Hello! Okay, so this isn't part of the story, but I had to put this in. I'm very proud of myself (and a bit annoyed) because this morning I remembered where I got that one plot part. I was half asleep, and maybe my mind was a little more open, but it just came to me like that! And yesterday, I was going out of my mind trying to remember. Typical.

Anyway, so it's from Harry Potter! The fifth book, Order of the Phoenix (Movie coming out July 13! YAY). It's the part where Sirius dies, and Harry is calling for him. He's thinking any moment Sirius is going to come back through that door. But then, when hne doesn't come back, Harry realizes that by now, if Sirius was able, he would have reappeared. After hearing Harry's cries, he would never make him feel like that if he could help it.

Since I've told that one, I should really tell where I got the other two. The first one, as I told High Elf, is from Briar's Book, by Tamora Pierce. It's a very good book, you should all read it. It's the third in her Circle of Magic series.

And the other one, the whole 'absolute' part, that's from a documentary on the Rent DVD. They're actually talking about Jonathon Larson, the writer of the musical RENT, who died on opening night. I just love that quote, thoguh, and it makes me want to cry.
Thanks so far to my two reviewers, marley and High Elf, for the lovely reviews. They make me smile so much! And to anyone who reviews after I post this, thank you also!