For all the people who haven't forgotten about Dana and Logan; this one is for you.

-Norse mythology recognized nine realms of existence. Eight of the realms were embodiments of opposites: fire and ice, heaven and hell, creation and destruction, and light and darkness. These realms all converged on the center realm where humans lived out their lives.-

Part 3 Hell

He doesn't know what he feels. He doesn't know how he's supposed to feel, or why he's in a sulking mood. His feet were propped against his desk where his laptop laid open. His eyes were looking out the window in his dorm while he leaned back in the chair.

His hands began fidgeting with his chin, pinching and pulling at his skin. Nothing could break his stare.

No one could answer his questions about why he feels the way he does. He wouldn't tell anybody anyways. Everything was brought up with one question she asked him. And of course he didn't think anything of it when she first asked.

But now it's different.

"What would you do if you had one day left to live?" She had asked. He thought for a moment before answering.

"I don't know what I would do."

But now after she asked, that's all he could think about. What would he do with one day left? How would he spend it?

So she dropped the bomb on him yesterday.


They were sitting on the bleachers outside in the nighttime after a good couple hours of one on one basketball. He had won, but not by much. He did indeed have to gloat, and rub it in her face. Sweat was covering both of their bodies, and had slowly gathered up on their shirts.

"It's so hot for it being nighttime," Dana commented, fanning herself with her t-shirt. Logan's shirt already found its way off as he put his head in his hands trying to regain his breath.

"You play rough, Cruz," he declared, placing his feet on the silver bleachers below him. She didn't say anything. "I never knew you had it in you." Again, she didn't say anything. He wondered what was going through her mind. He felt her shift beside him, and it's then he lifted his head from his arms.

She was in the middle of taking her gray t-shirt off her perspiration covered body.

"What the hell?" He asked, but gaped at the same time.

"I feel like I'm going to pass out."

"Doesn't mean you have to go and take off your clothes." And just because he makes a comment like that, doesn't mean he hates her with her shirt off. She had a black sports bra underneath and when she looked away, he took that time to admire her. Not in a perverse way either.

"Never knew that was under your clothes," he joked while grinning. She lightly shoved him to the side so he knocked into the metal bench.

"Did you ever think about my question?"

He paused quickly, feeling the light mood drain from him faster than lightening. "I did."

"And…?" She seemed truly interested. He couldn't figure out why.

"Let me ask you something first…" He said, and she let him continue. "Why are you asking me such a question?"

He could have sworn with all these words spoken, that somehow they had become closer. Their legs were touching now, and he wasn't one to take notice to something so small.

But with her, it was different.

"There's always a reason behind my madness…" She left the air open.

"Are you going to tell me?" He asked, and somehow there was a smile that seemed permanently attached to his face. He tried thinking of everything else in the world, but he couldn't wipe it off.

"If you're lucky," she smirked and it sent him into a whole different mood. He barely remembered what had started this conversation; he was too consumed in her now. He leaned closer, and touched her hand lightly. Her eyes glanced down at his hand which began caressing hers, and she looked back up at him.

"Is it my lucky day?" He asked. He began playing with her fingers, and it felt natural rather than forced. To his surprise she didn't say anything about his hand intertwining in and out through hers. She seemed to take no notice, though he knew better.

"Maybe…" They always seemed to beat around this imaginary bush. He wanted to take trimmers and mutilate this bush between them. He wanted to take a nuclear weapon and destroy this wall they build around themselves.

He'd do anything. And what the hell was turning him into this sappy poet?

Her face held a sad look, and he couldn't think what to do besides ask her what was wrong.

"It's nothing really," she explained. But once again he knew better.

So much better.

"I'm not stupid," he told her, and she leaned against him even more, grabbing at his hand. She pulled it in front of both their faces and placed her palm against his. She fiddled around with his hand, and he didn't know why he let her do so.

He always took control in any situations…

So why was he letting her overpower him?

"Just tell me what you would do," she ordered. Logan spun her around to face him letting his leg dangle over the edge of the highest bench. She shifted and did the same. They were facing each other and he didn't think such a pretty face could be so intimidating. Even when it looks so fragile.

Intimidating maybe, because he couldn't control himself when he looked at her. She had that one thing that could open him up in any situation. Although he'd never admit it.

"I would spend it with you."


"Every moment of it."

Nice touch.

"That had to be the sappiest thing I've ever heard," she laughed lightly. He smiled, one which was genuine. He leaned forward, head so close to hers and about to place his lips to hers until she put her hand up and lightly held him away from her.

"What's going on…?"

"Look, Logan," she tried to begin, but couldn't bring herself to do it. He backed away from her and gave her an odd look. Upset and angered at the same time.

"Why did you do that?" He asked even louder now.

"Logan!" She wailed, "I'm trying to explain…"

"If you're not interested in someone, then don't lead them on!" He began making assumptions about her actions, and every time she tried to explain herself he would go on.

"Listen to me!" She screamed at the top of her lungs, and it seemed to echo throughout the campus. It was late of course, so no one was around to pay any attention. He turned his head away from her unable to face her.

He had just made a complete idiot out of himself. He didn't know which made him more furious; the fact she pushed him away (and no girl pushes Logan Reese away) or how he never did get to kiss her…

"Are you going to listen to me now?" Dana asked, because he seemed to be calmer now. He didn't say anything or look at her, so she took that initiative to continue.

"I'm leaving," she began. He turned to look at her.

"Of course you are Dana; we all are going home in a few weeks…"

"No," she stopped quickly and he looked confused. "I mean I'm leaving tomorrow morning…"

"Are you leaving on your summer vacation early or something?" He asked truly puzzled.

"No Logan!" She screamed, and he was thrown back already startled. "I mean, I'm leaving forever…"

He still had the perplexed look across his face, and she sighed.

"My parents transferred me to Paris."

He didn't speak. He just looked at her, pleading it was some type of joke. He wouldn't ever let her know he didn't want her to go- he had already been too sappy earlier. She wouldn't have taken him seriously anyways, so he shouldn't bother… Right?

"Say something…" She ordered and sat nervously in front of him.

"What am I supposed to say?" He shot back and gave her a look of loathing. He was back to his superior cocky self, not letting emotions get the best of him. Better yet, not becoming attached to anyone.

She looked to the left slightly. "Nothing I guess," she said softly as if hurt. But he knew better. She wasn't hurt. She was the one that pushed him away. She was the one that for a small amount of time had gained a type of control over him. Logan would not let her get the best of him ever again. Dana was leaving for Paris now, gone forever-

So why wasn't he happy?

She unfolded the shirt that was lying in her lap, and pulled it over her head quickly as if she was self-conscious. But she couldn't be…

She began walking away and he opened his mouth.

Nothing came out though. He was praying to himself for her to look back just once. If she looked back, he would get the courage to call out her name.

But she kept walking, and didn't stop. Logan didn't notice how he was leaning towards the place where she had just been moments before; already missing her presence.


He now thinks of that moment while sitting in his computer chair looking out the window. It didn't feel right the way he left things last night.

She deserved a goodbye at the least.

After poking and prying at his chin for longer than he could remember he suddenly jumped up from his chair and ran out his dorm room.

He took no notice to the many curious stares people held on their faces, or how he left his dorm door open for anyone to gain access to all his items.

He just ran towards the PCA parking lot. So determined on getting there quick enough. She just said she was leaving this morning, not a time. He stood in the parking lot out of breath.

No one was around.

Why wasn't anybody here?!

He looked out towards the road, and saw the back end of a yellow cab. It had already started and was beginning to drive away. He didn't know if she was in the cab car and that small detail bothers him. He doesn't know why it does, because he shouldn't care.

It was her, however, in the backseat of that yellow cab…

But she never did see his last attempt to say goodbye.