Deadly Attraction

Summary: He's a death eater, she's an auror. He fights for Voldermort, She fights for Harry. They hate each other but one kiss is the start of a deadly attraction.

Starring: Draco/Hermione (eventual), Harry/Ginny, Ron/Lavender, Neville/Hannah, Luna, all the Weasley's and ever and others as they appear!

Disclaimer: I own nothing and there is no money being made from this story.

A/N: Some things before you read on:

Harry Potter 6 – Dumbledore did die, and Snape did kill him

Draco Malfoy is still a death eater and is now one of high status (it will be explained in the fic)

Harry Potter 7- Horcruxes are still an issue, Harry is looking for the seventh

In the seventh year however Harry, Ron and Hermione attended Hogwarts, the following year they went on to search for Horcrux

Him, Ron, Hermione, Luna, Ginny and Neville did become aurors (again more on this in the fic)

Tonks, Lupin, Snape and Sirius are alive.

And now you may read on and enjoy….

Oh and the italics are thoughts.


Chapter 1:

Hermione sighed, another day at the office, another day searching yet the last Horcrux was still missing. Harry couldn't figure out where the last one lay, he knew that there was a bit of Voldermort in him, the other Horcrux included the ring, the locket, the cup, the diary, the diadem but the last one they were still looking for.

Hermione entered her office in her own house, she opened up another book, doing more and more research, they needed to find the last Horcrux. It had to be somewhere. Hermione leaned back in her chair thinking of the last few years. She was twenty one, Voldermort had played a huge part of her life since she was eleven, ten years on and he still ruled.

She had changed a lot since her Hogwarts days. Her hair, light brown in colour was straight until the end of her hair where it curled into a few loose curls. Her hair was long and stopped halfway down her bag. Her hazel eyes were warm as always, she was taller and more of a woman then back in the day. She waited like everyone else for the final battle to start. Everyone knew it would happen soon.

As an auror it was her job to fight. Everyone always thought Hermione would become a potion master or something to do with research but no she became an auror, she vowed to stand beside Harry and fight for good. She was good at her job. Harry was better but he always had to be. Ron was ok at being an auror, he had gotten a lot better, but to everyone's surprise Ginny was the Weasley who was the best auror. Harry had begged her not to become one but she had said that she loved him and would fight with him, till death do they part. Harry had kissed her so hard that day it was unbelievable, they were a couple now, married a year ago.

There were more surprises, Luna had somehow passed the auror training, she had become strong but she was still a little…well…mad. Neville had said that when the war is over he would become a herbology professor until then he would fight as an auror in the name of his parents, to avenge what happened to them. That was the reason Hannah Abbot fell in love with him. She was not an auror but she worked at the Ministry in the Department of Mysteries.

Hermione smiled at the memories, they were all a team they had been since Hogwarts, they would all fight with each other but when it came down to battle they were strong. Hermione looked at the clock, in an hour she'd have to be at the ministry for a meeting.

She opened up her books trying to kill time.


At the hour, everyone was in the conference room. They sat around the table. Harry sat at the head, Ginny on the left, then Hermione, then Luna, opposite was Ron, Neville and Dean Thomas. Around the table there were other members from other departments. The Minister of Magic was Patrick Cleavingham who let Harry do all the work.

"Right, welcome everyone," Harry started, "As you all know the seventh and final Horcrux has still not been found, but if anyone has any leads please inform me now."

Everyone remained silent.

"Ok," Harry couldn't hide the disappointment. "The next order of business is Death Eaters."

He nodded to Susan Sacks who was head of Death Eater Detection.

"First we have caught Death Eater Goyle this week well done Miss Granger," Susan Sacks who was in her mid thirties, said. She always wore her black hair in a low ponytail, her hazel eyes rarely showed emotions. "But he is one of many. We fear that he who must not be named has recruited more youngsters."

Hermione didn't show shock or any emotion, they all knew this was coming. More and more children would be kidnapped by Lord Voldermort.

"Draco Malfoy is one of the main death eaters that we need to catch," Susan continued. "You may not all be familiar with the young Malfoy story. He was made a death eater at seventeen he was told to kill Albus Dumbledore but he couldn't manage it. Severus Snape killed Albus, God rest his soul. Lucius Malfoy, Draco's father was in Azkaban until the breakout. Lucius Malfoy was killed a few days ago by Neville Longbottom. This has angered the young Malfoy even more. After the unsuccessful mission at seventeen Malfoy seemed broken and unimportant to Voldermort, until a few years ago when Malfoy became one of the most deadliest death eater. He kills ruthlessly, he is now Voldermort's right hand man just under Snape and Bellatrix, he kills the big names, he is dangerous and he is the one we need to catch. Malfoy has a team of death eaters working under him, for him. Let's say he has a group. When Malfoy is caught we get the group, it would be a huge win for our side."

Everyone nodded. Hermione knew it was up to her to catch the 'big' death eaters especially since Harry and Ginny were always out and about following leads on the next Horcrux. She knew what Malfoy had been like, she knew he was scared when he was told to be a death eater, she knew all this but she didn't know how or why Malfoy became so dangerous. Malfoy was her enemy in school and today he is an even bigger threat.

"The trouble is Malfoy is becoming more and more powerful, no one knows why and how but he is. He is getting stronger," Harry stood up. "My source tells me that Malfoy bows down to Voldermort however WHEN Voldermort does fall, there is talk among the Death Eaters that it could be Draco Malfoy who takes over."

Hermione took a deep breath. Malfoy the next evil ruler? Snape must have been Harry's source. Obviously Snape was in the Order and was an inside man for the order. It could only be him that would tell this news but Malfoy? The Malfoy she remembered was nasty, he was rude but pure evil, that was something that shocked her.

The meeting was over after a few more topics were discussed. Harry pulled his team to the side.

"We need to get to Grimmauld Place," Harry said to the others.

"Why?" Hermione asked.

"Snape is there, so we might as well question him on the Malfoy subject," Harry replied.

"Well we better get going, everyone make your excuses," Ginny smiled as she left the room.

Hermione was used to this, the Ministry and the Order did not mix. When there was an Order meeting or something, the members of the Order in the Ministry would make up an excuse or go on a fake mission so they could be at Grimmauld Place which was still the headquarters.

Neville and Luna had joined the Order, Ginny, Ron, Harry and Hermione had been part of the Order since there 7th year. (Ginny in her 6th). After Dumbledore, McGonagall took over as head of the Order but when Harry turned 19, it was clear that he was in charge.

They arrived at Grimmauld Place in a matter of minutes.

"Snape had to go," Lupin said to Harry and the others arrived.

"Why?" Ron asked outraged.

"His mark had burned," Lupin sighed.

"Great," Harry muttered.

"We better get back to the office then," Neville said.

"Yea," Luna agreed as the two began to leave.

"Harry I have to follow a lead as well," Ron muttered leaving with them.

"See you guys tonight," Ginny waved them.

"Tonight?" Hermione asked when they had left.

"Yea Luna wanted to go to that masked party in a muggle club," Ginny replied.

Hermione rolled her eyes, she remembered Harry telling her this, "Harry do you really think partying is what we need right now? The final battle is coming."

"I know it is Hermione," Harry replied. "But we can't find anything, everyone is over worked."

"We need to find the seventh Horcrux!" Hermione argued.

"When you get home what do you do?" Harry asked.

"Research," Hermione replied.

"Before work what do you do?"

"Research," Hermione got his point.

"Exactly, none of our brains are working correctly. Luna has a point, we give people a night off, to relax, unwind and party and then back to work, clearer minds, more relaxed which all means everyone will be more alert and we can find the seventh Horcrux." Harry replied sternly.

"What if we're needed?" Hermione asked. "And we're all drunk."

"I've sorted that," Ginny answered. "I made that sobering up potion, if we're needed I'll give everyone the potion if we're all drunk."

"What if…" Hermione began.

"Drop it Hermione," Harry said.

"Tonight we're all having a night off, no matter what we all need to relax or else we will never get any work done!" Ginny said.

Hermione sighed in defeat.


Draco Malfoy kept his hood up. He was in the Dragon Skin Pub in Knockton Alley along with those who worked below him.

"Tonight was great!" Blaise Zabini laughed.

"Did you see all those muggles?" Goyle laughed.

"They were an easy kill," Jeffery Hoyland grinned.

"Don't you agree Draco?" Blaise asked.

"Yea," Draco replied.

The pub was empty, when death eaters enter, if you get the chance you run, everyone knew that.

"At least try and be cheerful," Max Lotin said.

Draco sent him a death glare, they all shut up, at least for a while.

"So the Dark Lord is giving us a night off?" Goyle asked.

Draco nodded, "We deserve it, meet a few chicks, do what ever and then kill everyone in the club."

"When does the Dark Lord ever feel generous?" Lotin asked.

"Don't question it," Draco replied. Yet he was confused. The Dark Lord must be happy if he didn't mind them all getting drunk and laid, in Muggle London. He must want us to kill every single muggle in sight after a little fun. It was going to be interesting.


A/N: Hey!

This is my first Harry Potter fanfic, its for Zoe! I usually write other fanfiction but not Harry Potter so I hope you like this!

If you like it, make sure I'm on your story or author alert!

Review and I will continue! Oh and the Chapters will get longer:D

