Author has written 59 stories for Zoey 101, Life With Derek, Instant Star, Hannah Montana, High School Musical, Flight 29 Down, Harry Potter, iCarly, South of Nowhere, Gilmore Girls, Misc. Tv Shows, In Plain Sight, Maximum Ride, Criminal Minds, and Sonny with a Chance. Hellooo. I'm Lani. you can follow me here. :) My life revolves around my best friends, music, writing, and God. I love sunrises because everyone could use a new beginning every day. I love dancing barefoot in the rain. Laughing is what gets me through the day...that and Criminal Minds. I think I'd be insane by now if it wasn't for writing. I write what I feel. I write what I'm afraid to say out loud. I write because I love it and because it's fun. I think that music isn't just sounds. It's a special way of communication, a special way of feeling. I believe with all my heart that words are the most important things in this entire world. I love with my whole heart, without any fear. I'm not sure if that's good or bad. I don't take big risks, but I love taking little chances like wearing my sweater backwards or doing my hair a new way. I hate stereotypes. "Stereotypes are devices used to save the biased person the trouble of learning"-anonymous. I love learning. I'm an actress through and through. I'm shy at first. I'm also a really mean and opinionated person. I'm Mormon. I know I'm not a perfect example of a Mormon, so don't go passing judgments on them based on me. But I love my religion. It's one of the most important things in my life. I would be nowhere without my soulmate, my watchmen buddy, and those who do not have a name. Basically, I'm an oxymoron. I'm an avid supporter of To Write Love On Her Arms. It's a movement dedicated to raising awareness about suicide, self-mutilation, and depression. Check out their website (). AlwaysxAddicted, daisy617 , megabegga, No Ifs Ands Or Maybes GodzillaGuy, and kazma.kay are my loves who get me through the stupid of the world. A Glance at our conversations...(and yes, this is normal.)~~~ Millie: Lani, are you okay with being a half-naked slut? Me: Come on now, what would be new? Music Music is my life. I would not be where I am today without it. Here's the music I'm listening to.. -Paramore -Lady GaGa -Colbie Caillat -Maroon 5 -Three Days Grace -The Fray -Taylor Swift -Regina Spektor -A Fine Frenzy -Justin Timberlake -Kelly Clarkson -Rascal Flatts -Anna Nalick -Missy Higgins -Demi Lovato -Kate Voegele Quotes! Me: -bangs head on wall repeatedly, but softly as to not awaken parentals- Millie: you think you have problems...I just mixed up names and made a mother say something sexual to her son...-shudder shudders shudders throws up shudders- xxxxxxx Millie: i hear a monster at my door. I bet it's Mocha the guinea pig. I feel like she's been betting bigger each day, as if she's on rodent steroids. I bet she's a mutant giunea pig now that will eat me. xxxxxxxx Me: Those Myscene dolls in my closet don't even have clothes on. Millie: You're in a closet with a bunch of girls! Me: NAKED! xxxxxxx Millie: (3:46:34 AM): I DON'T WANT TO HAVE SEX WITH AN ANIMAL Millie: (3:46:37 AM): ANIMALS CANT TALK Lani: (3:46:44 AM): WHY NOT?? Millie: (3:46:44 AM): AND SAY HOT THINGS IN BED xxxxxxxx Millie: OMFG how should a person respond when someone sends them a text that says their feet have sex appeal? xxxxxxxxxx Meggie: Uh, no. Meggie: sorry. Meggie: Oh wait...what were we fighting about again? Meggie: I forgot. xxxxxxxx Me: I think my house has CO poisoning. GodzillaGuy: But then you guys would all be dead. Me: You never know. Maybe my awesome deflected it. GodzillaGuy: So then you're not gonna die! Me: Maybe. Or maybe my awesome just kept it from killing me on the spot. GodzillaGuy: But your awesome deflects it! Grr. Me: And then tonight, I'm going to die in my sleep. AH HA! GodzillaGuy: Wear a scuba suit to bed. xxxxxxxx Millie: I can't decide if I want to watch Princess Protection Program or not... Me: I'm gonna watch it...and fear the whole time that Demi's mouth will swallow me whole. Millie: LMFAO LMFAO LMFAO! AND THEN WHAT IF IT DID? Me: It WOULD. Millie: I feel bad for her because you know when guys see her mouth they only think one thing... xxxxxxxx Millie: Mouphobia. The fear of mouths...especially of the large Demi variety. xxxxxxxxx Millie: Enji (the Pidgin Leader) is going to send pidgin minions to kidnap me and bring me to their secret lair because I understand them and I'll have to spend all day speaking to him because he enjoys the sound of human voices! xxxxxxx Me: I took a quiz, and I am Lady GaGa! -is awesome- Millie: Oh...well that explains the skank clothes and the necking Androd thing. xxxxxxx Millie: Hey GaGa? Let's go see the Killers and make out in the bleachers. ;) GodzillaGuy: Ewwww! Millie: Oh shut it, it's a song lyric. xxxxxxx While talking about driving... Lyssy: BTW RACH apparently they check your pee for protein and to see if you have diabetes. Millie: OHH Me: Well that was normal. xxxxxxx "I went to the woods because I wanted to live deliberately, to front only the essential facts of life, and see if I could not learn what it had to teach, and not, when I came to die, discover that I had not lived. I did not wish to live what was not life, living is so dear; nor did I wish to practice resignation, unless it was quite necessary. I wanted to live deep and suck out all the marrow of life, to live so sturdily and Spartan-like as to put to rout all that was not life, to cut a broad swath and shave close, to drive it into a corner, and reduce it to its lowest terms, and, if it proved to be mean, why then to get the whole and genuine meanness of it, and publish its meanness to the world; or if it were to be sublime, to know it by experience, and be able to give a true account of it in my next excursion. For most men, it appears to me, are in a strange uncertainty about it." -Henry David Thoreau "Walden" |