffling," Hermione reminded.
Draco was about to respond when a little blonde, brown eyed girl ran into the courtyard screaming.
"Sweety what's wrong?" Hermione asked.
Her daughter had ran straight at Draco, and was crying to her father. She was definitely daddy's little girl.
Within a few seconds before Draco could ask her daughter, a blonde haired, grey eyed boy ran into the courtyard, laughing with a fake spider in his hand.
"Damien Malfoy!" Hermione stood up. "Do not scare your sister like that! Put that toy away!"
"I didn't scare her!" Damien scowled, he looked like a mini-Draco. "I just held it up and she ran so I followed with it in my hand!"
"You will be in Slytherin one day my son," Draco smiled.
"Daddy!" Adalyn whined.
"But under no circumstances are you to scare your little sister! Understand?"
"Yes," Damien pouted.
"And no new toys until you learn to play properly," Draco said firmly.
Damien looked like he was going to cry, he looked at his mother helplessly.
Hermione looked at Draco, "A bit harsh."
"Fine minimising the number of new toys," Draco replied.
Damien hugged his mother. Hermione kissed the top of his head.
"Go on sweetheart, go find your grandmother and let her know breakfast is ready," Hermione smiled at him.
Damien smiled before running off. Adalyn loosened her grip on her father, "Daddy."
"Yes darling," Draco smiled.
"I want a broomstick!" Adalyn smiled.
"Broomsticks are dangerous," Hermione said.
"But Teddy has one!" Adalyn argued.
"Teddy is at Hogwarts, he has to have a broomstick." Draco said.
Adalyn pouted.
"How about a toy broomstick?" Draco asked. "Like your brothers one."
Adalyn nodded, "A PINK ONE!"
Draco kissed his daughters forehead.
Adalyn jumped off, "DAMIEN!" she ran into the Manor screaming.
"You spoil her rotten!" Hermione said sitting down again.
"So?" Draco replied.
"She's going to end up like you, the way you were at Hogwarts."
Draco shrugged, "I can spoil my Princess."
Hermione rolled her eyes. The baby began to kick. She grabbed Draco's hand and put his hand over her stomach.
"I think it's a boy," Hermione said softly.
"A boy?" Draco smiled.
Hermione nodded, "Just a feeling."
"If it's a boy, lets name him Tristan."
Hermione smiled, "Tristan Malfoy."
Draco grinned, "I still love you as much as I did when we first started, probably more."
"I know," Hermione whispered. "Even if you spoil our children."
Draco chuckled and then kissed her, "I love you."
"I love you too," she whispered.
They were both grateful for the same thing. That a deadly attraction had turned into a lifetime of happiness.
A/N: I know not my longest chapter ever but bear in mind it was an epilogue so there meant to be short and I wanted to keep it to the point. I hope you enjoyed it! Lol babies in every direction huh? :D
This is – no was – is – I dunno, lets try this was my first Harry Potter fic, it was the first time I reached 600, 700 and after this possibly 800 reviews! So thank you! All of you who have reviewed, even just once! And for those of you who continue regularly, a special thanks to you for inspiring me to continue!
This is definitely not my last Dramione so make sure I'm on your author alert list if you want to read my new fic which will be posted after my exams, until then there is bitter sweet love.
One more thing before you go, I loved writing this so I hope you enjoyed it just as much as I did! :D
Take care guys and I hope to chat to you lot soon!