I've been having a bit of a writers' block as of late, and desperately wanted to create more Ib fanfiction. I found a list of prompt words and it's really helped me so far. So here's the list of words I found. Each word will be used to write short stories about Ib. Some of these are really short. Some of them are not so short. But regardless, I hope you all enjoy.

(oh my! I go to post this and I notice an Ib category has been added! Friggin' sweet!)

List updated: 5/15/13

Bold: Written (*Posted)
Italic: Not written, but thought out

My prompt words are...

1. *Rose
2. *Children
3. *Garden
4. *Voice
5. *Face
6. *Dance
7. Scarf
8. *Cut
9. *Sometimes
10. *Hair
11. *Unexpected
12. *Valentine
13. *Lost
14. *Tear
15. *Proposal
16. Opposites
17. *Gone
18. Joke
19. *Forceful
20. *Song
21. Light
22. *Smile
23. *Breasts
24. Angel
25. *Reincarnate
26. *Passion
27. Alcohol
28. Complaint
29. *Family
30. Stars

Continue on with the next chapter to get started! Thanks for reading!