Summary: Desperate to maintain their images, Jake and Miley come back from Vegas as a married couple...and continue that way. What will married life entail for the accidental couple? Sequel to 'Waking Up In Old Arms' Dedicated to No Ifs Ands Or Maybes

It's been for freaking ever, but here's your sequel. It's going to be a chapter story, but a fun one. It's dedicated to Millie, No Ifs Ands Or Maybes, because she absolutely loved the first one, and the first one was also dedicated to her, so I found it fitting. She is also the reason I'm writing this right now. So that is why she gets it. And she gave me this quote. :D But I love all the rest of you for reading this and the other one! Thank you!

Disclaimer: I do not own Hannah Montana.


"Today I woke up thinkin' about Elvis somewhere in Vega, I'm not sure how I got here or how this ring on my left hand just appeared out of nowhere." - "Last Name" Carrie Underwood


Chapter 1- Married

(Miley POV)

I heaved a sigh as I, for the fifth time that minute, glared at the big diamond ring sitting on my left hand. I hate it. I hate that I got married without my real consent. I hate that I have to make it seem like this was my plan all along. I hate that I have to lie. I hate that this ring is so beautiful with its silver band and diamonds and sapphires. I hate that there's a part of me that is happy about this whole thing.

"Admiring your ring again, Mrs. Ryan?" a cocky voice sounded as my...husband slides into the seat next to me. Jake Ryan gives me a smug grin. I glare, partially because he's right; partially because he called me Mrs. Ryan again. He's been calling me that ever since we woke up that insane morning a week ago, but I've given up correcting him. He never listens anyway.

"More like glaring at it. With hatred. A burning hatred." I correct. He scoffs, his ego shining in his eyes.

"Yeah right. That," he disagrees, grabbing my hand and pointing to the ring, "is the most beautiful ring you have ever seen in your life."

I yank my hand away, choosing not to engage in yet another fight about the ring or our current situation.

Thing is, the two of us are currently seated on an airplane that is flying us to Los Angeles from Las Vegas where we will hold a press conference explaining to our fans that we met up there out of nowhere and immediately fell back in love (gag). We'll tell them that we couldn't help ourselves, couldn't wait, so we eloped, but will be holding an official wedding in a few months. This is the same press conference where I will be explaining how my double life has worked for the past few years. Yes, Max had kept his promise of telling the press about me (he did tell the press that he was my fiance, but my fans will trust me much more than him, don't you think?), as we saw by the huge news coverage over the last week. Which, let me tell you, is just awesome.


I settled down further in my comfortable first class airplane chair, awaiting the plane's descent, as I had been the entire flight.

I tried my best not to think about the fact that I'm married. To Jake Ryan. Who I hadn't seen in years until a week ago. I tried not to think about the fact that as much as the reasonable part of me wanted to get a divorce, I was happy that my need to maintain my image wasn't letting me. I mean, I know what I told Jake that morning. I know I told him that I would need time, but the fact is, I remember everything from that night by now. I remember how happy I felt with him, despite my drunken state. I was happy with him, thinking that we had a real life together in the future. And now I didn't want to lose that.

Not really, anyway.

Obviously, there's a bit of remorse when his huge ego makes itself known or when he acts like the Jake I knew all those years ago. And I'm not exactly thrilled to be married to him, but I guess you just have to take what life gives you and deal with it.

I felt the plane begin to descend, and I bit my lip. Jake turned and offered me a cocky grin.

"Ready, Mrs. Ryan?" he inquired. I glared.

"Yeah, I'm ready."

Except for the fact that that was a total lie.

The two of us were cautiously stepping out into the airport as soon as we could. I scanned the crowd for my dad as Jake grabbed my hand, and I sent him a fierce glare.

"Miles! Miley!" I heard my dad's voice yell. I ripped my hand apart from my kind-of-husband's and felt a grin grow across my mouth as I spotted my dad.

"Daddy!" I exclaimed, running to him (Jake following close behind), laughing with joy as my dad caught me in his arms.

"I missed you, bud." he whispered into my ear.

"I missed you, too, Daddy."

Reluctantly, my dad released me. I watched him eye Jake with disdain.

"Why are you here, kid?" he snapped. I bit my lip.

"Daddy, there's something you should know." I began. His gaze turned to me. I watched him push his hair out of his face, looking at me expectantly. I felt terrible. "Jake and I are married."

As I expected, he exploded. He yelled, glared, pointed fingers. When he actually caught his breath, he glared. "You two have a lot of explaining to do." he forced out through clenched teeth.

I breathed a deep breath.

This was going to be a long night.
