![]() Author has written 12 stories for Naruto, Digimon, Shugo Chara!, Hetalia - Axis Powers, Persona Series, Princess Tutu, Undertale, and Rune Factory: A Fantasy Harvest Moon. My name is Yukai yami. I'm way too slow when it comes to writing, but hopefully you'll put up with me. English is NOT my main language (spanish is), but I think I speak it pretty well. Good me think yes is! Favorite quotes: -"Comencing Ignore Mode" (Aigis, Persona 3, after the Kyoto trip) -Gilbert: I shall name him...AWESOMESAUCE! Gilbird: Tweet! Gilbert: Or Gilbird for short. Gilbird: TWEET! (comment, Discovering Gilbird by Arkham-insanity) -Prussia rolled his eyes. "Look here, kid. Babies don't come from bushes, birds, and fuckin' sunflowers." He gave a quick glare at Russia. "I'll give the non-bullshit, awesome way." Germany matched America's and Canada's terrified expression. Prussia wouldn't. "One day, you'll invade or become conquered territory, but the point is, someone's gonna be bent over a table-" Prussia would. (Fanfic: Alphabet, chapter 11, by Witch of the souls) -Seamos realistas: hagamos lo impossible./ Let's be realistic: let's do the impossible. (I don't remember) - Boy: I always fuck this line up! Director: No, listen honey: you keep interrupting my play and I'm going to fuck YOU up! Awkward silence. Boy: AHHHHHHHHHHHH!!! -runs around the grounds screaming his head off as everyone else laughes their ass off- Director: Dammit, that's not what I meant!! (I won't disclose who they are, but I will say that was the funniest rehersal I've had for a play yet XD) -WAIT. WAIT. WAIT. IT DID NOT JUST END THERE. BITCH, CHAPTER ONE DID NOT JUST END THERE. IMMA KILL THE PERSON WHO LEFT THIS CLIFFHANGER NOW. (MangaNotMango's comment, HetaQuest 21 dub by SotetAG) - "I can't take this! It's too painful! No one has realised I'm dead! No one thinks about me!" "Feliciano..." "You're not me! You're not Feliciano! !" (Feliciano and Italy, HetaQuest 21. Simple moment of awesome and heartbreaking at the same time TxT) - "It takes an idiot to do cool things. That's why it's cool." (Haruko, FLCL: Brittle Bullet preview) -Villain: "Nobody comes in, nobody goes out. Not until somebody finds this cocksucker and pulls his fucking lungs out through his ass." "...That doesn't sound healthy..." (myself, dumb moment while watching Kickass, cue laughter from everyone who heard me in the teather) -"Now we fight like men! And ladies! And ladies that dress like men! For Gilgamesh, IT'S MORPHING TIME!!" (Gilgamesh, Final Fantasy V Battle on the Big Bridge) -"Torn between curiosity and a good heart." (Mizuki, Hana Kimi chapter 31 p.21) -"This ain't the time for bitching and moaning... We just gotta keep on keepin' on." (Kanji Tastumi, Persona 4) -"No, that's not it. We're not foolish because we're tools. It's because we're men." (Albedo, Xenosaga II) -"Okay, he's… you're the one who was taken care of by the frog, and then I took you… you…" Arthur drummed his fingers on the table. "Oh fuck. Okay. Okay. I know you though." "Yes. You do." I said dryly. "You kidnapped me from my home, abused me, left me to wither away in a basement, and then you became a crumbled shell so I left." "But you aren't India." Arthur said, blinking in confusion. Alfred burst out laughing. I face-palmed myself. (ACE, Why Family Reunions Suck by Kawaii Bishyness) -"You… you…" Arthur slowly walked towards the bullet, his legs trembling. "YOU KILLED RAINBOW!" (Arthur, Why family reunions Suck by Kawaii Bishyness) -Couples that don't fight exist only in fairy tales, dating sims, and poorly written fanfiction. (perrsonal convo) -Chi dara fine al gran dolore? L'ore. / Who will give an end to the great pain? The hours. (House of leaves, pg 44) -A hollow...a menos...Arrancar... Aizen coming back from the dead... something, any fucking thing right now will do. Just please show up and get me out of this kitchen! (Ichigo, Pain of Remembrance) -For Riku being the 'strongest' of the two, he sure gets kidnapped by the darkness a whole lot. "Sorry Sora, but your seme-boy is in another world!" (personal convo, while playing KH:Re-coded) -If you've lost your way, just pick a direction and walk! (Sora, KH Re-coded) -Good morning, starshine. The Earth says 'Hello'. (Willy wonka, Charlie and the chocolate factory) -OBJECTION! Go away! (Edgeworth, Miles Edgeworth: Investigations, Turnabout Ablaze) -The bill of rights deals with the relationship you have between you and your government. It doesn't mean that I can't tell you to shut up. (Tina Deputy, Freedom of Deplorable Speech) -Emmy: I stepped on a nut! Luke: I stepped on a bolt! Layton: Oh dear. I seem to have stepped on a hexagonal spanner. (Professor Layton and The Last Spectre.) -I can no longer be me? How can I be anyone else? (Sora, KH: Re-coded) -But Rydia...There's not a girl in this world that will come close to you. (Edge, Final Fantasy 4) -If you can read this, thank a teacher. (T-shirt slogan) -If you feel the hunger for power, eat a cookie! (My dad) -"Think about it! If you could have a lemon that isn't sour, what would you be thinking?" "That it isn't a lemon. And that this conversation will always be awkward as long as I'm a fanfiction writer." (Personal convo) -“Shouko, you try it.” “Uh—” Could she refuse? No, Chie would make her bite the curb and break her head open if she did. Shouko lifted the spoon to her mouth, and put it in. It tasted—it tasted—it— Igor was in his limo, staring at her as the words scrolled by. Life is truth, and never a dream. (Born to fly chapter 2, by signalbeam) -Yoshiki: Why couldn't it have been me instead?! Corpse Party: Wish granted bitch. (Comment by andygunlocke on a Corpse Party video) - TL;DR: Fuck you. Read that shit. (throwawaycuzdogsrhot on Colby thread, reddit.) -The discussion comes to a halt when your uncle and his assistant walk into Aiya and decide to sit with you and the investigation team. -"Even if the whole world turned against you, I'd still be standing here, by your side." (Guy to Luke, Tales of the Abyss) -5 1/2 hours straight. Seriously, I woke up, started typing and half-way through decided to finally eat something less my stomach decide to eat itself. But I couldn't eat anything that took too long to make, for fear of losing my thought or motivation to get it all out. I've only eaten a stupid bowl of Lucky Charms and a glass of water. It's 5:50 in the am. I REGRET NOTHING. (InTheMist032000, Heavy Sleeper) -"SHANNARO!!" (Sakura Haruno, Naruto) -"Oh, Athena. Measurements are for wimps! Full on YOLO is what art's all about!" (Robin Newman, Ace Attorney: Dual Destinies case 3) -"OBJECTION! Objection! Objection!!! OBJECTIIIIOOOOON!!!" (Athena, Ace Attorney: Dual destinies case 3) -A fake, fake imitation Hey, wait a moment, what's this?! Look, it's a revolutionary situation I'm yukai, yukai, yukai I can't stop it! (Mane mane psychotropic lyrics, sung by GUMI) -"Smiles used to be free, but they've gone up in price a bit lately." (Ex-shopping center Clerk, Star Ocean TTEOT) -Nope. Nope! NOPE! Nope-nope-nopenope!!! (Trials In Tainted Space [careful, it's an R rated text game with too much fanart]) -Careful, love. Prices aren't the only thing I can cut in half. (Anna, Fire Emblem: Awakening) -They'd come down a mountain nobody was said to ever come back from. (Sans, Affording Ch8, by 14cookiesinajar) -The world's in your hand, then you look down and see you're standing on someone's palm. (Gigolo, Devil Survivor: Overclocked) -Because of course she was too socially awkward to acknowledge that all she wanted to do was to throw herself into Toriel's arms and bury her face in her fur; She was fucked up, Flowey was fucked up, Sans too apparently, and the king was just fucked, period. (Frisk, A cursed soul Ch17 by Ysmirel) -A...An...As... Hey, this is all about donkeys! (Bartz, FFV) -"I liked life better when everybody thought I had a penis." (Naoto, P4TW, Leave it to Yukiko) -"Hey, Venti... Don't go. Venti... please stay." (Lest/Frey, Rune Factory 4) -"What's this?! You need a permit to break the 4th wall like this!" (Grosky, Professor Layton: Miracle Mask) -"Whining about not having the right chances or things being unfair is a loser's excuse." (Fumi, Devil Survivor 2) -"I'd say I'm sorry, but that would be a lie." (Strain42) -"Once there was a god in this town. And I was her friend." (Lest/Frey, Rune Factory 4) -"Now, return what you've taken before I am obliged to ask yet another rhetorical question!" (Napoleon, Rhythm Thief and the Emperor's Treasure) -"Oh, God, Billy, he's got a mop!" (Rebecca, Graveyard Shift by End of Oblivion) -And that's when Yosuke's brain sort of went skhdfjjdlsj. "WHAT?" he screeched. "What is this, I don't even, no. No, no, no, no. I'M NOT. THIS ISN'T." (Yosuke, The bears and the bees, by Cat in my fridge) -"...It wasn't just me. It... it wasn't just me...!" (Lest/Frey, Rune Factory 4 Arc 3 start) -"While I dislike confrontations, I find the idea of a puzzle battle to be quite alluring. Or, to use a colloquialism: please bring it." (Layton, Professor Layton: Miracle Mask) -Imposhibible! Imposhibible! (Hypello, FFX) -Yey! Happy ending! Not for long. While I'm typing this fic, I'm keeping your emotions in my head. And by that I mean this: LOL. FUCK YOUR EMOTIONS. (Sad Little Roses Ch3, by joker-chan) -"Do it even if you don't think you can... And even if you're alone, get up again... Because that's what true love is." (Spain, Hattafute Parade) --The world blinked-- (999) Everything is dead in limbo because Irma fucked my shit up! Yay! Unexpected Changes. {Chapter 16 uploaded} Canada is always being mistaken for America by family and peers, but never had big problems arrised because of his 'mistaken identity'. Now he's a she thanks to England's error! He just HAD to go out drinking with the guys didn't he? Eventual Pru/fem!Can. Arisato Chronicles. {Hiatus} Minato and Hamuko can't wait to start their stay at Camp Lake Tartarus, but soon they notice strange events happening at night. Could Camp Tartarus be hiding a deep, dark secret? It's up to the Specialized Extracurricular Investigation Squad to find out! Final Frontier {Chapter 2 up. On Hiatus due to loosing the story pages} After getting back home, a new and much stronger evil appears in the digiworld. Takuya and the others must rise again and return. They'll need all the help they can get; guess it's a good thing that the former digidestined's kids are there to help! HIATUS Throughout the Years {Chapter 3 in slow progress} Giftfic for Sadiik3000 for comment #100 on Unexpected Changes. When Norway collapses due to the Oslo and Utoya incidents, a chain of events make the Nordics recall their days from their Viking years and a certain nation they had forgotten about for a long time... Canada x Nordics Friendship story. Rated for language and blood. Human names used. Revenge {Chapter 5 in progress} The weapons found along the way, the way the human souls retaliated, the reason Frisk climbed Mt. Ebott... They were all connected. Genocide run and normal/pacifist run boss spoilers. Second person POV. Cycle {Chapter 4 posted} Everyone survived, everyone got out, everyone was free. Frisk was living the perfect life she had always wanted. Things could be perfect for only so long. True Pacifist/Genocide routes spoilers. Rated T for language, blood and violence. If you have answered a question by saying "Penguins" when penguins had NOTHING to do with what you were talking about, copy this into you're profile. 98% of people don't know the difference between "your" and "you're." If you're one of the 2% that wants to punch them, paste this onto your account. That's all. Have a nice day and Keep On Smiling! Once more, all stories on pause until I can get my bearings back after suffering from Irma and Maria hitting my home, Puerto Rico. That's how the cookie crumbles. I have a twitter--http://twitter.com/#!/yukai_yami. In case you'd like to see my ramblings about idol games, video games, anime, music, writings and drawings. I also post any updates with my fics, but those are scarse, sadly... |