Forbidden Desires

Chapter 1

Party Time

Lilly walked across a room filled with music, people, and food. She was at a party, one which her cousin dragged her into. She really could careless about going to parties, especially when she's on her summer vacation and in a different state visiting her cousins.

Her cousin, Trisha, a tall skinny blond haired girl, held her hand as she led her toward a group of boys and girls, huddled in the corner of the room. She turned to Lilly, flashing a smile, and tightened her grip on Lilly's hand.

"You're going to love them." Trisha said as she flipped her hair over her shoulder, once again looking straight ahead.

Lilly rolled her eyes and looked down at her attire. She wore a plain camisole top with capri pants. She wasn't dressed to go to a party in the first place, but her cousin begged her to go and she didn't have much time to dress in something more… showy.

Lilly sighed as her cousin pulled her toward her friends. She wrapped an arm around Lilly's shoulders.

"Hey guys!" Trisha's perky voice filled the room and the boys and girls that stood before them looked at the two girls.

"Sup Trish?" Some guy in the background said.

Lilly kept her gaze down, feeling quite uncomfortable. This wasn't her scene and it just made her feel even more uneasy. People were drinking, others were practically having sex in the middle of the living room, and it made her feel disgusted.

"This is my cousin Lilly, she's from California." Trisha announced to her group of friends.

Lilly looked up at Trisha as she let go of me and went over to the couch and sat on a boy's lap, who she assumed, was her boyfriend.

She rolled her eyes at her cousin, angry that she just left her alone in them middle of a place and she didn't know anyone at all. She crossed her arms and started to walk over toward a table which had a few snacks on the table. She eyes the table, noticing that there wasn't anything that looked edible so she leaned against the table, watching everything screw around in the room.

"This is so boring." She said under her breath and looked back at her cousin who was now stuck in a steamy make out session with the boy she was sitting on.

She turned around and shook her head. All she was going to do for the rest of the night was stand around and it really bothered her. She could be at home, responding to her mom and Miley's emails and text messages.

Then she thought about her other best friend who seemed to somehow forget about her throughout the years. Oliver moved away during their sophomore year and he promised so many things beforehand, but he never kept them.

Thinking about Oliver just made her even angrier, she called, text, and emailed him almost everyday and he would back, but soon after that he stopped talking to her, but now Oliver was far from her mind. Her used to be best friend from preschool had a life now and she did too, so it didn't matter to her anymore.

She still remembered Oliver's last day in Malibu…


"Lilly." Lilly heard someone say with a knocking coming from her window.

Lilly lay on her bed, still, under her covers, afraid to see who it was. She thought it was her mind that was playing tricks on her, knocking on the door, but when someone started to talk and knocking on her window even harder, she knew that it wasn't just anyone.

"Lilly!" the person then shouted with a loud knock following it. "It's O-li-ver!"

Lilly's eyes widened and kicked her sheet off herself as she made her way toward the window. She looked outside as she pushed the window open and there, Oliver's face popped up, over the open window.

"Finally!" He said as he climbed into the room. As soon as his feet touched the ground, he took deep breaths, and smiled at Lilly.

"What are you doing here Oliver, I thought you were leaving?" She asked and he shook his head.

"I couldn't leave without seeing you. When Miley came over, I thought you were coming over, but I didn't see you. I don't want to leave with someone hating me." Oliver then said and Lilly sighed, leaning against the wall next to the window.

It never occurred to her that he didn't want to leave with her hating him. She just hated him for leaving her alone after being friends for so many years. She didn't want to let it die down and it hurt her that this might be the last time they were going to see each other.

"I don't hate you Oliver, I just hate that you're leaving me. You've been my best friend since forever and you're just going to leave me and forget about me. It's not cool." Lilly shook her head and crossed her arms.

"I'm sorry Lilly; it's my dads fault for being transferred." He sighed and walked in front of Lilly, cupping her cheeks.

"I'll promise you that I'll always email you and talk to you, whatever you want. I don't want to forget about what we went through these years so I'll always remember you and your silliness, I mean come on, I don't think there will be anyone as cool as you in Seattle." He smirked.

"You're right." Lilly finally broke the frown and smiled. "You better not forget about me you jerk." She playfully pushed his chest and he laughed.

"There will always be one Lilly." He said and pulled her into a tight hug.

They heard someone walking up the stairs and Oliver pulled away from her. He looked at the door and sighed.

"I should be going." Oliver said and started to climb through the window.

Lilly went to the window and watched as he started to climb down.

"Wait Oliver." She said and Oliver looked up at her.

Lilly stuck her head through the window and quickly kissed him.

"How is that for remembering me?" She winked at him and he stared at her, shocked.

He lost his footing from the wall and soon started falling back.

"Oliver!" Lilly said loud enough for him to hear. "Are you okay?"

Oliver groaned in pain. "I'm fine. Bye." He said and got up from the ground. He shook himself off and sprinted across the lawn and back to his house.


Lilly shook her head in the memory and stared at a bowl in front of her which looked like dip with some extra things inside of it. She cringed, shaking her head, and was about to turn around when felt hands fall on her shoulder.

"You Trisha's cousin right?" She heard a soft velvety voice said behind her.

She whipped her head around and saw a tall blond boy standing right behind her smiling seductively done at her.

"Uh-huh." Lilly nodded, shyly turning her whole body around.

He was nicely built, one of the model like figures which made her feel giggly on the inside.

"Do you want to hang out?" He nodded his head to Lilly and she shook her head.

She didn't know who this guy was and she really didn't want to talk to anyone right now, she wanted to be alone, like her cousin wanted her to be.

"You sure?" The boy asked as he placed a finger on her chin. He tilted it upward, making her eyes meet his green ones.

"Yes. Bye." She said as she moved his hand from her chin.

She looked around the room and noticed a sliding door which led to the backyard. She looked back at the guy, who was watching her from afar, and walked toward the sliding door. She opened it, slipped out of the room, and turned around in the dark yard. She noticed a pool and some seats near the pool. She sighed and sat down on a long chair near the pool. Just as she was about to move to lay down on it, she heard a voice talk behind her.

"Wanted some quietness huh?" It was a guy.

She rolled her eyes and crossed her legs. "Yeah, which I thought I was going to have coming out here, but I see that I'll be annoyed by you." She rudely replied.

She just needed to get the anger out with what her cousin put her through, just leaving her on the side and a guy walking up to her, probably because her cousin told him to hang out with her. She didn't need anyone's pity.

"Hey, its okay, I get that a lot. I really didn't want to come here tonight too, but here I am. I'll leave if you want me to." The guy said and Lilly shook her head.

"No, no it's okay, you don't have to leave. I'm just mad at my cousin. She dragged me here and she left me alone. It's so stupid, and I'm here on vacation too and I'm here for a month. I wonder if she's going to use me like this again." She shook her head and stared down at the pool.

She didn't know why she was telling some stranger how she felt, but she just needed to vent her feelings about her idiotic cousin. She felt the chair move and realized that the guy sat down next to her, but on the other side.

"That must suck. Where are you from?" He softly replied and I smiled.


"I used to live there."

"Really? What's your name?" Lilly asked curiously as she continued to stare down at the pool.

She didn't want to look at the guy, afraid that he might think she's a stalker or some sort. At least can tell people back in Malibu that she met someone that used to live back in Malibu at a party Trisha forced her to go to.

There was something about his voice that sounded vaguely familiar, but she didn't make anything of it. There couldn't be someone out there from a different state that could sound like anyone she knew. Or so she believed.

"I'm Oliver, Oliver Oken."

A/N Just an idea I got a while ago, but it wouldn't let me forget about it so I just wrote it.

Should I continue it?

If I do continue, the rating may change to something else. I don't know yet.