"Fullmetal hasn't shown up at work yet. go get his ass in gear, Lieutenant." Mustang ordered his subordinate, Jean Havoc, not ten minutes prior. The weather hadn't been shittier since two years ago. The rain had been constant; not letting up for six straight days. Jean could barely see through his windshield despite the wipers working at the fastest speed available. Havoc was not in the least bit pleased that he, of all people, was responsible for getting a lazy-ass thirteen year-old boy out of bed. It wouldn't happen if Ed's little brother hadn't been in Risembul for the past week. Mustang had been kind enough to buy everyone a big juicy steak the night before, and this is how Ed repaid him?

Havoc slid to a stop outside Ed's flat and grabbed his military-issue umbrella. The gods must have been working against Jean on this day, because the rain was blowing horizontally in his face. The wind also blew his umbrella inside out. He made a decision; he was going to beat the ever-living piss out of this kid. Getting inside the complex was simple enough. Someone propped the front door open with a flip-flop. Also, Ed stupidly left a key under his floor mat. Jean threw open the door, sopping wet and ever so pissed. He was about to begin the lecture of his life when he heard someone crying softly from the bathroom.

Jean cautiously opened the door to find the lad lying on his left side clutching his torso painfully. His breathing was harsh and his soft cries were stifled as to not overstress his turning stomach. All of Havoc's anger seemed to fly out the window in an instant as he looked down at who he thought of as a kid brother. (and nothing fucks with Jean's little bro. person or otherwise.) He knelt down and gingerly touched Ed's shoulder.

"Hey, chief. What's going on, man?" He was answered only by another moan of pain. The stench of bile made itself apparent when he turned Ed around and he saw his shirt covered in sick. Havoc tried to get Ed to sit upright but as soon as he did, Ed shrieked in excruciating pain. Jean quickly laid him back down and gently dragged him out of the bathroom. Jean picked him up as gently as possible and put him on the couch. Havoc removed his dirty shirt and threw it in the sink. He took a closer look at the boy and noticed how dark his eyes were. He could safely assume that whatever this was, it kept Ed up all night. 'whatever' may be a poor choice of words. Havoc was fairly certain of what this was, but he had to check.

"Ed, listen to me. I'm going to start poking at your stomach. When it hurts, you tell me, okay?"

At first Ed shook his head. Wasn't it obvious to the man that his torso was on fire? And that poking it would just make it worse? After a moment's hesitation, he caved and removed his hands from his body. Jean took two fingers and prodded gently, albeit deeply at random places on Ed's tummy. After each poke, he looked up to watch for body language. Noticing nothing, he kept going. He was purposefully avoiding the spot below his ribs on the right side. After poking everywhere else, he carefully applied pressure to that one spot, and Ed lurched forward, screaming in agony as fresh tears leaked from his eyes. Jean was positive now. He needed to get the boy to a hospital now. He got up and gave Ed a reassuring smile.

"I gotta call this one in, Boss. I'll be right back. Oh, and if you're gonna yarf again, use this." He handed a large bowl from the cupboard down to Ed, who took it with a frown. Jean made his way to the other room where he could talk in private. The line rang thrice before it was answered by the Colonel.


"It's Havoc. I'm at Fullmetal's placeā€¦It's his appendix, sir. It's bad."

"What the hell is that?"

"Um, Appendicitus sir?"

"You're talking to a soldier, not a doctor lieutenant."

"Ugh, He need's medical attention, sir. If his Appendix bursts, he could die."

"Okay, okay, lieutenant. I'll call a bus."

"No time, sir. I'll take him myself. See you there, sir."

He hung up, leaving no room for argument. Ed was Roy's responsibility. Havoc picked Ed and the bowl up and brought them both out to the car.

Jean drove as fast as he could safely through the heinous weather. He made the mistake of taking corners too fast, and Ed barely made his vomit in the bowl. Havoc saw it happen. He was less concerned with the cleanliness of his new car, and more concerned with the blood he saw Ed cough up. Jean screeched to a stop just outside the urgent care wing of the Military hospital. The nurses seemed to understand the situation and they brought out the stretcher. The nurses placed Ed on it and pulled him away. One of the nurses kept Jean back and asked him for the details. The man calmed himself and slowly explained what happened, keeping an eye on the departing stretcher. She closed her little notepad and told him to take a seat. He looked desperately after Ed, but saw that they went in the elevator. He lowered his shoulders worriedly and almost obeyed when he felt something slide in his pocket. He looked down at the nurse and she whispered in his ear.

"Third floor, they'll be prepping him. Room 312. Call me." He grinned ear to ear and raced up the stairs after his little buddy.