![]() Author has written 19 stories for Fullmetal Alchemist, and Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D's. "Maybe a man has to sell his soul to get the power to do good." - All the King's Men After a hectic college experience and several work relocations, I have finally returned. My writing muse was pretty beaten up during college, but now that I'm out, it's slowly coming back. And I'm looking forward to getting back into fic writing! My debut will be for FMA Week 15, and we'll go from there. I've got some ideas bouncing around that should make it into fic form. I'll be cleaning up my profile and story list over the next couple of days as I get back into the flow of things. You can check out my tumblr account @ baschool. Story Descriptions and Status - Reconstruction: This fic is, at the moment, my big project. It's the 100 EdWin Themes Challenge turned into one long happy (sometimes angsty) post-manga story! Joy. The chapters are meant to be short and to the point; kind of like a bit-sized one-shot for you. I'm trying to make the situations realistic and I would really like ideas for future chapters. So don't feel shy about suggesting something ;D ALSO! I won't be writing any very descriptive about the love-fests; you'll just have to imagine those parts for yourself. With the end of the manga, I've started trying to mix my plotline with the manga, though I won't be able to make it perfect. 39/100 chapters posted. [Currently discontinued due to loss of the files.] - Tenebrae: My wonderful, angsty, AU manga ending death fic. This one's a little over-dramatic and there's not really any EdWin; it's centered more around Parental!RoyxEd with some brotherly angst thrown in. It gets pretty graphic and disturbing at times, but I put up warnings for those chapters. 9/9 chapters posted- Complete! -- Sequel posted. - Pie of Surprise: And I thought I only liked writing angst! This was just a little idea that came to me while I was doing homework one night. The release of Chapter 89 of the manga got me all excited, so I wrote it in celebration xD EdWin Pie = Yay! 1/1 chapters posted- Complete! - Snapped: More angst, though this time it's Roy-centric. Chapter 93 was beyond epic, so I wrote it out with a little addition of what I thought might happen right after the chapter ended. Just kind of popped into my brain and wouldn't let go. 1/1 chapters posted- Complete! - Office Furniture: Short one-shot about Roy and Olivier's "dispute" over the Fuhrership. Not serious, but it would be nothing short of amazing if the manga did play out that way. Humor, spoilers for chapter 97. 1/1 chapters posted- Complete! - Glimpse: An AlMei one-shot. I needed some happiness after chapter 104, so I wrote some fluff with a little dirty humor. Slight spoilers for chapters 100-104. 1/1 chapters posted- Complete! - Married Couple: Happy baby!EdWin fic. Because we all need to feel warm and fuzzy inside. Manga-verse, no real spoilers. 1/1 chapters posted- Complete! - Benediction: This fic is the sequel to Tenebrae, another fic of mine. This doesn't have much action and borders more on horror/creepy than anything else. Oh, and angst. Lots of angst. Manga-verse, no pairings, gore. 5/5 chapters posted- Complete! - Tag Love: A 5D's one-shot. It's pretty much crack, but it's true. Focuses on the wonderful BrunoxSherryxYuseixAkixCrow love chain that has made so many episodes so good. Also has a side of Jack and his mob (Carly, Stephanie, and Mikage). Some slight spoilers for pre-WRGP episodes. 1/1 chapters posted- Complete! |